How to prepare corn salad

How to prepare corn salad
Corn salad (or lamb's lettuce) is a green salad plant. It can be used like lettuce, but requires careful preparation as it is often grown in sand.

Here is how to prepare corn salad from the freshly picked plant to the leaves ready to use.
148 K 3.6/5 (76 reviews)
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Last modified on: April 10th 2013
You will need:
  • 1 corn salad 300 g corn salad
  • 2 white (spirit) vinegar 1 tablespoon white (spirit) vinegar
  • Total weight: 315 grams

Times for this recipe
Preparation: 10 min.
Resting: 10 min.
All in all: 20 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
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Step by step recipe

Stage 1
How to prepare corn salad
Corn salad comes in small "tufts" and these are often full of sand or earth.

Stage 2 - 10 min.
How to prepare corn salad
Plunge the corn salad into a sink full of water that is barely lukewarm with a little vinegar added.

Swish the leaves round thoroughly and leave to soak for 10 minutes.

Stage 3 - 5 min.
How to prepare corn salad
After this time, take the leaves out using a


Stage 4
How to prepare corn salad
...or simply use your hands.

Stage 5
How to prepare corn salad
You will see that this rinsing has washed out a lot of sand or earth.

If the corn salad is still not completely clean (you can still find sand on it), change the water and rinse a second time.

Stage 6 - 5 min.
How to prepare corn salad
Trim off any roots that are still attached.

Stage 7
How to prepare corn salad
Finish by drying the corn salad in a salad spinner. It is then ready for use.
Keeping: A few hours in the fridge rpotected with plastic film.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe03 RDI=0 %010 RDI=1 %50 RDI: 1 %
Per 100 g0003 RDI=0 %20 RDI: 0 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Sulfites
How much will it cost?
  • For : 2.00 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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Corn salad
Corn salad

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