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Recipes: 20 results
Pilau rice
Pilau rice
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Pilau rice (also called "restaurant rice" in France) is a way of cooking rice that's very different from using a rice-cooker. In this recipe, the rice is first "pearled" with onion in olive oil, then chicken stock is added, and the whole lot is put in the oven. This produces a very tasty moist rice,...
377K 14.4 33 min. February 21th 2011
Pork chops in the oven
Pork chops in the oven
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To cook a pork chop well, without it drying out, one of the best methods is to cook it in two stages: start by pan-frying, then finish in the oven. This recipe adds flavour with mustard and thyme, with the cooking juices deglazed and reduced before serving.
285K3.5 25 min. August 16th 2015
Dried apricots
Dried apricots
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Making your own dried apricots at home is perfectly feasible. It's really quite simple, though it takes a long time. Basically, the apricots need to be cut in half, destoned, then the halves put to dry slowly for several hours in a cool oven.
124K3.9 6 hours 6 min. July 12th 2023
Home-made breadcrumb coating
Home-made breadcrumb coating
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The crispy crust on many fried (or baked) foods comes from a breadcrumb coating. You can buy this, of course, but it's easy and much better to make your own at home. For one thing, you will know excatly what's in it – just bread – which is not the case for the commercial product. This is also a...
110K1 1 hour 7 min. May 26th 2024
How to peel pistachios
How to peel pistachios
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If you buy pistachios shelled but still in their skins (cheaper than ready peeled), you shouldn't use them like this. They need to be "skinned", removing the skin which is pretty unpleasant to eat. Here's a fairly easy way to do it.
115K3.3 28 min. May 20th 2020
How to use gelatin
How to use gelatin
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Gelatin is a gelling agent use in some desserts where a rather firm texture is required when cold. It can also be used to stabilize a dessert (mousses especially) that you need to keep longer than usual.
398K4.8 7 min. July 9th 2018
How to cook rice in rice-cooker
How to cook rice in rice-cooker
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Cooking rice in a specially adapted "rice-cooker" is practical and quick: you don't have to watch it during cooking, it's fast (15 minutes) and the rice-cooker switches automatically to "keep warm".
908K 24.9 20 min. February 21th 2011
How to heat milk without it catching on the bottom of the pan
How to heat milk without it catching on the bottom of the pan
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Very often when you heat milk in a saucepan, it forms at the bottom of the pan (especially if the milk boiled) a sticky and brown bottom of milk that burned and attached. To avoid this here is a very simple and very effective tip.
248K 24.2 1 min. February 21th 2011
How to prepare corn salad
How to prepare corn salad
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Corn salad (or lamb's lettuce) is a green salad plant. It can be used like lettuce, but requires careful preparation as it is often grown in sand. Here is how to prepare corn salad from the freshly picked plant to the leaves ready to use.
137K4.1 20 min. April 10th 2013
Chicken breasts in a potato crust
Chicken breasts in a potato crust
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In this recipe, instant mashed potato powder is used to give an original crusty coating to the chicken breasts. These are fried and served with peas.
124K4.8 1 hour 3 min. August 26th 2012
Scallops with green asparagus tips and parmesan
Scallops with green asparagus tips and parmesan
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In this recipe scallops are fried quickly, then cooked aaparagus tips are added with a sprinkling of parmesan to serve.
237K4.1 38 min. February 21th 2011
Fraisier (French strawberry cake)
Fraisier (French strawberry cake)
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This classic French patisserie is a delicious assembly of 2 layers of genoa sponge filled with strawberries and crème mousseline (confectioner's custard with butter). The sponge is soaked in strawberry syrup and the cake is topped with a thin layer of marzipan.
169K4.2 2 hours 43 min. September 18th 2011
Tomatoes Provençal
Tomatoes Provençal
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This is a great classic dish of Provençal cuisine: tomato halves topped with a kind of stuffing mixture of breadcrumbs, parsley and garlic. In this version, they are served on a bed of white rice.
43K4.3 1 hour 9 min. December 30th 2019
Blackberry and almond fondant tart
Blackberry and almond fondant tart
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Balckberries and almonds go so well together: the slight tartness of the berries is the perfect foil for the sweeter almonds. This combination makes for a delicious tart. The sweetcrust pastry case is filled with a blackberry jelly and an almond panna cotta, presented in a bold and unusual way as a...
36K 3 hours 46 min. December 30th 2019
Coconut-vanilla cream for Elsa
Coconut-vanilla cream for Elsa
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A dessert in three layers: a first of smooth vanilla cream, a second of coconut cream (also very smooth), and to finish, a thin crunchy layer of coconut tuiles. In the spirit of crème brulée: break through the crisp surface layer to discover the smooth melting coconut and vanilla creams beneath. A...
