Walnut paste

Walnut paste
Very similar to marzipan (almond paste) in method, walnut paste is very tasty.
303 K 3.6/5 (38 reviews)
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Last modified on: February 21th 2011
For 900 g, you will need:

Change these quantities to make:
Times for this recipe
Preparation: 15 min.

Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 2 min.
Walnut paste
Weight 450 g walnut kernels.

Stage 2 - 2 min.
Walnut paste
Put them in the food processor with 450 g icing sugar.

Stage 3 - 2 min.
Walnut paste
Switch on food processor, and as soon as walnuts are reduced to a powder, add egg white...

Stage 4 - 3 min.
Walnut paste
...a spoonful at a time, until paste starts to gather together.

Finish with your hand, gathering all the paste into a ball.

Stage 5 - 5 min.
Walnut paste
Shape the ball into a thick disc, wrap in plastic film and keep in the fridge.
Walnut paste is very tasty. It's a delight, but if it seems too strong for you, you can make "Walnut-almond paste" instead by replacing half the weight of walnuts with ground almonds.
Keeping: Several weeks in the fridge, folded in plastic film.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe70 RDI=30 %520 RDI=50 %270 RDI=40 %4,790 RDI=240 %20,050 RDI: 240 %
Per 100 g7 RDI=3 %50 RDI=5 %30 RDI=4 %480 RDI=20 %2,030 RDI: 20 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Nuts, egg
How much will it cost?
  • For 900 g : 11.20 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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I am not a leaving thing
The 6 comments already posted on this recipe
  • Adding sugar with the nuts helps grind them aiding in the paste process
    Posted by Cat november 4th 2016 at 16:39 n° 6
  • Sorry, no idea what it is, never seen that.
    Posted by jh october 30th 2016 at 11:33 n° 5
  • I remember some walnut pettitfours that were very dark in colour, not exceedingly sweet, with half a walnit on top and finished with a clear,thin hard sugar glaze. Have never found a recipe for them. MOST yummy. Can you advise about how to make same? Thanks Zoe
    Posted by Zoe october 28th 2016 at 11:57 n° 4
  • Thanks for this recipe--I definitely don't like almond paste (marzipan) and didn't realize until now that one could use walnuts instead. I intend to try to make an Irish Christmas fruitcake. At the end of the process, it calls for covering the cake with "almond paste" and royal icing, so I will instead cover mine with walnut paste.

    Cheers, Talia
    Posted by Talia december 3rd 2014 at 06:06 n° 3
  • Yes, make it sweeter and also the texture of the paste. You can try to reduce it, but I'm not sure that omit it will give you a pretty result.
    Start your try with no sugar, see what you got, then add some sugar or substitute and see what's happen.
    Good luck.
    Posted by jh may 2nd 2011 at 09:07 n° 2
  • What is the purpose of icing sugar in the recipe? Just make it sweeter? Can I omit it or use other substitute? Thanks. A diabetes person.
    Posted by Anonymous may 2nd 2011 at 05:36 n° 1
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