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Rosemary steamed fish
Rosemary steamed fish
In this recipe the fish is cooked in steam perfumed with rosemary, which makes it tender and aromatic, served on a bed of onions fondue and finished with a dry white wine sauce.
03.8 1 29th 2020

Eggs in tomato shells
Eggs in tomato shells
This is a novel way of cooking eggs: in tomato "shells" or egg-cups! For extra flavour, we'll put a spoonful of caramelized onions in the tomato first.
03.9 1 3 11th 2015
Stuffed Mushrooms
Stuffed Mushrooms
In this recipe, the mushrooms are stuffed with caramelized onions, topped with cheese and cooked in the oven. As mushrooms tend to give off a lot of liquid, especially when very fresh, the cooking is done in two stages.
04.1 57 10th 2023

Loaf for "les filles'"
Loaf for "les filles'"
This loaf for "the girls" in three colours is made by putting together three doughs, each with a different flavour: tomato for the red, pesto with olives for the green and onion for the white. The three different doughs fuse as they rise together in the tin before cooking, to produce an unusual...
04.6 4 6 30th 2019