List of recipes using Grapefruit: 10 recipes
List of recipes using Grapefruit
- Desserts : 8 recipes
- Drinks and cocktails : 1 recipe
- Tips and tricks : 1 recipe
Candied grapefruit peel
Not really a dessert, more a kind of sweet. After soakiing, strips of grapefruit skin are cooked very slowly to conservethem in sugar. It's a real treat with coffee at the end of a meal.December 20th 2018374 K 14 1 day 1 hour 25 min.
Chaud-froid of grapefruit, pineapple and lime custard
Cold grapefruit quarters with slices of hot caramelized pineapple, lime custard (crème anglaise) and citrus crunch.December 20th 2010258 K4.5 2 hours 5 min.
Citrus tart
This is an unconventional tart, though the recipe is quite simple: no cream filling in the bottom, just slices of lightly poached fruit in a sweetcrust pastry case.July 8th 202032 K 2 hours 35 min.
Fresh fruit in sabayon
Fresh grapefruit and / or pears, covered with a sabayon and a pinch of citrus crunch.February 21th 2011288 K4.7 55 min.
Fruit salad
To make a good fruit salad, there are three important points: Choose fruits that go well together (avoid putting soft pears with crunchy apples for example).Remove absolutely all skins and seeds.Bring it all together with a good home made sugar syrup added to the fruit juices.Here is a recipe which...April 20th 2020384 K4.1 1 hour 15 min.
Grapefruit cake
A moist, triple grapefruit cake: zest, juice and syrup.March 24th 202415 K 2 1 hour 20 min.
Grapefruit moelleux
The french love their "moelleux" — moist fondant cakes, often with a melting centre. These little mini-moelleux are flavoured with grapefruit. The grapefruit flavour is brought out fully by using a combination of juice, zest and candied peel.March 24th 201954 K5 1 hour 7 min.
Pear, grapefruit and pistachio tart
A sweetcrust pastry case filled with pistachio cream, topped with pear and grapefruit slices.February 17th 201389 K4.3 1 hour 40 min.
Mulled wine Belle-Plagne style
If it's cold or you're in the snow, you will appreciate mulled wine which warms body and soul... There are as many mulled wine recipes as ski runs, so here is a basic one that you can easily adapt to your taste.February 21th 2011244 K 14 1 hour 35 min.
How to peel a fruit
Usually French chefs says "peler à vif", which means to completely peel the fruit (removing skin and core) and keep only the very best of the flesh. Here is a method for grapefruit, but it can be used for all the other citrus fruit, and many other fruits.February 21th 2011182 K4.3 35 min.