Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup

Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
For this recipe with marine flavors, we will cook several kinds of shellfish, then add them to small creamed vegetables.
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Last modified on: January 8th 2023

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For 6 people, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 1 hour 18 min.
Cooking: 25 min.
All in all: 1 hour 43 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
If you start now, at , you will finish around : ?.Change start time
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Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 20 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Prepare 2 carrots, cut into julienne.

Peel and wash 2 turnips, also cut into julienne.

Prepare and slice 2 shallots.

Stage 2 - 10 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Prepare and finely chop 1 leek.

Stage 3 - 45 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Cook the mussels, cockles and clams in a marinade, one after the other.

Do not change the cooking water between each.

Let cool and then remove the shells.

Cut the 6 scallops in pieces, without cooking them.

Stage 4
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Set aside half a glass of the cooking juices from the shellfish once all the cooking is done.

Stage 5 - 1 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
In a large saucepan over medium heat add 50 g butter, melt and add the minced shallot, salt and pepper.

Cook for 1 minute without browning.

Stage 6 - 4 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Add all the vegetables, mix, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 or 4 minutes.

Stage 7 - 1 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Add all the shells...

Stage 8 - 1 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
...500 ml liquid cream and the half glass of shellfish juice from step 4.

Stage 9 - 20 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Mix well, lower the heat and let it thicken gently for about 20 minutes uncovered.

Stage 10 - 1 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
After this time, check the seasoning, then add the chopped parsley.

Your recipe is ready.

Stage 11
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Serve in a cassolette (small individual pot or ramekin) or classically with a side dish such as rice pilaf for example.
The choice of shellfish is very open, use what you find in season.

Same thing for vegetables, follow the seasons and your inspiration.
Keeping: 1 or 2 days in the refrigerator, protected by a stretch film.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Whole recipe
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
3,456 Kcal or 14,470 Kj217 gr136 gr227 gr
173 %83 %13 %34 %
Per 100 g
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
114 Kcal or 477 Kj7 gr4 gr7 gr
6 %3 %<1 %1 %
Per person
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
576 Kcal or 2,412 Kj36 gr23 gr38 gr
29 %14 %2 %6 %
% are calculated relative to a Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI of 2000 k-calories or 8400 k-joules by day for a woman (change to a man).
Possible allergens in this recipe: Mollusc, Milk, Sulfites
How much will it cost?
  • For 6 people : 18.68 €
  • Per person : 3.11 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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