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Recipes: 37 results
(Found inTexts)
A very simple recipe but which always impresses.
385K4.5 4 hours 17 min. June 10th 2019
Foie gras cured in salt
Foie gras cured in salt
(Found inTexts)
This a quite different preparation from the terrine of foie gras, this time it does not go in the oven, the liver is salted for 48 hours and it "cooks" (or cures) in this way.
554K5 2 days 16 hours 28 min. December 23th 2017
How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly
How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly
(Found inTextsStages)
A hard-boiled egg is properly cooked when: shell is not broken, white and yolk are firm, yolk is only yellow with no traces of green around it. Here are some tips to make this easy.
1.4M 65 1 hour 28 min. November 4th 2013
(Found inTexts)
Hamburgers don't have to be the greasy flabby things you find in fast-food outlets, well-made they can be excellent. It's a very convivial recipe as everything goes on the table, and everyone assembles their own burger according to personal taste.
411K4.8 33 min. December 6th 2015
How to use a forcing bag (piping or icing bag)
How to use a forcing bag (piping or icing bag)
(Found inTexts)
The forcing bag is the tool needed whenever you need to deposit a blob of something precisely in a particular place (in a mould, a glass, on a plate, etc). Here is how you do it.
293K 15 22 min. January 14th 2011
Shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
Shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
(Found inTexts)
This is for sweet or savoury tarts, quiches or pies. The difference between this and sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée) is in the very small amount of sugar and the absence of ground almonds.
373K 24 31 min. December 29th 2019
Hollandaise sauce
Hollandaise sauce
(Found inTexts)
This sauce is quite similar to Béarnaise sauce, but with a light lemon flavour. It can be used hot, warm or cold on several things: vegetables, fish, eggs... Not easy to get right, like all "emulsified warm sauces" (Béarnaise, Hollandaise, etc.), but you will find all the tips you need here.
234K 14.7 22 min. July 25th 2019
One should always cover a pan while heating
One should always cover a pan while heating
(Found inTextsComments)
Tradition says: "One should always cover a pan while heating". In other words, if you heat water (or something else), it comes to the boil faster with a lid on the pan than without. True or false? Let's try the experiment...
107K 15 1 hour 20 min. July 25th 2017
Terrine of foie gras
Terrine of foie gras
(Found inTexts)
This simple way preparing a terrine of foie gras is ideal for beginners. In this recipe the liver is passed through a sieve or vegetable mill rather than kept in large pieces. The final appearance is smoother, less marbled, but just as delicious.
244K 15 17 hours 8 min. June 2nd 2015
Cherry clafoutis
Cherry clafoutis
(Found inTexts)
A clafoutis batter and cherries lightly cooked in sugar and Kirsch, then de-stoned. The clafoutis is baked in the oven.
131K4.3 1 hour 17 min. June 19th 2011
Pancake batter
Pancake batter
(Found inTexts)
Here is a pancake batter that is a little more sophisticated than the traditional version. The pancakes will be tastier with a softer texture.
318K3.8 13 min. February 2nd 2020
St Tropez tart
St Tropez tart
(Found inTexts)
This famous dessert from St Tropez is more of a cake than a tart. The sugar-sprinkled brioche layers are sandwiched together with a rich vanilla filling which is a mixture of confectioner's custard and whipped cream.
102K3.8 3 hours 34 min. September 11th 2018
Lemon Confectioner's Custard
Lemon Confectioner's Custard
(Found inTexts)
This recipe is for a confectioner's custard with a difference: it's a little less sweet than the classic confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière, or french pastry cream) and has double lemon flavour, using both zest and juice, for plenty of tangy lemon taste. It's the perfect filling for lemon...
191K4.4 23 min. May 9th 2018
Breton Sandwich
Breton Sandwich
(Found inTexts)
This is a sandwich with a difference: its Breton character comes not only from the crab in mayonnaise, but also from pieces of "galette" (buckwheat pancake), fried in butter.
50K3.8 22 min. November 11th 2015
Kouign-amann brioche
Kouign-amann brioche
(Found inTexts)
This is unusual brioche is halfway to being a Breton Kouign-amann. The difference is in the treatment of the dough, which is layered with sugar and butter. The basic dough is rolled out with butter in stages, like for croissants, but with 2 "turns" of sugar for one of butter (granulated and vanilla...
