How to cook caramelized puff pastry well

How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
When puff pastry is caramelized to use in patisseries like millefeuille, French chefs call it a "feuilletage" (which means "lamination" or "leafing"). This is baked on its own before being assembled with cream, fruit, etc.

The baking needs to be carefully managed: the pastry should puff into layers, but not swell too much (just a few millimeters normally). To achieve this, we need to follow a special method that I have explained for you here.
275 K 3.7/5 (92 reviews)
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Last modified on: September 3rd 2017
For 1 feuilletage, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 15 min.
Cooking: 25 min.
All in all: 40 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
If you start now, at , you will finish around : ?.Change start time
To finish around 7pm, you'll need to have started before: .Change end time

Step by step recipe

Stage 1
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
We need to end up with postry that is well-layered, but has not risen too much. To acheive this we will be cooking it on a baking sheet, with 2 shallow supports at the sides, covered with a protective sheet of cooking parchment (to stop it sticking), and a second baking sheet on top.

The diagram alongside explains this assembly: 1= bottom baking sheet, 2= puff pastry, 3= metal supports (about 1/2 inch or 1 cm deep), 4= protective cooking parchment, 5= top baking sheet.

Stage 2 - 2 min.
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C).

Roll out the pastry and lay it on a baking sheet. If it comes ready rolled with a sheet of paper, just leave this in place, as in the photo.

Stage 3 - 3 min.
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Dust the pastry all over with 30 g caster sugar in as even a layer as possible.

Stage 4 - 2 min.
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Place the two metal supports (they will be going in the oven) on either side, so that they are not touching the pastry. These are 2 old metal school rulers 1 cm (about 1/2 inch) thick.

Stage 5 - 2 min.
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Lay a sheet of cooking parchment on top.

Note: Pull the paper taut so that it is not sitting on the pastry - this will help the cooking and browning.

Stage 6 - 2 min.
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Place a second baking sheet on top.

Stage 7 - 25 min.
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Put this whole contraption in the oven and bake for about 25 minutes.

Stage 8
How to cook caramelized puff pastry well
Watch for how the pastry is browning. The top baking sheet should be removed after about 20 minutes to allow the top of the feuillletage to brown nicely. Make use of this opportunity to turn the baking sheet round if necessary so that the pastry cooks evenly.

Take the pastry out of the oven when golden brown and leave to cool on a wire rack before using in a recipe.
It is important to caramelize the pastry: for flavour, of courxe, but mostly because the caramel forms a sealing layer which protects the pastry from the moist filling (usually cream) and keeps it crisp longer.

If you prefer not to caramelize the pastry, you can glaze it with egg to make it look more attractive.

Making a successful feuilletage is not easy, especially at first. It is worth remembering that the great French chef Joël Robuchon, when asked: "When was the first time you felt like a real cook?", replied: "The day I made my first successful strawberry millefeuille". So, be brave and have a go!
Keeping: A few hours.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe120 RDI=50 %960 RDI=90 %850 RDI=130 %1,190 RDI=60 %4,960 RDI: 60 %
Per 100 g40 RDI=20 %340 RDI=30 %300 RDI=50 %420 RDI=20 %1,770 RDI: 20 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Gluten, Milk, Sulfites
How much will it cost?
  • For 1 feuilletage : 0.80 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
This recipe uses (among others)
Puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée)
Puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée)

You can get more informations, or check-out other recipes which use it, for example: Vegetable rosette tart, Chicken and mushroom pie, Puits d'amour, Epiphany galette, Two-cheese quiche, ... See them all 71

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I am not a leaving thing
The 2 comments already posted on this recipe
  • You can use sugar syrup, but in that case don't add paper on top.
    Actually this not really a good option, with syrup you add some water, which is the enemy of golden crust.
    Dusting sugar is the better option for me.
    Posted by jh may 17th 2020 at 14:39 n° 2
  • Love this, and the whole site. How didn't I find it earlier?
    A question: at stage 3, would it work to brush the pastry with sugar syrup (or even just sugar in water) instead of dusting it?
    Posted by hmijail may 17th 2020 at 05:45 n° 1
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