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Recipes: 36 results
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Involtinis are small rolls of meat, usually veal, and cheese. Here is my version.
382K4.4 2 hours 51 min. February 21th 2011
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
(Found inTextsStages)
A classic recipe of French family cooking, but with a more sophisticated filling.
333K3.8 1 hour 50 min. February 21th 2011
Sautéd broccoli with ham
Sautéd broccoli with ham
(Found inTexts)
Broccoli cooked until just tender, quickly sautéd in a little olive oil with shallot and ribbons of ham.
206K 14.3 49 min. February 21th 2011
Pistachio cream
Pistachio cream
(Found inTexts)
Very similar to almond cream, pistachio cream is ideal for filling or topping all kinds of cakes and tarts. Just like almond cream, it swells during cooking.
293K 64.1 33 min. October 4th 2012
Jam doughnuts
Jam doughnuts
(Found inTexts)
These were originally a traditional German treat (Berliner Pfannkuchen in German): big fried doughnuts filled with jam and sprinkled with icing sugar.
152K4.5 4 hours 23 min. May 27th 2011
How to prepare courgettes
How to prepare courgettes
(Found inTexts)
Preparing courgettes is fairly simple. You just need to remember 3 things: 1) the bigger they are, the less good they will be, 2) they never need to be peeled, and 3) the central part with the seeds is pretty tasteless.
271K 13.8 29 min. June 8th 2011
Larded pork tenderloin
Larded pork tenderloin
(Found inTexts)
Tenderloin of pork stuffed with mustard and parsley, then wrapped in thin slices of bacon and oven roasted.
234K 14.7 1 hour 28 min. November 3rd 2011
Fish in a salt crust
Fish in a salt crust
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Fish cooked in a salt crust is simply baked in the oven, surrounded and completely covered by a layer of coarse salt. This allows the fish to cook gently and it should be eaten as soon as the salt crust is opened. In this version, it is stuffed with lemon and herbs. Using a thermometer is the best...
159K3.8 1 hour 8 min. January 29th 2012
Lumberjack turnovers
Lumberjack turnovers
(Found inTexts)
These are small stuffed bread turnovers (similar to calzone), made with fougasse dough and filled with bacon, mushrooms, onions, cheese and tomato sauce. Lovely and golden-brown after baking, they are best eaten hot or while still warm.
109K5 3 hours 45 min. May 10th 2023
Crispy spinach rolls
Crispy spinach rolls
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These are rolls of brik pastry (or filo), filled with a mixture of spinach, hard-boiled eggs, bacon and onions. They are served here accompanied by rice with cashew nuts.
130K5 1 hour 40 min. March 18th 2013
Potatoes with prawns
Potatoes with prawns
(Found inTexts)
This recipe, originally from Belgium, consists of baked potatoes which are hollowed out and filled with fried prawns. A cream and white wine sauce is then poured over the potatoes before returning them to the oven.
112K3.8 1 hour 49 min. January 14th 2016
Fish fillet with preserved lemons
Fish fillet with preserved lemons
(Found inTexts)
A thick fish fillet stuffed with slices of preserved lemon - crispy on the outside and tender inside.
118K4.3 36 min. January 30th 2013
Macédoine of vegetables
Macédoine of vegetables
(Found inTexts)
A macédoine is simply vegetables diced small (carrots and turnips) or cut small (green beans) with peas. The different vegetables are cooked separately "à l'anglaise", then thoroughly drained. They are only combined at the end in a mayonnaise dressing.
153K4 1 hour 24 min. September 3rd 2014
Tomatoes Macédoine
Tomatoes Macédoine
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Tomatoes macédoine are stuffed salad tomatoes, filled with a macédoine of vegetables in mayonnaise.
64K4 45 min. September 17th 2014
Stuffed cabbage leaves
Stuffed cabbage leaves
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The French classic "chou farci" is made with large green cabbage leaves which are blanched before being rolled into parcels around a sausage meat and cheese filling, then baked in the oven.
208K5 1 hour 23 min. February 1st 2015
Stuffed Mushrooms
Stuffed Mushrooms
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In this recipe, the mushrooms are stuffed with caramelized onions, topped with cheese and cooked in the oven. As mushrooms tend to give off a lot of liquid, especially when very fresh, the cooking is done in two stages.
56K4.1 57 min. May 10th 2023
Stuffed pumpkin gratin
Stuffed pumpkin gratin
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The small squash used here is the Japanese chestnut pumpkin or "potimarron". For this gratin, we scrape out the seeds and fill the centre with a mixture of two sorts of fried meat (chicken and bacon), chestnuts and cream, then bake it in the oven until the pumpkin flesh is soft. Served straight from...
