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Recipes: 319 results
Epiphany galette
Epiphany galette
(Found inTexts)
Here is the recipe for the very classic but delicious "galette des rois" (Epiphany galette) in puff or flaky pastry (pâte feuilletée) with almond cream or frangipane . You will also see some professional tips to easily handle the dough, and obtain a nice and regular galette.
278K 24.5 3 hours 8 min. January 6th 2021
Crème brulée
Crème brulée
(Found inTexts)
Crème brûlée (burned cream) is quite easy to prepare: it's a simple egg-cream dessert. The only difficulty is in making the delicious crunchy caramel layer on top. The perfect crème brulée (for me) is a cold and soft cream, with on top a nice hot caramel crust. This is a completely new version...
1.6M 74.3 4 hours 38 min. December 31th 2011
Vanilla sugar
Vanilla sugar
(Found inTexts)
Almost essential in patisserie, you can find it in expensive little sachets of about 10g. It's necessary to distinguish between the vanilla sugar which really contains vanilla, and vanillin sugar, purely chemical which has never seen a vanilla pod. Here is how to quickly make a whole jar full of...
408K 15 26 min. August 12th 2018
Clarified butter
Clarified butter
(Found inTexts)
This is a way of melting butter to eliminate all the impurities. The clarified butter can then be heated without spoiling, and is more digestible. It is ideal for cooking at high temperatures where small black specks would spoil the appearance, or for emulsified sauces like béarnaise or mousseline.
451K4.2 2 hours 14 min. June 21th 2017
(Found inTexts)
Hummus (or houmous), is one of the famous and delicious Lebanese "mezzes".
327K4.7 16 min. May 30th 2020
Cocotte eggs with Comté
Cocotte eggs with Comté
(Found inTexts)
A light delicious and quickly prepared dish, an easy and elegant answer to the frequent question "what are we going to eat this evening?". Here is version with Comté (a famous cheese from eastern France, like gruyère, but much better), but it can be made prepared many different ways.
344K4.3 1 hour February 21th 2011
How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly
How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly
(Found inTexts)
A hard-boiled egg is properly cooked when: shell is not broken, white and yolk are firm, yolk is only yellow with no traces of green around it. Here are some tips to make this easy.
1.4M 65 1 hour 28 min. November 4th 2013
Natural leaven
Natural leaven
(Found inTexts)
Leaven is a natural raising agent, a fermented mixture of water, flour and the microscopic yeasts which are present in the air. It's a delicate living substance, sensitive to the external environment. The recipe is around 4000 years old and dates back to the Egypt of the Pharaohs, via a beautiful...
1.7M 304.0 7 days 15 min. April 3rd 2020
Chocolate rolls (petits pains)
Chocolate rolls (petits pains)
(Found inTextsStages)
Here is a recipe for "real" chocolate petits pains, i.e. with a milk bread dough (not croissants dough) and with a stick of chocolate inside.
430K4.6 5 hours 27 min. October 30th 2021
Pizza dough
Pizza dough
(Found inTextsStages)
Pizza dough is a lind of bread dough with olive oil, which make it softer. This is the same dough that I use for pizzas and flammenkuches, this is no doubt incorrect, but it's very good nevertheless. At home we used to make pizza dough quite thick, and flammenkuche as thin as possible.
499K4.6 1 hour 59 min. August 27th 2020
How to extract passion fruit juice
How to extract passion fruit juice
(Found inTexts)
Passion fruit are rather strange fruit as they do not really have much flesh, but rather seeds surrounded by a fine layer of pulp. Here is a way to extract the juice.
508K 32.3 20 min. March 23th 2011
How to prepare an avocado
How to prepare an avocado
(Found inTexts)
Here is how to get from an avocado only the flesh of the fruit.
191K 14 11 min. January 9th 2010
How to roll out pastry for a tart
How to roll out pastry for a tart
(Found inTexts)
Rolling out pastry from a block and lining a tart mould or tin is not as straighforward as all that. To help you to succeed every time, here is a very simple tip. It will to change your opinion of tarts...
291K4.6 23 min. October 13th 2010
How to use a forcing bag (piping or icing bag)
How to use a forcing bag (piping or icing bag)
(Found inTextsStages)
The forcing bag is the tool needed whenever you need to deposit a blob of something precisely in a particular place (in a mould, a glass, on a plate, etc). Here is how you do it.
293K 15 22 min. January 14th 2011
How to heat milk without it catching on the bottom of the pan
How to heat milk without it catching on the bottom of the pan
(Found inTexts)
Very often when you heat milk in a saucepan, it forms at the bottom of the pan (especially if the milk boiled) a sticky and brown bottom of milk that burned and attached. To avoid this here is a very simple and very effective tip.
248K 24.2 1 min. February 21th 2011
How to beat egg whites
How to beat egg whites
(Found inTexts)
Beat egg whites is very common in cooking and pastry, here are some tips to get there easily.
