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Recipes: 27 results
Traditional nutty choc-chip cookies
Traditional nutty choc-chip cookies
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A traditional American recipe for homely biscuits, which can be made in different flavours or with additions (seeds, dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc.).
January 5th 2020377 K4 1 hour 50 min.
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Hamburgers don't have to be the greasy flabby things you find in fast-food outlets, well-made they can be excellent. It's a very convivial recipe as everything goes on the table, and everyone assembles their own burger according to personal taste.
December 6th 2015419 K4.8 35 min.
Mexican ceviche
Mexican ceviche
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Ceviche is typical of South American cuisine, made with avocados, tomatoes and fish fillet cured in lime juice. This is a personal version of Mexican-style ceviche.
October 13th 2010365 K 15 3 hours 9 min.
Cornmeal baps for Anne
Cornmeal baps for Anne
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These small round baps are made with a mix of wheat flour and fine cornmeal. The dominant corn gives a moist and very yellow crumb.
October 24th 2017260 K4.3 5 hours 55 min.
Arizona cupcakes
Arizona cupcakes
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Cupcakes are small sponge cakes. In their original American version, they are usually decorated with brightly coloured icing. Here's a version inspired by the famous saguaro cactus, so common in Arizona.
October 13th 2010194 K 14.6 1 hour 50 min.
Real home-made chips*
Real home-made chips*
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It's not easy to make these - the original "French fries" - well at home, that is, to produce golden and crunchy chips from fresh potatoes. Here is a way of doing it in three cooking stages, which gives very good results: melting in the middle, crunchy on the outside, and a nice golden colour....
December 30th 2019433 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Pan-baked hash brown (Hash-brown casserole)
Pan-baked hash brown (Hash-brown casserole)
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This hash-brown recipe is an American version of the classic grated potato cake (like roesti), baked in a pan. In the USA hash browns are often served for breakfast.
May 24th 2012118 K3.8 1 hour 50 min.
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Coleslaw is a cabbage salad that is popular in North America. This version includes carrots as well.
January 3rd 2014107 K 14.9 40 min.
Hot tomato sauce
Hot tomato sauce
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This is a quick tomato sauce, just the thing for dipping crisps (chips, if you are American), or nachos. It is very similar to the sauce served with aperitif snacks in Tex-Mex restaurants.
September 20th 2012120 K4.1 45 min.
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Brownies are traditional North-American tray-baked cakes: always moist in texture, usually with chocolate and pecan nuts. Brownies should still be soft in the middle, so need to be slightly undercooked.
March 8th 2020110 K4.1 35 min.
Caesar salad
Caesar salad
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Ceasar salad is a classic of North American cuisine. It consists of lettuce served with croutons and the famous Caesar dressing. Here's my own version.
November 25th 2012105 K4.5 40 min.
New York style pasta
New York style pasta
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Pasta served like in NYC: tagliatelle or spaghetti with lightly fried ham, peas and a nutmeg-flavoured cream sauce.
July 1st 201398 K4.3 50 min.
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Ring doughnuts are a traditional American treat. In the United States they are part of the culture and come plain or with lots of different icings and toppings. Here is a recipe for plain doughnuts to which you can add your own choice of icing.
September 22th 2013107 K4.7 3 hours 15 min.
Home-made potato crisps
Home-made potato crisps
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Making your own potato crisps (or chips, if you are American) is quite easy. All you need to do is slice potatoes and fry them. That is all well and good in principle, but there are a few tips it is important to know. I'll explain them for you in this recipe.
March 19th 2014108 K3.9 30 min.
Grilled cheese
Grilled cheese
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This is the classic American pan-fried sandwich, the "grilled cheese". The French have their own, slightly different speciality: croque-monsieur.
June 8th 201653 K5 25 min.
Coq au vin
Coq au vin
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Coq au vin is one of those iconic classics of French cuisine, though these days it is more likely to be made with chicken. The poultry is marinated in red wine, fried, then flambéed in cognac before being simmered slowly in the wine marinade. It has much in common with that other classic, boeuf...
July 17th 201682 K4.2 14 hours 45 min.
Flaky brownie brioche
Flaky brownie brioche
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This beautiful brioche contains the typical ingredients you'd expect in a brownie: chocolate, butter, brown sugar and pecan nuts. But these are not just thrown into the mixture; the brioche is layered with them to create a delicious culinary bridge between Europe's viennoiseries and the all-American...
September 12th 201852 K4.1 16 hours 45 min.
Apple crisps
Apple crisps
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This is a really simple recipe - there's really not much to do, other than wait while the crisps (or chips for Americans) cook gently in the oven.
April 19th 201749 K4.5 2 hours 8 min.
Roast beef "like they do it in Santa Fe"
Roast beef "like they do it in Santa Fe"
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For this delicious roast, the beef joint is seared all over, then wrapped in slices of grilled (broiled) bacon before the final long, slow roasting in a bag with aromatic ingredients (bayleaf, shallots, carrot, thyme and chilli). Cooked this way, the meat will be well done on the outside, meltingly...
July 30th 201766 K4.5 5 hours 40 min.
Flaked almond tart
Flaked almond tart
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This almond tart is an American-inspired version of the classic dessert. This one leaves out the almond cream or frangipane and uses flaked almonds instead. These are toasted, then mixed with cream and sugar. There's no point denying it, this is a rich dessert...
August 27th 201754 K4.8 1 hour 25 min.
Pages: 2 results
At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
June 3rd 2024733 K 413.6
What is this site, and who am I?
What is this site, and who am I?
The important thing is the content of the site, the recipes and information you can find, but some of you want to know who is behind it all.
August 29th 2023215 K 44.2
Blog articles: 4 results
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Whenever I'm discussing cooking and recipes, there is one idea which comes up frequently, like this: "Oh no! But that's got butter in it" (I should add, for the sake of accuracy, that this is something I hear more frequently from women, who are almost all concerned with keeping their figure). ...
March 26th 201240 K4.5
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
I adore foie gras... I willingly admit it, I adore foie gras: the texture, the taste, the festive aspect – I enjoy all of it. I really love eating it, preparing it and, most of all, sharing what I have made with my family over Christmas and New Year. ...but then I begin to have doubts Of...
December 15th 201446 K4.4
The 3 essential knives
The 3 essential knives
You must have heard a chef or cook say: "There’s no good cooking without good ingredients". This is very true, of course, but for any amateur or beginner it is equipment that really counts to start with. What I mean is that you should not skimp on kitchen equipment, good utensils, a food...
May 30th 201821 K5
Let's rehabilitate the burger
Let's rehabilitate the burger
The burger is a sandwich that is very fashionable at the moment, and as for all other sandwiches, the worst (often) rubs shoulders with the best (much more rare). In principle, I'm probably not teaching you anything, it's a sandwich made of a small round bun, rather soft, like a sandwich bread,...
April 10th 20216,4534.9

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