List of recipes using Peeled and chopped tomatoes: 10 recipes (lactose free)

List of recipes using Peeled and chopped tomatoes


Chicken "cantina"

Chicken "cantina"

Veal Marengo

Veal Marengo


Pissaladière with puff pastry

Pissaladière with puff pastry

Sausage rougail

Sausage rougail

Sausages with baked beans, French style

Sausages with baked beans, French style

Spinach and chick peas "à la milanaise"

Spinach and chick peas "à la milanaise"

Sunday night pasta

Sunday night pasta

Tagliatelle with rillons and tomatoes

Tagliatelle with rillons and tomatoes


Tomato sauce (for pizzas)

Tomato sauce (for pizzas)

World recipes

Rice à l'italienne

Rice à l'italienne

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