Country vegetable soup

Country vegetable soup
In this "country" (paysanne) style soup, the vegetables are left in small pieces, rather than blended.
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Last modified on: April 2nd 2014

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For 6 people, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 45 min.
Cooking: 26 min.
All in all: 1 hour 11 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
If you start now, at , you will finish around : ?.Change start time
To finish around 7pm, you'll need to have started before: .Change end time

Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 30 min.
Country vegetable soup
Prepare and chop 250 g leek.

Prepare 250 g cauliflower.

Peel 250 g Brussels sprouts and cut into 4 vertically.

Stage 2 - 10 min.
Country vegetable soup
Peel and rinse 250 g Jerusalem artichokes, then cut into small pieces.

Stage 3 - 5 min.
Country vegetable soup
Bring 1 litre 500 ml Vegetable stock to the boil in a large pan.

Stage 4 - 5 min.
Country vegetable soup
Tip in the Jerusalem artichokes and leave to simmer until just tender.

Remove from the stock with a spider, drain and cool under running cold water to stop them cooking any further.

Set aside.

Stage 5 - 4 min.
Country vegetable soup
Do the same for the cauliflower...

Stage 6 - 9 min.
Country vegetable soup
...the Brussels sprouts, then the leek.

Stage 7 - 3 min.
Country vegetable soup
To finish, return all the vegetable to the stock to reheat for a few minutes. Check the seasoning...

Stage 8 - 5 min.
Country vegetable soup
...and serve garnished with a little chopped parsley.
It is very important not to overcook the leek so that it stays an attractive green colour.
Keeping: 2 or 3 days in the fridge, covered with plastic film.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe160 60 %790 80 %450 70 %7,870 390 %32,930 390 %
Per 100 g6 2 %30 3 %20 3 %310 20 %1,320 20 %
Per person30 10 %130 10 %80 10 %1,310 70 %5,490 70 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Celery
How much will it cost?
  • For 6 people : 3.91 €
  • Per person : 0.65 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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I am not a leaving thing
The 1 comment already posted on this recipe
  • Ever good to me
    Posted by Anonymous april 4th 2014 at 14:47 n° 1
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