List of recipes using Egg-plant or aubergine: 8 recipes
List of recipes using Egg-plant or aubergine
- Miscellanous : 8 recipes
Cauliflower and purple eggplant with Greek pesto
Mediterranean flavors for this recipe where cauliflower and purple eggplant are bound together with a Greek-style "pesto".September 4th 202221 K 60 min.
Eggplant Polpette
These easy-to-make and delicious eggplant polpettes (dumplings) are great as a side dish with meat or even on their own, but also as a patty in a veggie burger.November 24th 20249,038 1 hour 25 min.
Madras rice
Slices of sautéed aubergine and the lovely yellow colour from the curry spices bring a hint of India to this rice dish, given a twist with a little fried ham.December 16th 201878 K 30 min.
Here is my personal version of this famous recipe from the eastern Mediterranean. It's a kind of gratin, made with layers of aubergines, cooked meat with tomatos and bechamel sauce with cheese.August 1st 2011377 K 14 2 hours 55 min.
Ratatouille is a typical Mediterranean dish. The best-known version comes from Nice. It is a ragout of different vegetables (aubergines, peppers, courgettes, onions) in a tomato sauce.September 29th 2013115 K5 1 hour 55 min.
Ratatouille confite
In this ratatouille recipe, the vegetables are cooked longer than usual to get a richer melting dish.June 12th 2011219 K 13.8 2 hours 40 min.
Two-cheese vegetable gratin
This is a vegetable gratin with a difference: 3 layers of different vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli and aubergine) with two different cheeses for a flavousome topping: Comté and Époisse.October 16th 201951 K3.5 1 hour 25 min.
Vegetable tian
A tian is a slow-cooked Mediterranean dish. It consists mainly of sliced vegetables packed in vertical rows and baked in the oven. This version, inspired by Isabelle's, is boosted with a little grilled ham and cheese.September 23th 202046 K 2 hours 15 min.