208K3.8 4 hours 58 min. February 21th 2011
Panna cotta
Panna cotta
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Panna cotta is an Italian dessert which means "cooked cream". It's a set vanilla cream, similar to blancmange, which is frequently served with other things like fruit coulis (fruit purée), caramel etc.. Here is the basic panna cotta recipe.
341K4.3 25 min. February 21th 2011
Sausages with baked beans, French style
Sausages with baked beans, French style
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What could be more basic than sausages and beans? This is a rustic French version using dried white haricot beans (or "mogettes") that are first boiled fast, then left to cook slowly with tomatoes and smoked sausages. The long cooking allows the smoky flavour of the sausages to gradually spread down...
127K4.6 1 hour 4 min. March 2nd 2022
Escalope of veal in a cream sauce
Escalope of veal in a cream sauce
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Escalopes of veal, mushrooms and a cream sauce.
248K4.6 1 hour 3 min. May 10th 2023
How to prepare green beans
How to prepare green beans
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Here's how to turn freshly bought (or picked) green beans into ready-to-use vegetables.
11K 22 min. August 11th 2023
Natural leaven
Natural leaven
(Found inComments)
Leaven is a natural raising agent, a fermented mixture of water, flour and the microscopic yeasts which are present in the air. It's a delicate living substance, sensitive to the external environment. The recipe is around 4000 years old and dates back to the Egypt of the Pharaohs, via a beautiful...
1.7M 304.0 7 days 15 min. April 3rd 2020
Pages: 2 results
Films and papers in the kitchen
Films and papers in the kitchen
Various papers and plastic films used in cooking .
570K 93.6 August 29th 2023
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
Blog articles: 8 results
Preserving egg yolks
Preserving egg yolks
If you're using only the egg whites in a recipe (such as meringues ), you'll need to store the yolks until you're ready to use them again. There's nothing very complicated about this in principle - all you have to do is chill them, but there are a few pitfalls to be avoided in practice.
2,1825 June 18th 2024
Using stretch food film effectively
Using stretch food film effectively
Maybe you use food film in your own kitchen. You know, the very thin, clear plastic stuff that you can stretch, often used to cover food and protect it from the air. It’s become so widely used that it’s now an essential item for pros. They even have a verb for it in French: “filmer”: to...
18K 14.9 May 12th 2018
Cleaning endives
Cleaning endives
If you buy your endives elsewhere than in supermarkets, and in this case the best is of course from a market gardener, he or she is the one who planted and harvested them, in this case you will have endives full of earth or sand, depending on where they were grown, which is normal and reassuring, we...
19K4.6 March 24th 2020
Introduction to New Nordic Buffet Delicacies
Introduction to New Nordic Buffet Delicacies
Nordic delicacies reflect culinary proficiency from Nordic nations of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. It features a range of simple and classic flavors and ingredients that produce satisfying meals when combined. As is the case in other regions, the flavors and ingredients often...
9,300 August 10th 2021 Sponsored article.
The salad spinner is not only for salad
The salad spinner is not only for salad
Where we see that the salad spinner can be used for many other purposes.
7,3794.8 March 25th 2022
Shall I take the tops off?
Shall I take the tops off?
If you buy your vegetables at the market, at a farmer's stand, once you have chosen a bunch of carrots or beets for example, you must have already heard this proposal from the salesman: "Shall I pull the tops? This sentence is his proposal to remove for you all the tops, which he puts aside, to...
8,5184.9 May 7th 2022
The preservation of bread
The preservation of bread
Eating fresh bread is always a delight, the crust crumbles deliciously, you take full advantage of the taste of your bread (80% of this taste is in the crust), it is a fleeting moment to enjoy. Who hasn't already eaten the crouton or croutons of his baguette, on the way back from the bakery? ...
11K4.7 June 11th 2022
Don't throw away disposable piping bags
Don't throw away disposable piping bags
Nowadays, it's fairly easy to find what professionals use as piping bags, i.e. disposable or "single-use" plastic ones. They're practical, functional and inexpensive, but disposable? That's debatable...
3,7045 May 28th 2024
Utensil: 1 results
Salad spinner
Salad spinner
(Found inTexts)
A salad spinner is a simple device: a kind of mesh basket which is spun by turning a handle on the lid. As the basket turns very fast, any items in it are forced agaisnt the sides by centrifugal force, and the water (or other liquid) they contain is spun off and collects in the bottom of the...

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