Chicken and Avocado Salad

Chicken and Avocado Salad
A delicious salad of radishes, tomato, avocado and chicken.
53 K 5/5 (21 reviews)
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Last modified on: October 14th 2015
For 4 people, you will need:

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Times for this recipe
Preparation: 35 min.
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Step by step recipe

Stage 1 - 10 min.
Chicken and Avocado Salad
Prepare the lettuce and shred it ("chiffonade").

Stage 2 - 3 min.
Chicken and Avocado Salad
Put the lettuce into a bowl. Peel 1 red onion and chop finely then add to the bowl.

Stage 3 - 4 min.
Chicken and Avocado Salad
Add 100 g radishes thinly sliced.

Stage 4 - 10 min.
Chicken and Avocado Salad
Add 1 tomato diced (or, if cherry tomatoes, cut in half).

Add 1 avocado diced.

Stage 5 - 5 min.
Chicken and Avocado Salad
Add the chicken pulled into shreds, 2 tablespoons herbs of your choice and finish with the 6 tablespoons French dressing (vinaigrette). Mix well and it's ready.
If you don't have a red onion, use a normal one (just half) or a shallot. If you have the time, the tomatoes are always better peeled.

As always for a salad, the quantities are for guidance only, so you can adapt them to suit your taste.
Keeping: Should be eaten the day it is made.
Source: Home made.
Nutritional information
Proteins (gr)Carbohydrates (gr)Fats (gr)Energy value (in k-calories)Energy value (in k-joules)
Whole recipe770 RDI=300 %40 RDI=4 %330 RDI=50 %1,150 RDI=60 %4,810 RDI: 60 %
Per 100 g60 RDI=30 %3 RDI=0 %30 RDI=4 %100 RDI=5 %400 RDI: 5 %
Per person190 RDI=70 %10 RDI=1 %80 RDI=10 %290 RDI=10 %1,200 RDI: 10 %
The % figures are calculated in relation to the Recommended Dietary Intake , or RDI of 2,000 k-calories (or 8,400 k-joules) per day for a woman Change to a man
Possible allergens in this recipe: Celery, Sulfites, Mustard
How much will it cost?
  • For 4 people : 10.50 €
  • Per person : 2.65 €

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Note: Be careful, these prices are only an estimate, you can consult the table of prices by ingredients used for this estimate.
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