List of recipes using Peeled and chopped tomatoes: 14 recipes
List of recipes using Peeled and chopped tomatoes
- Meat : 2 recipes
- Miscellanous : 8 recipes
- Baking : 1 recipe
- World recipes : 3 recipes
Chicken "cantina"
Chicken cantina is a simple recipe for spicy chicken with onions and tomatoes, served with rice, red beans or both.March 10th 202410K 37 min.
Veal Marengo
Marengo made with chunks of veal, simmered long and slow in a tomato sauce with mushrooms and onions. This is a recipe with historical roots, named after one of Napoleon's battles, near Marengo in Italy in June 1800.May 10th 202347K 2 hours 54 min.
Pissaladière with puff pastry
This savoury tart is a traditional speciality around Nice, on France's Cote d'Azur. Originally, pissaladière had much in common with its Italian cousin, the pizza, but made with onions, anchovies and olives, and without tomatoes. This is a slightly different version, more friable (with a...May 7th 201749K3.9 1 hour 38 min.
Polenta parmentier
This recipe is similar to a shepherd's pie, but the meat is accompanied by vegetables, and the mashed potatoes are replaced by a delicious cheese polenta.March 20th 20248,306 1 hour 33 min.
Sausage rougail
Sausage rougail is a typical dish from the cuisine of Réunion, the French island. It consists of fried sausages in a rich, spicy tomato stew.April 18th 202139K 1 hour 30 min.
Sausages with baked beans, French style
What could be more basic than sausages and beans? This is a rustic French version using dried white haricot beans (or "mogettes") that are first boiled fast, then left to cook slowly with tomatoes and smoked sausages. The long cooking allows the smoky flavour of the sausages to gradually spread down...March 2nd 2022130K4.6 1 hour 4 min.
Spinach and chick peas "à la milanaise"
An Italian-style combination of spinach, chick peas and tomatoes, flavoured with thyme and Parmesan.June 15th 202216K 18 min.
Sunday night pasta
Here's a quick and simple solution when faced with the age-old question late on Sunday afternoon: "What are we going to eat tonight?".December 30th 201967K4.8 28 min.
Tagliatelle with rillons and tomatoes
For this very simple recipe, roast rillons to your taste, tomato and pasta.June 9th 20245,289 38 min.
White bean gratin "à l'italienne"
White haricot beans enriched with the Mediterranean flavours of tomatoes and herbs. The beans are boiled first then mixed with chopped tomatoes and finished gratin-style in the oven.August 25th 202125K 13 hours 2 min.
Tomato sauce (for pizzas)
This is the sauce to put on pizza bases before the toppings.October 19th 2010520K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Enchiladas are tortillas (cornmeal pancakes), filled with a pre-cooked filling, then topped with grated cheese and browned in the oven.May 8th 201953K 1 hour 41 min.
The polpete are the delicious meatballs of the Italian cuisine, softer than the classic meatballs because they contain breadcrumbs moistened with milk.April 8th 202317K 1 hour 51 min.
Rice à l'italienne
A simple recipe full of Italian flavours: cooked rice, morsels of ham, tomatoes, sage and Parmesan.December 6th 202047K 24 min.