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Recipes: 269 results
Sausage mushroom and cheese crumble
Sausage mushroom and cheese crumble
(Found inTextsComments)
A small ramekin filled with sausage sandwiched between two layers of cooked mushrooms, topped with a savoury crumble made with cancoillotte (a cheese typical of eastern France). All the French region of Franche-comté is in this recipe: Morteau sausage, cancoillotte cheese, and Jura white wine.
238K 24.6 2 hours 45 min. May 10th 2023
Breton galettes (pancakes)
Breton galettes (pancakes)
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Of uniquely Breton origin, this is a buckwheat pancake on which you cook an egg with ham and cheese before folding it over. Easy and quick to make, it's an ideal answer to the question "what are we going to eat this evening?".
213K 23.9 16 min. February 21th 2011
Potato gratin
Potato gratin
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This classic French recipe is made with sliced potatoes baked in milk and browned on top.
1.1M 14.6 1 hour 47 min. February 21th 2011
Hachis parmentier
Hachis parmentier
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This is the French answer (meat with mashed potato and cheese) to the English cottage or shepherd's pie: a typical family recipe which is an excellent way of using up leftover meat. The proportions are vague here: you need "whatever you have left over"...
395K 24.4 1 hour 22 min. February 21th 2011
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
A personal version of a classic recipe from Savoy.
590K 14.6 1 hour 27 min. September 16th 2019
Montbenoit's canapés
Montbenoit's canapés
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A recipe from Franche-comté (lovely region of eastern France): large slices of bread coated with melted shallot, grilled bacon dice, a big slice of Morbier (cheese from the same region) and a brief spell in the oven. It really is a winter dish.
269K4.6 1 hour 45 min. October 13th 2010
Oriane's tuna rillettes
Oriane's tuna rillettes
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Quick to make, delicious as an aperitif.
189K5 17 min. February 21th 2011
Small cheese and bacon rolls
Small cheese and bacon rolls
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These small aperitif snacks can be prepared in advance and heated at the last minute, or served cold.
349K5 1 hour 23 min. September 7th 2018
Cocotte eggs with Comté
Cocotte eggs with Comté
(Found inTextsIngredients)
A light delicious and quickly prepared dish, an easy and elegant answer to the frequent question "what are we going to eat this evening?". Here is version with Comté (a famous cheese from eastern France, like gruyère, but much better), but it can be made prepared many different ways.
344K4.3 1 hour February 21th 2011
Quick courgette soup with cheese
Quick courgette soup with cheese
(Found inTextsIngredients)
This really is an express recipe, less than 30 minutes from washing courgettes to serving soup.
259K5 27 min. October 13th 2010
Fougasse with bacon and Comté
Fougasse with bacon and Comté
(Found inTextsIngredients)
This is a richer version of the traditional Mediterranean recipe (originaly, it was a simple olive oil bread).
329K4.1 3 hours 9 min. October 24th 2017
Surprise bread
Surprise bread
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This recipe is for a large surprise bread so you can make six layers (48 small sandwiches if you divide each layer in 8), with three different flavours: smoked salmon/lime, smoked ham/butter, mayonnaise/chicken.
691K 84.5 6 hours 24 min. December 27th 2020
Special small breads
Special small breads
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When you are have mastered the basic leavened bread, you certainly ought to try special breads: with nuts, cheese, seeds, etc... Here is a series of recipes, based on traditional leavened bread.
378K4 6 hours 26 min. October 13th 2010
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
Involtinis are small rolls of meat, usually veal, and cheese. Here is my version.
382K4.4 2 hours 51 min. February 21th 2011
Five hours poultry
Five hours poultry
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Perhaps simplest recipe on this site, but what a result! The idea is to cook the bird, without fat, at low temperature, covered, and for a long time. In this way, the poultry cooks so as to be almost like a "confit": soft and very tasty. The effect is more spectacular with duck because it is a...