547K5 5 min. February 21th 2011
How to add beaten eggs whites to a mixture
How to add beaten eggs whites to a mixture
(Found inTextsStages)
It is common in cooking or pastry, having beaten whites mix preparation to another without making them completely fall, here are some tips to help you to.
122K4.3 10 min. August 3rd 2012
How to peel a garlic clove easily
How to peel a garlic clove easily
(Found inTexts)
Here are, in a video, how to from a head of garlic to clove ready to be used.
134K 24.3 5 min. August 8th 2013
How to choose an avocado well
How to choose an avocado well
(Found inTexts)
It is not so easy to choose a good avocado, tasty and well ripe. Here are some tips to help you.
177K4.4 1 min. June 28th 2011
How to keep meat tender after cooking
How to keep meat tender after cooking
(Found inTexts)
When you cook meat, the cooking heat causes the juices to run back inside, so the outside dries up somewhat. Here is a tip to avoid this.
114K4.3 5 min. February 21th 2011
Pages: 15 results
What is this site, and who am I?
What is this site, and who am I?
The important thing is the content of the site, the recipes and information you can find, but some of you want to know who is behind it all.
204K 44.2 August 29th 2023
Ice-cream and sorbets
Ice-cream and sorbets
All about ice-creams and sorbets, their differences and how to make the most of them .
425K4.0 August 29th 2023
Making your own bread
Making your own bread
In praise of home-made bread, so much better.
564K 63.9 August 29th 2023
Hints for using the recipes: how to read and recreate them.
166K3.6 June 3rd 2024
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Weights, measures and volumes in a recipe.
820K3.7 December 10th 2023
Solar lighting
Solar lighting
Fit a small solar panel at home.
233K4.0 August 29th 2023
The steam machine
The steam machine
Continuous steam in the oven with the steam machine.
56K4 August 29th 2023
There are several kinds of mint with different flavours, some stronger than others. The important thing, if you have the choice, is to use the strongest flavour possible (crush a leaf with your fingers, and smell to compare).
37K4.2 August 29th 2023
Electronic controlling of a pump
Electronic controlling of a pump
How to switch on a pump with a timer automatically using high water level .
169K4.4 August 29th 2023
Start off well to cook well
Start off well to cook well
How to get off to a good start in cooking; what equipment and basic ingredients you should always have to hand.
305K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Advices for writing your recipes
Advices for writing your recipes
On-line document for writing a personal recipe.
56K4.4 August 29th 2023
Basic temperature in bread-making
Basic temperature in bread-making
Basic temperature in bread-making.
225K3.7 August 29th 2023
The amateur baker
The amateur baker
You may have noticed over the pages of this site, I am passionate about everything that is related to the bakery: I love making bread, pastries, maintain my leaven, etc.. This page contains links to all the different parts of the site where we talk about bread: recipes, special pages, etc.
166K 44.1 August 29th 2023
Polynesian arrow
Polynesian arrow
Launched with a piece of string: the Polynesian arrow.
187K 14.3 August 29th 2023
On this site you can...
On this site you can...
All the things you can do with this site.
190K 23.7 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 20 results
5 really useful cooking tips
5 really useful cooking tips
Cooking is about recipes, of course, but it is also an impressive collection of small gestures, ways of doing things, knowing what to do and what not to do. All these little tips and tricks can be very important: they can affect the way a recipe turns out, simply because you did just the right...
19K4.9 March 29th 2016
A few tips for effective kneading at home
A few tips for effective kneading at home
When you have to knead dough for bread or some other recipe, you may well use a food processor or the type of machine known as a stand mixer. The best-known brands are Kenwood and KitchenAid. They are useful tools, but here are a few tips to help you get the best out of them.
268K 23.7 June 23th 2021
In praise of slow cooking
In praise of slow cooking
You will no doubt have noticed that in cookery, it's often the actual cooking process that gets neglected. This is understandable; it comes at the end of the recipe and getting the dish in the oven is something of a relief (ah, that's done!), which frees us to cope with what's left: tidying the...
37K4.2 February 9th 2011
How to choose a good password
How to choose a good password
These days more and more websites ask you to create a user account, so that you can be identified before being allowed to access some service or other. To create an account you need to choose a user identity. This is simple, as your email address is used in most cases (, for...
16K4.1 March 29th 2013
Making the most of seeds: Dry roasting
Making the most of seeds: Dry roasting
In cooking, and particularly in baking, there are a lot of seeds we can use, such as linseed, sesame, poppy, etc. Usually, recipes simply say to add them just as they are to the mixture or dough. To make a seeded loaf, for example, prepare a plain bread dough as usual, then, towards the end of...
56K4.0 January 30th 2015
Children and vegetables
Children and vegetables
This is an attempt to address the question that all parents and grandparents, maybe you included, face so often: how can we get children to like vegetables? And at the same time, we might get away from the familiar, day-in, day-out round of pasta, chips, toast.. Well, I can hear you say, it's...
