Maroilles cheese quiche

Maroilles cheese quiche
Traditional recipe from northern France, using a typical and tasty regional cheese. But this can be replaced by another (see below).
251 K 4.3/5 (35 reviews)
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Last modified on: April 17th 2022
For 1 tart, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 1 hour 40 min.
Cooking: 50 min.
All in all: 2 hours 30 min.
When should you start or finish this recipe?
If you start now, at , you will finish around : ?.Change start time
To finish around 7pm, you'll need to have started before: .Change end time

Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 10 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Line the mould or tin with pastry, prick base all over, then keep in the fridge.

Stage 2 - 40 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Peel 4 potatoes, wash and cook them in salted water, until they are just tender.

Stage 3 - 5 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Allow to cool then cut into fairly thick slices.

Stage 4 - 20 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Wash and slice thinly 1 leek and 1 shallot.

Stage 5 - 5 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a pan over medium heat, add sliced shallot, salt and pepper and cook for a minute or two.

Add leek, salt and pepper, and cook a few minutes without letting it colour.

Set aside.

Stage 6 - 5 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
If you wish to add 125 g small pieces of bacon, cook in a frying pan without fat and add, at the last minute, a tablespoon of vinegar.

Set aside.

Stage 7 - 3 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Cut 250 g Maroilles cheese into thick slices, including crust.

Stage 8 - 5 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche

Stage 9 - 3 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Preheat your oven to 410°F (210°C).

Put a layer of leek into the pastry case.

Stage 10 - 3 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
A layer of bacon (optional).

Stage 11 - 3 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Cover with a layer of potato slices.

Stage 12 - 2 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Pour in the mixture.

Stage 13 - 3 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Arrange cheese on top.

Stage 14 - 40 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
And put in bottom of oven for around 30-40 minutes.

Stage 15
Maroilles cheese quiche
The tart is ready when it is nice and golden brown.

Serve to your guests, warm if possible, with a green salad.

Stage 16
A good beer, possibly from the northen France, a jenlain for example.
If you don't have Maroilles cheese, you can use other ones instead. I advise you to go for a rather soft strong cheese like Reblochon, Munster, Morbier, etc.

You can also replace puff pastry by shortcrust.
And to drink?
A good beer, possibly from the northen France, a jenlain for example.
Keeping: 1 or 2 days in the fridge, folded in a plastic film.
Source: Nicolas.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe370 RDI=140 %1,070 RDI=100 %1,440 RDI=220 %4,740 RDI=240 %19,850 RDI: 240 %
Per 100 g20 RDI=8 %60 RDI=5 %80 RDI=10 %250 RDI=10 %1,040 RDI: 10 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Milk, Gluten, Sulfites, egg
How much will it cost?
  • For 1 tart : 7.10 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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I am not a leaving thing
The 3 comments already posted on this recipe
  • Yes, le Tour demands some very special cooking! There are so many fabulous recipes on your site; I want to try them all. The photos are really helpful. Your chef techniques are advanced for me (I've never made puff pastry from scratch before) but its really fun to try new things. Thank you so much for sharing. My husband really appreciates it too!
    Posted by Karen may 1st 2009 at 01:05 n° 3
  • Hi Karen, I Hope that the next published recipes will be good enough for le tour de france...
    Posted by jh april 15th 2009 at 17:20 n° 2
  • Thank you so much for this recipe. I made it to celebrate the Paris-Roubaix bike race with the substitute of Munster cheese. Served with green salad as you suggested. We enjoyed it (and the race) very much. I will be looking for more great recipes to cook my way through the Tour de France! Karen from Tennessee, USA
    Posted by Karen april 13th 2009 at 13:42 n° 1
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