531K3.8 5 hours 12 min. January 27th 2012
Oxtail Parmentier
Oxtail Parmentier
(Found inTextsIngredients)
Rather like the classic hachis Parmentier, but using oxtail stewed very slowly in red wine and herbs.
304K4.7 5 hours 46 min. October 13th 2010
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
(Found inTextsIngredients)
A classic recipe of French family cooking, but with a more sophisticated filling.
333K3.8 1 hour 50 min. February 21th 2011
Filo leeks and cheese tart
Filo leeks and cheese tart
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This is a very quick tart recipe, where the crust is made by a stacking filo pastry sheets.
283K4.3 1 hour 14 min. April 17th 2022
Maroilles cheese quiche
Maroilles cheese quiche
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Traditional recipe from northern France, using a typical and tasty regional cheese. But this can be replaced by another (see below).
244K 34.7 2 hours 27 min. April 17th 2022
Courgettes (zuchinis)
Courgettes (zuchinis)
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
A classic gratin, but with the courgettes cooked separately to prevent too much juice being released during the oven cooking, and so make a dish that is barely moist.
495K 13.7 1 hour 20 min. October 13th 2010
Pages: 3 results
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a successful pizza party.
186K3.7 August 29th 2023
Cost calculations
Cost calculations
For each recipe presented, calculates the price of the recipe, by person, by parts or pieces, here is some information on how this calculation is made.
96K3.9 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 24 results
Burgers and cheeses
Burgers and cheeses
A quick look at burgers(article from 2 weeks ago), and in particular the cheese in burgers, many of you have asked me about this, and how to get cheese to melt in your burgers.
5,5394.8 April 24th 2021
In praise of Mont d'Or cheese
In praise of Mont d'Or cheese
Do you know the Mont d'Or, this extraordinary cheese from the Haut-Doubs in France, with a unique taste and appearance, which can be eaten both raw and cooked? I'll tell you a few words about it, and with some tips on how to choose it and cook it. .
7,3575 November 27th 2021
Parmesan cheese crusts
Parmesan cheese crusts
If you use Parmesan cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) in your recipes, you may have already noticed: when you grate it, it becomes (very) difficult near the crust, especially if it is a slightly aged parmesan, as the cheese gets harder and harder. So we stop grating, leaving some crust on top, and a...
12K4.8 September 14th 2022
Cutting soft cheeses
Cutting soft cheeses
As you may have already noticed, when you have to use a "soft" cheese in a recipe - their exact name is "soft cheese" - such as Camembert, Munster or Mont d'or, it's not easy to make anything other than thick slices.
4,5745 February 20th 2024
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
14K 14.6 February 6th 2011
Good fridge management
Good fridge management
We all have a fridge at home – it's an indispensible part of the kitchen and so much a part of the furniture that we tend not to pay it much attention. But often, out of habit, we don't use it properly. Here are a few tips to help you get more from your fridge. .
25K4.4 April 19th 2011
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
When you prepare a dish using an ingredient that has been preserved in fat, for example a springtime mixed salad with tuna in oil or sun-dried tomatoes, you're probably going to make a french dressing (vinaigrette) next. In that case, why not use the preserved oil from the tuna or tomatoes?
2,1825 June 5th 2024
Markers in cooking
Markers in cooking
When it comes to cooking, there is only one real rule, and that is that there are no rules! By that I mean that everything is possible, everything can be combined, everything or almost everything can go with everything, but you have to like it, you have to find it good. I have friends who...
7,4275 July 3rd 2021
The art of the charlotte
The art of the charlotte
In cooking, a charlotte is a delicious moulded dessert, with biscuits around the outside that have been soaked in a flavoured syrup, filled with a light cream or mousse. The charlotte is left to set in the fridge before being turned out and served in slices. It is very light and a lovely sweet...
39K4.3 February 27th 2013
How to zest a fruit?
How to zest a fruit?
You will have no doubt noticed that many recipes call for the zest of citrus fruit. The zest is that outer layer of the skin which adds so much flavour to a dish. There are many different ways to peel off the zest and various tools are available. Here is a summary of the “dos and don'ts” of...
