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Last modified on: August 29th 2024
  • Miscellanous

  • The bread oven

  • Bread oven
    Bread oven
    Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
    October 15th 20241.17 M3.6
  • Foundations
    A bread oven is very heavy (over a ton), so you should start by preparing a solid base on which it can be built.
    August 24th 2024119 K4.1
  • The oven itself (hearth)
    The oven itself (hearth)
    The main part of the oven (the hearth) as sold by the producer ("Fayol" company) consists of 9 slabs (to form the sole) and the curved sections which make up the domed oven, plus a keystone which fits in the top.
    August 30th 2024125 K3.8
  • Oven housing
    Oven housing
    Once the domed oven is finished and dry, we can start to construct the housing around it.
    August 30th 2024115 K3.9
  • Roof
    Once oven housing is built, it needs protecting from the elements with a roof.
    August 30th 202480 K3.9
  • Finishing touches
    Finishing touches
    Is an oven really ever finished? Well there are always ideas for improvements. Here are af few...
    August 30th 202472 K4.4
  • Advice on heating oven
    Advice on heating oven
    For good results with a wood-fired oven, it's very important to manage the heating process well. Here is some advice to help you succeed in this delicate operation.
    August 24th 2024178 K4.0
  • Open fire cooking
    Open fire cooking
    In this method the fire is kept going in the oven, and we put in dishes that cook in a minute or two. It is, of course, the method for pizzas, pitta bread, etc...
    August 24th 202491 K3.9
  • Closed fire cooking
    Closed fire cooking
    For this method, the oven is emptied of embers, cleaned, and door closed until it drops to the cooking temperature of 250°C or 482°F. It's the method used for breads, pies and tarts, cakes, etc.
    August 24th 202452 K4.4
  • The steam machine
    The steam machine
    Fogging is an essential element in a bread oven. It's not easy to see, but it's the presence of fog that makes breads golden brown. To get steam on a regular basis, you can put a ramekin full of water in the bottom of the oven, or spray the inside with a sprayer, but this solution requires you to...
    August 24th 202459 K4
  • Some hints for a pizza-party
    Some hints for a pizza-party
    A pizza party is always a very pleasant and convivial occasion. Good people (friends and family) get together to enjoy delicious pizzas, baked right in the oven. Here are a few tips to help you make yours a success.
    August 30th 2024188 K3.7

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