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Recipes: 9 results
Tart Tatin
Tart Tatin
(Found inTextsStages)
Tart tatin is one of the great classic desserts of French cooking. It's an apple tart cooked upside down. Apples are cooked in sugar until they caramelise. Then a circle of puff pastry is put on top, and the whole tart is baked at 356°F (180°C) for 20 minutes. To serve, the tart is turned over so...
396K 13.8 1 hour 17 min. October 30th 2015
Tomato tatin
Tomato tatin
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A savoury shortcrust pastry with Parmesan is used to cover tomatoes cooked in two stages, first in the pan, then in the oven. As for a classic tart tatin, the whole thing is then turned upside down.
139K4.8 2 hours 35 min. December 5th 2010
Tatin apples with mascarpone cream
Tatin apples with mascarpone cream
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Small pieces of apple cooked "tatin" style (caramelized in a pan) with a light mascarpone cream.
175K4.3 1 hour 3 min. November 20th 2011
Brioche Tatin
Brioche Tatin
(Found inTexts)
For this filled brioche, the apples are cooked separately, as for a tart tatin (caramelized), then sandwiched between two circles of brioche dough.
71K3.7 3 hours 21 min. September 10th 2018
Apple Tatin Terrine
Apple Tatin Terrine
(Found inTexts)
Imagine a sweet terrine, made of layers of apples with sugar, cooked slowly in the oven until caramelized. Serve warm in slices with custard.
72K4.1 3 hours 28 min. December 14th 2014
Toffee apple upside-down cake
Toffee apple upside-down cake
(Found inTexts)
With a flavour reminiscent of the French classic tart tatin, this cake is made with a ring of tart apples arranged on a layer of caramel, then covered with the batter. After baking, the cake is turned out while still hot so that the caramelized apples are on the top with the moist cake underneath.
46K5 1 hour 46 min. December 4th 2016
Tatin apple diplomat tart
Tatin apple diplomat tart
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This tart is every bit as good as it looks: a sweetcrust pastry case baked blind, then filled with diplomat cream and topped with apples cooked tatin-style, long and slow in butter and sugar until they caramelize.
36K 2 hours 18 min. November 20th 2019
Caramelized pear custard tart
Caramelized pear custard tart
(Found inTexts)
You may well be familiar with the famous French custard tart, with its creamy vanilla egg-custard filling. It can also be made in individual portions, in ramekins, for example. Here is a delicious version with caramelized pears.
56K 2 1 hour 3 min. July 13th 2022
Potato tortilla (Spanish omelette)
Potato tortilla (Spanish omelette)
(Found inStages)
Tortilla is a recipe from Spain, which can be eat hot or cold. It's a kind of omelette, with several ingredients, in this recipe potatoes, onion and smoked ham. Ingredients are cooked first, then mixed with egg, to make a tortilla which is cooked on both sides.
286K 34 1 hour 17 min. February 21th 2011
Blog articles: 7 results
The painter, the restaurant owners and the opera singer
The painter, the restaurant owners and the opera singer
You might well have noticed that there are recipes involving names that have been so overused (often for any old thing) that they have almost become common nouns.
17K4.4 September 25th 2012
Markers in cooking
Markers in cooking
When it comes to cooking, there is only one real rule, and that is that there are no rules! By that I mean that everything is possible, everything can be combined, everything or almost everything can go with everything, but you have to like it, you have to find it good. I have friends who...
7,4275 July 3rd 2021
How to zest a fruit?
How to zest a fruit?
You will have no doubt noticed that many recipes call for the zest of citrus fruit. The zest is that outer layer of the skin which adds so much flavour to a dish. There are many different ways to peel off the zest and various tools are available. Here is a summary of the “dos and don'ts” of...
41K3.8 November 5th 2013
The magic of local wines
The magic of local wines
It's never easy to find the right wine to serve with the dish you've just cooked for your guests, because we're not all amateur sommeliers, and then there are so many possible choices in wines that "the perfect match" seems like a distant utopia, almost impossible to obtain. Add to that a lot of...
7,2014.7 April 7th 2020
Kitchen ovens
Kitchen ovens
You certainly have one in your kitchen, an oven, the essential tool for all kinds of cooking, whether in the kitchen of course, but also in pastry, bakery, pizza, and many others. Here is some information on its structure and operation.
23K4.4 May 16th 2020
How to avoid lumps
How to avoid lumps
You've probably come across this unpleasant phenomenon where, when you try to incorporate an ingredient (usually a solid or powder) into a preparation (usually a liquid), the mixture doesn't mix properly and you end up with little "balls" or little lumps of the solid part that refuse to mix with the...
14K4.8 October 9th 2020
The peak of the apple season
The peak of the apple season
As I write these lines, we are in the middle of the apple season, and it's an apple year, as you may have noticed if you have apple trees around you, they are bursting with fruit! Excellent news for the people in the west of France in particular, but let's have a little thought for those in the...
5,1445 October 23th 2021

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