41K3.8 November 5th 2013
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
This is a question that you may well have asked yourself and which I will attempt to answer. In France the two trades of "boulangerie" (bakery) and "pâtisserie" (patisserie and confectionery) have always been quite distinct, but where exactly do the boundaries lie? .
121K 14.1 February 7th 2017
Small, regular pieces
Small, regular pieces
When we cook, bake or pastry, we often have to cut food into small pieces, often cubes, to incorporate them into a recipe or preparation. How do you get regular pieces fairly quickly?
4,9084.5 November 28th 2020
Zester like a pro
Zester like a pro
Have you heard of the microplane? It's an extraordinary tool that allows you to grate very, very finely, and therefore zest with disconcerting ease. Here's some information about it.
4,2494.9 December 25th 2020
The perfect boiled egg
The perfect boiled egg
Making boiled eggs is always a delight and it pleases the young and old alike. This little transgenerational side puts them on the list of "things to do on Sunday evening when you don't know what to do" in many families (including mine)... That said, it's not that simple, you have to pay...
13K4.7 January 30th 2021
Let's go easy on the salt
Let's go easy on the salt
In terms of cooking, I'm probably not teaching you much, salt is ubiquitous, we put it in almost all our dishes, in varying amounts depending on our taste, some like salty, others less, others still not. Its main role is the flavor, the taste, we say that it is a flavor enhancer, ie it reveals the...
4,7674.8 February 20th 2021
The infinite variety of salads
The infinite variety of salads
Making a salad for a meal, a few ingredients of your choice and a sauce to bind it all together is still one of the best ways to cook something really good quickly and simply. And since there is often a "fresh" aspect with the vegetables in the ingredients, not only does it taste good, but it's...
6,0264.6 March 13th 2021
Let's rehabilitate the burger
Let's rehabilitate the burger
The burger is a sandwich that is very fashionable at the moment, and as for all other sandwiches, the worst (often) rubs shoulders with the best (much more rare). In principle, I'm probably not teaching you anything, it's a sandwich made of a small round bun, rather soft, like a sandwich bread,...
5,2414.9 April 10th 2021
Introduction to New Nordic Buffet Delicacies
Introduction to New Nordic Buffet Delicacies
Nordic delicacies reflect culinary proficiency from Nordic nations of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. It features a range of simple and classic flavors and ingredients that produce satisfying meals when combined. As is the case in other regions, the flavors and ingredients often...
9,296 August 10th 2021 Sponsored article.
The peak of the apple season
The peak of the apple season
As I write these lines, we are in the middle of the apple season, and it's an apple year, as you may have noticed if you have apple trees around you, they are bursting with fruit! Excellent news for the people in the west of France in particular, but let's have a little thought for those in the...
5,1435 October 23th 2021
Soup vs. potage
Soup vs. potage
It's true that we're finally coming out of winter as I write these lines, and that we'll all be making, no doubt, a little less soup and potages, but even if it's out of season, it really is a simple and delicious dish, which is one of the always easy answers to "What's for dinner this (Sunday)...
5,170 April 9th 2022
Ingredient, product: 5 results
Mont-d'Or cheese
Mont-d'Or cheese
(Found inTexts)
Mont-d'Or is a cheese made from whole raw cow's milk in Franche-Comté (an area of eastern France).It's a soft and full-flavoured cheese, sold in a characteristic wood box.Mont-d'Or in Wikipedia.
Comté cheese
Comté cheese
(Found inTexts)
Comté is a cow's milk cheese, made in the Jura's mountains, in eastern France. It looks a bit like Gruyère and Emmenthal (without holes), but that's just the appearence, its flavour is much stronger.You can find more information about it on Wikipédia or on the Comté official website.
grated cheese
grated cheese
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776K 1
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Feta is a brined curd cheese traditionally made in Greece, from sheep milk (sometimes from goat milk).
(Found inTexts)
Cancoillotte is a runny French cheese made from milk cow, principally in Franche-Comté traditional province of eastern France.

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