Seafood sauerkraut

Seafood sauerkraut
The French version of sauerkraut (choucroute) is normally served with meat, especially pork and sausage, but here is a seafood version with fish and shellfish. Do give it a try, as it's simple to make and delicious!
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Last modified on: April 17th 2011

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For 8 people, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 36 min.
Cooking: 1 hour 1 min.
All in all: 1 hour 37 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
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To finish around 7pm, you'll need to have started before: .Change end time

Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 20 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Prepare 1 onion. Peel and wash 300 g potatoes. If they are large, cut into four.

Stage 2 - 4 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Melt 2 tablespoons goose fat in a large pan over medium heat. When hot, add the chopped onion, salt and pepper, and cook for 3 or 4 minutes until the onion begins to colour.

Stage 3 - 3 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Add 1 kg raw sauerkraut and 2 glasses dry white wine and stir well.

Stage 4 - 40 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Add the potatoes, stir again, cover and leave to simmer on low heat until the potatoes are cooked (when the point of a knife will pass through them easily), about 40 minutes.

Stage 5 - 10 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Meanwhile, shell 150 g prawns and cut the chosen fish into pieces.

Coat the top with olive oil, using a brush, then salt and pepper. Do the same on the other side.

Stage 6 - 4 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Put a non-stick pan on high heat. When very hot, add the pieces of fish and cook for 1 or 2 minutes until lightly browned on both sides.

Set aside.

Stage 7 - 3 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
In the same pan, fry the prawns for 2 or 3 minutes until they brown slightly.

Set aside.

Stage 8 - 3 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Pour 4 tablespoons dry white wine into the pan and deglaze.

Stage 9 - 10 min.
Seafood sauerkraut
Pour this liquid into the pan of sauerkraut and stir in. Lay the fish and prawns on top.

Cover and leave to cook for a further 10 minutes.

Your seafood sauerkraut is ready.
For the photos, I used salmon and pollack, but other fish are just as good, so you can use your imagimation.

Like all slow-cooked dishes, this can be reheated and gets better each time.
Keeping: Several days in the fridge and it freezes well.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Whole recipe
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
1,543 Kcal or 6,460 Kj117 gr128 gr62 gr
77 %45 %12 %9 %
Per 100 g
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
67 Kcal or 281 Kj5 gr6 gr3 gr
3 %2 %1 %<1 %
Per person
Energetic valueProteins CarbohydratesFats
193 Kcal or 808 Kj15 gr16 gr8 gr
10 %6 %2 %1 %
% are calculated relative to a Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI of 2000 k-calories or 8400 k-joules by day for a woman (change to a man).
Possible allergens in this recipe: Sulfites, Shellfish, Fish
How much will it cost?
  • For 8 people : 8.42 €
  • Per person : 1.05 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
This recipe uses (among others)
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