Oatmeal and apple cookies

Oatmeal and apple cookies
These fluffy little cookies are made with oats (flakes and flour) and apples.

The combination of oats and apples, which horses also love, means that their name is quite naturally "horse cookies".
14 K 3.3/5 (3 reviews)
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Last modified on: November 12th 2023
For 40 pieces, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 35 min.
Cooking: 20 min.
All in all: 55 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
If you start now, at , you will finish around : ?.Change start time
To finish around 7pm, you'll need to have started before: .Change end time

Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 15 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Peel and chop 4 apples into small pieces.

Pour into a small bowl, sprinkle with ½ lemon juice, mix well and set aside.

Stage 2 - 5 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Preheat your oven to 180°C (360°F).

Pour 100 g rolled oats, 100 g oat flour, 70 g brown sugar, 50 g flour, 1 egg, 10 g baking powder and 80 g butter into the bowl of a mixer.

Stage 3 - 3 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Start the mixer at low speed until the dough is smooth.

Stage 4 - 2 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Stop the mixer, add the apples, and start again...

Stage 5 - 2 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
... 1 or 2 minutes, until the dough is smooth again.

Stage 6 - 5 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Divide the batter (a piping bag is handy for this) between the molds of your choice, here round and oval shapes.

Stage 7 - 20 min.
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Bake for approximately 20 minutes at 180°C (360°F).

Stage 8
Oatmeal and apple cookies
Turn out onto a wire rack to cool.

Enjoy warm or cold.
If you don't have cane sugar, use ordinary sugar instead.

You may be able to find oat flour that has been roasted, so don't hesitate to use it, the cookies will be all the better for it.

For a slightly sweeter taste, you can cook the apple pieces in a little butter and sugar, and even flambé them with calvados, instead of adding them raw.
Keeping: A few days in a jar or closed metal box.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe30 RDI=10 %280 RDI=30 %80 RDI=10 %1,960 RDI=100 %8,220 RDI: 100 %
Per 100 g2 RDI=1 %20 RDI=2 %6 RDI=1 %160 RDI=8 %660 RDI: 8 %
Per piece06 RDI=1 %2 RDI=0 %50 RDI=2 %210 RDI: 2 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Gluten, egg, Milk
How much will it cost?
  • For 40 pieces : 3.85 €
  • Per piece : 0.10 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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