List of recipes using Small pieces of bacon: 11 recipes
List of recipes using Small pieces of bacon
- Starters : 2 recipes
- Meat : 2 recipes
- Miscellanous : 6 recipes
- Baking : 1 recipe
Comtoise endive salad
This endive salad has a Comtoise twist as a change from the usual pairing of endives with walnuts. The endives are finely sliced, mixed with fried smoked bacon, diced Comté cheese and a little chopped parsley, then dessed with a good vinaigrette.March 6th 201951 K 40 min.
Salad paysanne
This rustic traditional dish (literally "peasant salad") combines cold sliced potatoes and green beans (cooked separately) with chopped red onion and fried lardons. The salad is finished with a vinaigrette dressing and parsley, or your choice of herbs.October 21th 202042 K1.5 20 min.
Rabbit civet "à la normande"
In French cooking, "à la normande" means there are apples involved, as Normandy is famous for them. In this twist on the classic civet, the rabbit meat is cooked on the bone in cider, after marinating overnight. The sauce is made at the end with the cooking juices and cream.March 26th 201759 K4.6 15 hours 3 min.
Veal Marengo
Marengo made with chunks of veal, simmered long and slow in a tomato sauce with mushrooms and onions. This is a recipe with historical roots, named after one of Napoleon's battles, near Marengo in Italy in June 1800.May 10th 202354 K 2 hours 55 min.
Eggs meurette
Eggs meurette or "œufs à la bourguignonne" is a great classic of French cooking, and of Burgundy in particular. It consists of poached eggs on a bed of fondue onions and bacon, served on a slice of fried bread. This is topped with a tasty reduced red wine sauce.March 29th 2020200 K 14.1 1 hour 15 min.
Endives "bonne femme"
A one-pot endive dish with potatoes, onion and bacon. [Translator's note: the French "bonne femme" style is good, straightforward home cooking (whether the cook is a man or a woman!).May 12th 2013116 K4.3 1 hour 25 min.
Montbenoit's canapés
A recipe from Franche-comté (lovely region of eastern France): large slices of bread coated with melted shallot, grilled bacon dice, a big slice of Morbier (cheese from the same region) and a brief spell in the oven. It really is a winter dish.October 13th 2010276 K4.6 1 hour 45 min.
Smoked tomato toast
This recipe makes delicious toast with cherry tomato compote, smoked bacon and cheese.December 8th 20245,937 1 hour 15 min.
Spinach à la Lorraine
Smoked bacon, shallots and cream to accompany spinach cooked separately, to form a very gourmet dish.February 21th 202412 K 35 min.
Stuffed baguette
This baguette is "stuffed", rather than merely filled: hollowed out and refilled with a tasty mix of sautéed onions, fried bacon bits and eggs, before browning in the oven. A useful way to use up a leftover baguette, even if it is already going dry. It makes a great dish that children love, and...September 11th 2019108 K3 55 min.
Comtois surprise bread
In this recipe, a simple burger bun is hollowed out to hide a filling of fried potatoes and bacon in a pool of hot cancoillotte cheese. It is usual to eat the filling first, then the bread, still piping hot, with the remaining cheese. Children really love this!May 10th 202037 K 40 min.