58K4.3 1 hour 9 min. November 29th 2015
Involtini-Style Filet Mignon
Involtini-Style Filet Mignon
(Found inTexts)
This filet mignon of pork is split, rather like an involtini, and stuffed with grilled bacon, parsley and cheese.
57K3.8 52 min. April 15th 2018
Mushroom Pancakes au Gratin
Mushroom Pancakes au Gratin
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This recipe uses pan-fried mushrooms and shallots in cream as the filling for Breton "galettes": traditional buckwheat pancakes. The stuffed pancakes are then baked gratin-style with cheese and cream.
123K4.6 55 min. May 10th 2023
Spinach and ricotta ravioli
Spinach and ricotta ravioli
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The filling for these ravioli is a delicious mixture of ricotta with cooked spinach, egg and lightly toasted pine nuts. The ravioli are first boiled in salted water, then baked gratin-style with cream, Parmesan and sage.
54K 14.8 1 hour 12 min. May 29th 2016
Pages: 1 results
Ice-cream and sorbets
Ice-cream and sorbets
All about ice-creams and sorbets, their differences and how to make the most of them .
425K4.0 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 11 results
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
14K 14.6 February 6th 2011
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Whenever I'm discussing cooking and recipes, there is one idea which comes up frequently, like this: "Oh no! But that's got butter in it" (I should add, for the sake of accuracy, that this is something I hear more frequently from women, who are almost all concerned with keeping their figure). ...
38K4.5 March 26th 2012
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
I adore foie gras... I willingly admit it, I adore foie gras: the texture, the taste, the festive aspect – I enjoy all of it. I really love eating it, preparing it and, most of all, sharing what I have made with my family over Christmas and New Year. ...but then I begin to have doubts Of...
44K4.4 December 15th 2014
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
This is a question that you may well have asked yourself and which I will attempt to answer. In France the two trades of "boulangerie" (bakery) and "pâtisserie" (patisserie and confectionery) have always been quite distinct, but where exactly do the boundaries lie? .
121K 14.1 February 7th 2017
Candied fruits: don't get ripped off
Candied fruits: don't get ripped off
Do you like candied fruit? You might like to nibble a handful or add it to a recipe, like a classic fruit cake or delicious Italian specialities like panettone or sicilian epiphany pie.
54K 24.2 June 21th 2017
The taste of raw tomatoes
The taste of raw tomatoes
Let's take a look at tomatoes, which are still in full bloom at the end of summer (as I write these lines), and which make for delicious salads. I had already talked to you about the interest of peeling tomatoes, which gives them an extraordinary sweetness in the mouth, but let's talk about the...
11K4.9 September 8th 2018
Thermal inertia or "out of the fire"
Thermal inertia or "out of the fire"
When you're cooking, you need a lot of heat to cook, and most of the time it's on the fire, literally if you're on gas, more indirectly if you're not. An expression that comes up quite often is "Off the heat", but what does it really mean?
5,9264.6 December 12th 2020
Do you use croutons, that typically French trick of toasting small pieces of bread on the side to add to a recipe? They're just delicious, but you need to know 2 or 3 things about them. .
5,4125 December 30th 2020
Let's rehabilitate the burger
Let's rehabilitate the burger
The burger is a sandwich that is very fashionable at the moment, and as for all other sandwiches, the worst (often) rubs shoulders with the best (much more rare). In principle, I'm probably not teaching you anything, it's a sandwich made of a small round bun, rather soft, like a sandwich bread,...
5,2414.9 April 10th 2021
The 29-cent "baguette" scandal
The 29-cent "baguette" scandal
You probably heard about it a few days ago, and that was the point: Leclerc hypermarkets in France are going to freeze the price of their baguettes at 29 centimes for 6 months. This measure caused quite a stir in the media, with a lot of talk, and in particular a lot of talk about Leclerc...
6,7524.5 January 29th 2022
The color of the bread crumb
The color of the bread crumb
When you go to buy bread, at your baker's, at the time of the choice, if you hesitate of course, you will undoubtedly be very sensitive to the color of the crust, and you will be right. The color of the crust, from golden, to sometimes very dark, deep brown almost black, depending on the maturity...
13K4.6 April 30th 2022
Lexicon: 1 results
Broken pieces or crumbs
Broken pieces or crumbs
(Found inTexts)
Remaining parts of a product, after cutting, which are edible but not very attractive.
Ingredient, product: 2 results
(Found inTexts)
Courgette (Zuchini) is a summer vegetable, full of fibre and vitamins.
(Found inTexts)
Butter is a fat obtained from dairy cream by the mechanical process known as "churning" (traditionally done from ancient times in a receptacle called a churn, in which the cream is agitated until it turns into butter). Simply put, the cream goes in and comes out as butter. .
776K 1

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