12K5 March 9th 2017
Egg yolks and caster sugar
Egg yolks and caster sugar
We often come across recipes where we need to mix egg yolks with caster sugar. This would appear to be a very ordinary and simple thing to do but, be warned, these two ingredients can behave oddly together.
73K 24.4 February 15th 2018
Drawing a pattern in pastry
Drawing a pattern in pastry
Often in the kitchen, in pastry-making, or in baking, we need to trace a pattern on a pastry. It's just a question of aesthetics but it has its effect after baking on a galette, pithiviers, pâté en croute (terrine in a pie crust), etc.
26K4.1 May 23th 2019
Cooking time for pasta
Cooking time for pasta
What is as good and simple as pasta? Not much, I think, and it's so easy to prepare: boiling water, salted (or not, depending on your taste), a few minutes of boiling and it's ready. The only "difficulty", so to speak, is the respect of the cooking time and the risk of, unfortunately, overcooking...
18K4.6 July 18th 2019
The proper use of a pastry bag
The proper use of a pastry bag
Ever used a pastry bag? Handy, isn't it, but unfortunately not very easy to fill. In fact, to be comfortable with this tool, you'd need 3 or 4 arms, which isn't very common. Does that mean it's a goner? No, of course not. Here are 2 or 3 tips to help you get comfortable with it.
4,9264.7 December 5th 2020
Zester like a pro
Zester like a pro
Have you heard of the microplane? It's an extraordinary tool that allows you to grate very, very finely, and therefore zest with disconcerting ease. Here's some information about it.
4,2484.9 December 25th 2020
Unmoulding cakes while hot
Unmoulding cakes while hot
When you make a cake, pound cake or whatever (what bakers call a "travel cake" because it's easy to carry around) you've most likely made a batter, either by hand or in a food processor, which you then pour into a buttered pan. It's a classic, and I've already talked to you about 2 or 3 tips on...
33K4.6 February 6th 2021
The 3 secrets of successful mousses
The 3 secrets of successful mousses
When you make a traditional mousse, that is to say without using a siphon, whatever the recipe, it's always the same principle: on one side you have a dense mixture, very tasty, and on the other side egg whites beaten until stiff. All the difficulty of the success of a mousse, it will be to mix the...
5,8144.6 April 3rd 2021
Let's rehabilitate the burger
Let's rehabilitate the burger
The burger is a sandwich that is very fashionable at the moment, and as for all other sandwiches, the worst (often) rubs shoulders with the best (much more rare). In principle, I'm probably not teaching you anything, it's a sandwich made of a small round bun, rather soft, like a sandwich bread,...
5,2414.9 April 10th 2021
Remove bones from fish
Remove bones from fish
Let's talk about fish: It's not a scoop, it's much more pleasant to eat fish from which all the bones have been carefully removed, even if it's a rather painful and time-consuming job, the result is worthy of your efforts. Here are some important points to keep in mind.
8,5815 October 16th 2021
Brussels sprouts are very good
Brussels sprouts are very good
We are, as I write this, in the season of Brussels sprouts, a delicious vegetable that often suffers from a bad reputation, let's try to fix that.
6,4864.7 March 5th 2022
Creams in pastry
Creams in pastry
In this post, I propose you to make a small tour of the different creams in pastry. If you like to make them at home, you have already noticed the many creams that exist for the different desserts: Chantilly, custard, diplomat, Bavarian, etc. etc. Each one more delicious than the other, they...
8,6944.5 March 12th 2022
Celeriac soups and the 3rd ingredient
Celeriac soups and the 3rd ingredient
Do you like celeriac, a vegetable that is not always a big hit? If your answer is "no" or "not so much", it is perhaps that you have in mind the celery remoulade, the emblematic starter, with the eggs mimosa, of the bistrot kitchen. It's very good, well if you like it of course, but it's a bit...
8,9374.9 May 21th 2022
Parmesan cheese crusts
Parmesan cheese crusts
If you use Parmesan cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) in your recipes, you may have already noticed: when you grate it, it becomes (very) difficult near the crust, especially if it is a slightly aged parmesan, as the cheese gets harder and harder. So we stop grating, leaving some crust on top, and a...
12K4.8 September 14th 2022
Should asparagus really be cooked in bunches?
Should asparagus really be cooked in bunches?
You'll probably read recipes here and there explaining how to cook asparagus "en botte", i.e. in a small package (the famous "botte"). Is this really the right way to cook asparagus?
2,7245 May 22th 2024
Lexicon: 2 results
(Found inTexts)
Blanching. Plunging an ingredient (usually vegetables) into boiling salted water for a very short time (a few seconds), and then into very cold water. .
(Found inTexts)
To sieve means to pass a powder through a strainer with a fairly close mesh, to ensure that there is only a fine powder and no bits or lumps. .
Utensil: 1 results
Forcing bag
Forcing bag
(Found inTexts)
For filling small moulds, making small fancy items, shaping small cakes.
Ingredient, product: 1 results
small pieces of bacon
small pieces of bacon
(Found inTexts)
"Lardons" in French are bacon cut in small pieces, more or less big.

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