56K4.3 15 hours 55 min. December 30th 2019
Oven omelette
Oven omelette
(Found inTexts)
For this omelette with a difference, we'll fry sliced potatoes, bacon (lardons) and onions, then pour the beaten eggs over and finish cooking everything together in the oven. The French sometimes call this an "Omelette of Moyenmoutier" after a village in the Vosges.
54K4.6 52 min. May 21th 2017
Breton leek and mushroom tart
Breton leek and mushroom tart
(Found inTexts)
This is a "tart" with a difference: the case is not made with pastry, but with a double layer of lightly buttered Breton galettes (buckwheat pancakes). The filling is made with shallots, sautéed mushrooms, leeks and cream. You might have noticed that this recipe includes the key elements of...
45K4.3 1 hour 13 min. May 10th 2023
Creamy spinach and potato gratin
Creamy spinach and potato gratin
(Found inTexts)
This is a gratin with a difference: before going in the oven, the layers of spinach and potato are topped with cream in which Mont d'Or cheese has been melted (or another cheese, if you prefer).
62K4 1 hour 5 min. December 17th 2017
Quick flaky pizza
Quick flaky pizza
(Found inTexts)
This pizza with a difference has a thin puff-pastry base instead the traditional dough. Apart from this small refinement, the basic elements you would expect are all there: tomato sauce, a variety of toppings and fresh basil leaves.
104K 36 min. September 26th 2018
Deep leek and potato quiche
Deep leek and potato quiche
(Found inTexts)
The French make a "tourte" that is smaller and deeper than a normal quiche. This recipe makes the most of this difference: it has plenty of texture and flavour, with bacon, potatoes, leeks, two different cheeses, and an egg and cream filling poured over.
62K 1 hour 36 min. April 17th 2022
Pages: 4 results
Ice-cream and sorbets
Ice-cream and sorbets
All about ice-creams and sorbets, their differences and how to make the most of them .
425K4.0 August 29th 2023
Making your own bread
Making your own bread
In praise of home-made bread, so much better.
564K 63.9 August 29th 2023
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Weights, measures and volumes in a recipe.
820K3.7 December 10th 2023
There are different kinds of parsley, the two main ones are curled parsley and flat-leaf (or Italian) parsley. The most important difference between the two, except the leaf shape, is taste: flat-leaf parsley has much more flavour.
60K4.1 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 24 results
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
This is a question that you may well have asked yourself and which I will attempt to answer. In France the two trades of "boulangerie" (bakery) and "pâtisserie" (patisserie and confectionery) have always been quite distinct, but where exactly do the boundaries lie? .
121K 14.1 February 7th 2017
The power of sayings and beliefs in the kitchen
The power of sayings and beliefs in the kitchen
One day, in the comments on the recipe for beaten egg whites, a young woman asked if you could beat egg whites stiff while having a period, as a friend had told her it wasn't possible. Sometime later another person commented that for mayonnaise it had been (get this!) scientifically proven that a...
47K4.4 February 6th 2011
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
14K 14.6 February 6th 2011
Should I believe my oven?
Should I believe my oven?
Can you really trust your oven? This is an important question as we are always tempted to take the temperature indicated as gospel truth and, unfortunately, this is rarely very precise. .
28K4.6 July 4th 2011
20 measures to protect your privacy
20 measures to protect your privacy
As we use more and more new technology, we leave ourselves increasingly vulnerable to companies who make money out of collecting our personal data. For instance, when we use the internet, we need to be wary of what is collected about what we do, our habits, etc. Here is a list of simple...
17K3.9 April 16th 2013
Raising (or leavening) agents
Raising (or leavening) agents
When we want to make a dough or batter rise when baking, either in patisserie or bread-making, we need to use a raising agent or leavening agent, one of which is called leaven. In the context of baking, a raising agent is simply what "makes something rise". It is a substance which, when added to...
51K4.8 June 16th 2021
Making the most of seeds: Dry roasting
Making the most of seeds: Dry roasting
In cooking, and particularly in baking, there are a lot of seeds we can use, such as linseed, sesame, poppy, etc. Usually, recipes simply say to add them just as they are to the mixture or dough. To make a seeded loaf, for example, prepare a plain bread dough as usual, then, towards the end of...
56K4.0 January 30th 2015
One should cover a pan while heating?
One should cover a pan while heating?
You've probably heard it before: "Cover your pan, it'll boil faster", but is it true? Let's find out.
