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List of all pages
Here you'll find a list of all the pages published on the site, excluding recipes and blog posts, sorted by theme.
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Last modified on: August 29th 2024
The website
  • The website

  • Information

  • What is this site, and who am I?
    What is this site, and who am I?
    The important thing is the content of the site, the recipes and information you can find, but some of you want to know who is behind it all.
    August 29th 2023215 K 44.2
  • On this site you can...
    On this site you can... is a site that offers you many possibilities. Here are the main functions and information available to you. .
    August 29th 2023200 K 23.7
  • Website technical evolution
    Website technical evolution
    This page lists all the improvements/modifications that have been made to the site, in chronological order. .
    August 29th 2023210 K3.8
  • The protection of your data
    The protection of your data
    At we are always concerned about your data, both those that you have entrusted to us by registering, that those you generate by consulting the various pages and recipes of the site. This page presents our commitments, and the various measures we put in place to ensure this protection.
    August 29th 202339 K4.3
  • Site legal notices
    Site legal notices
    All French websites, whether professionally edited or not, must display mandatory information for the information of the public. Here are those of the site. .
    August 29th 202316 K5
  • Content

  • Other cookery websites
    Other cookery websites
    List of my other favourite sites.
    August 29th 2023199 K3.9
  • Random menu...
    Random menu...
    This page presents you with a random 3-course menu: a starter, a main course and a dessert, based on the recipes on the site. You can change each dish individually, or all 3 at once, or request a menu that does not contain certain ingredients of your choice.
    October 27th 2024904 K3.9
  • My best addresses...
    My best addresses...
    Quite a few of you often ask me where I can find this or that? or is such and such a thing a good buy? or which brand is best for this or that? On this page, I'm going to group together my good addresses for suppliers of this or that product or utensil, and good books on the subjects that interest...
    August 29th 2023303 K3.9
  • Webmaster tools
    Webmaster tools
    This page gathers in one place all the free widgets available for webmasters or bloggers to incorporate (automatically) news from the site.
    August 29th 2023240 K3.5
  • My EZ Cooking

  • My menus
    My menus
    To make my personal menus, with recipes from the site, add comment and title.
    July 1st 202111 K4.5
  • Personal recipe
    Personal recipe
    Display of a personal recipe.
    July 1st 202113 K4.4
  • News list and "My cooking EZ"
    News list and "My cooking EZ"
    Are you interested in what is published on this website, and do you want to keep up with news? If so, you can subscribe for free to the news list, the automatic e-mail service of This way, whenever a new recipe is published on the site, you will be informed immediately by an...
    August 29th 2023122 K3.8
  • Subscriber's recipes
    Subscriber's recipes
    This list includes the recipes which were submitted by subscribers of Those recipes, under the responsibility of their author, are not always in the same format of the site, one photo by each step, but they are the result of the work of passionate womens and mens, thank you to them...
    August 29th 2023176 K3.7
  • Advices for writing your recipes
    Advices for writing your recipes
    If you choose to submit one of your recipes, you'll need to do so via a form (accessible when you're logged in), in which you'll need to enter all the information about the recipe. Please note that in order to log in, you must first create an account. Here are some tips on how to fill in the various...
    August 29th 202359 K4.4
  • Navigation

  • Submitting a comment or image
    Submitting a comment or image
    You can, if you wish, add a comment on the pages, articles and recipes of the site. This comment, or question, will be immediately put on line and available for consultation. Here are a few tips for your writing. .
    August 29th 202380 K 23.9
  • All the videos on the site
    All the videos on the site
    Here you'll find all the recipes that include a video in each step.
    August 29th 2023237 K 23.7
  • List of all posts of the blog
    List of all posts of the blog
    On this page you will find a list of all the articles published on the blog, sorted by year and date of publication.
    August 29th 2023219 K3.7
  • All the RSS feeds of
    All the RSS feeds of offers you a number of RSS feeds that you can use as you wish. These feeds are updated automatically, according to their content.
    August 29th 2023199 K3.9
  • Site map
    Site map
    Here's the site map: all lists, pages and published articles.
    August 29th 2023110 K4
  • This site without commercials?
    This site without commercials?
    Cooking-ez is a free non-commercial, but it still needs a little sub to pay its own expenses (web hosting, domain name, etc.). And that's why banners advertisements are displayed on the pages of the site. This is not pleasant, we are well aware of that, but there is another solution: you can...
    August 29th 2023104 K3.7
  • The most viewed...
    The most viewed...
    Here you'll find all the 10 most successful recipes on the site, the "pluses" (viewed, sent, rated, commented etc.).
    August 29th 2023133 K4.7

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Other pages you may also like
Random menu...
Random menu...
This page presents you with a random 3-course menu: a starter, a main course and a dessert, based on the recipes on the site. You can change each dish individually, or all 3 at once, or request a menu that does not contain certain ingredients of your choice.
October 27th 2024904 K3.9
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
October 15th 20241.17 M3.6
At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
June 3rd 2024733 K 413.6
At what time?
At what time?
This page will automatically calculate for you, in 1 click, the start or end times of a recipe, and answer 2 questions that you may have already asked yourself: - At what time to start this recipe to finish at ...? or else - At what time would I finish this recipe if I start at ...?
August 29th 20231.83 M 23.9
Other cookery websites
Other cookery websites
List of my other favourite sites.
August 29th 2023199 K3.9

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