Clementines and chestnuts entremet

Clementines and chestnuts entremet
For this beautiful dessert, we place a disc of clementine cream on a chestnut dacquoise cookie.

We will use the technique of the insert taken in the cold for this recipe, and thus to obtain easily a very beautiful dessert.
18 K 3.5/5 (4 reviews)
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Last modified on: January 25th 2023
For 4 people, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 12 hours 30 min.
Resting: 2 hours 10 min.
Cooking: 20 min.
All in all: 14 hours 60 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
If you start now, at , you will finish around : ?.Change start time
To finish around 7pm, you'll need to have started before: .Change end time

Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 5 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet

Clementine cream

Film the bottom of a 22 cm (8.5 inch) circle, folding over the edges, to make a temporary mold.

Stage 2 - 12 hours
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
Prepare 400 g clementine creamy and pour it into the "mold".

Put in the freezer for at least 4 hours, maybe overnight.

Stage 3 - 5 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
The next day, turn out the frozen creamy disk, enjoy the ease of handling.

Put it back in the freezer to await.

Stage 4 - 15 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet

The chestnut dacquoise cookie

Heat your oven to 180°C (360°F).

Prepare 300 g almond dacquoise, replacing half the almond powder with chestnut flour.

Pour the dough into the pie circle...

Stage 5 - 20 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
... and bake for 20 minutes.

Stage 6 - 10 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
Turn out while still warm (be careful, the dough is very fragile), and let cool on a rack.

Stage 7 - 2 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet

Assembling the entremet

Place the dacquoise disk in a dish.

Stage 8 - 2 min.
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
Place the creamy disk on top of the dacquoise disk.

Note the advantage of keeping the creamy disk in the freezer, making it very easy to handle.

Stage 9 - 2 hours
Clementines and chestnuts entremet
Let the creaminess recover in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

Decorate with (for example) 2 leaves and 2 thin slices of clementines.

Your dessert is ready.
You can replace the chestnut dacquoise with another cookie of your choice (génoise (genoa sponge), almond dacquoise, "moelleux" cake batter, etc.).

For an even more gourmet dessert, you can puncture the cookie disk with a syrup or alcohol (or a mixture of both) of your choice.
Keeping: 1 day in the refrigerator.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe200 RDI=80 %1,180 RDI=110 %560 RDI=80 %5,590 RDI=280 %23,400 RDI: 280 %
Per 100 g30 RDI=10 %170 RDI=20 %80 RDI=10 %800 RDI=40 %3,340 RDI: 40 %
Per person50 RDI=20 %290 RDI=30 %140 RDI=20 %1,400 RDI=70 %5,850 RDI: 70 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: egg, Milk, Nuts
How much will it cost?
  • For 4 people : 5.50 €
  • Per person : 1.40 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
This recipe uses (among others)
Clementine Creamy
Clementine Creamy

You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example:

Almond dacquoise
Almond dacquoise

You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example:

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