26K 13.4 February 27th 2015
Perpetual stock
Perpetual stock
It's something you have probably have done yourself: cooked or pre-cooked vegetables before adding them to a recipe. This is almost always done the same way: peel the chosen vegetables (carrots, for example), cut them up, boil them in salted water (using a tablespoon or so of coarse salt per litre),...
23K5 November 22th 2016
The right way to use a blender
The right way to use a blender
You may well have a blender in your own kitchen. You know, that useful gadget that allows you to liquidize stuff at high speed into a smooth liquid. Of course, the most obvious use that comes to mind is for soups: if you have boiled some vegetables in water, with just a quick blast of the blender,...
19K5 May 31th 2017
A few tips for effective kneading at home
A few tips for effective kneading at home
When you have to knead dough for bread or some other recipe, you may well use a food processor or the type of machine known as a stand mixer. The best-known brands are Kenwood and KitchenAid. They are useful tools, but here are a few tips to help you get the best out of them.
268K 23.7 June 23th 2021
Foie gras service
Foie gras service
For the upcoming christmas meals you too may be sacrificing to the tradition of foie gras? If so, I suggest you take a look at everything that revolves around serving foie gras: how to serve it, and what to eat and drink with it.
11K4.9 December 23th 2017
Is it really necessary to cream egg yolks?
Is it really necessary to cream egg yolks?
Let’s try and answer a question that crops up in cookery and patisserie, even if it verges on the existential: do the egg yolks in a custard recipe really need to be beaten until pale, or not?
37K4.3 February 28th 2018
The skin of the almonds
The skin of the almonds
If you like almonds, in their dried fruit version, you must use them quite often in cooking or baking, whether powdered or whole. It is not obvious, but in fact there is 2 kinds of almonds in the market, wholesale with or without the skin. .
18K4.7 February 8th 2020
Circles vs. moulds tins
Circles vs. moulds tins
If you like to bake or make quiches, pies etc. you must surely have one or more pie pans at home, in different diameters and perhaps materials. They are indispensable, without them there is no way to make beautiful pies, and they work very well, but you have another option, instead of moulds,...
12K5 October 2nd 2020
How to avoid lumps
How to avoid lumps
You've probably come across this unpleasant phenomenon where, when you try to incorporate an ingredient (usually a solid or powder) into a preparation (usually a liquid), the mixture doesn't mix properly and you end up with little "balls" or little lumps of the solid part that refuse to mix with the...
14K4.8 October 9th 2020
The so-called "nervous" meats
The so-called "nervous" meats
You've probably heard this before, we're talking about "nervous" meat, or meat with nerves, to describe what is indicated by the blue arrow on the left. This is a piece of beef, and what we call a nerve is not a nerve, it is in fact collagen (chemists sometimes call it a "collagen sink"), a...
24K4.5 April 16th 2021
The 29-cent "baguette" scandal
The 29-cent "baguette" scandal
You probably heard about it a few days ago, and that was the point: Leclerc hypermarkets in France are going to freeze the price of their baguettes at 29 centimes for 6 months. This measure caused quite a stir in the media, with a lot of talk, and in particular a lot of talk about Leclerc...
6,7524.5 January 29th 2022
Soup vs. potage
Soup vs. potage
It's true that we're finally coming out of winter as I write these lines, and that we'll all be making, no doubt, a little less soup and potages, but even if it's out of season, it really is a simple and delicious dish, which is one of the always easy answers to "What's for dinner this (Sunday)...
5,171 April 9th 2022
Sugar syrups
Sugar syrups
In cooking, and especially in pastry, we often use sugar syrups, a simple mixture of water and sugar in varying proportions. Here is a presentation of their differences. .
6,6004.8 January 17th 2023
Ingredient, product: 2 results
Morteau sausage
Morteau sausage
(Found inTexts)
Morteau sausage is a delicious sausage, smoked for at least 48 hours with conifer sawdust in the highlands of the French region of Franche-Comté. Unfortunately it does not yet benefit from A.O.C. status (French culinary heritage protection) and it's a real shame! but only a geographic protected...
(Found inTexts)
Butter is a fat obtained from dairy cream by the mechanical process known as "churning" (traditionally done from ancient times in a receptacle called a churn, in which the cream is agitated until it turns into butter). Simply put, the cream goes in and comes out as butter. .
776K 1

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