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Recipes: 44 results
Brioche dough
Brioche dough
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It's a soft and rich dough, with butter and eggs which give a smooth and incredibly tasty brioche. This is the basic recipe for brioche dough, used for all other brioche-based recipes on the site.
512K 44.2 14 hours 27 min. September 16th 2020
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"Chinese" - what a strange name for this cake! A kind of brioche, filled with confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière) which can be decorated with fondant icing.
259K 24.7 5 hours 29 min. September 10th 2018
Home-made terrine of foie gras
Home-made terrine of foie gras
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Preparing your own home-made foie gras from raw is immensively satisfying: good quality liver and a simply amazing flavour – much better than anything you can buy. This recipe is a bit tricky, but quite within everyone's grasp, as long as you follow the 3 most delicate stages carefully. These are,...
5.2M 64.2 4 days 15 hours 50 min. December 17th 2023
Old style brioche
Old style brioche
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Classical version of brioche use yeast to raise the dough, but in this recipe some leaven is added. This make a more rustic brioche, with a small taste of leaven.
296K4.6 14 hours 6 min. December 19th 2014
Kugelhof for Nanou
Kugelhof for Nanou
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This recipe is emblematic of Alsatian baking, but a more personal version (and a bit richer).
274K4.4 3 hours 15 min. August 2nd 2019
Sandwich bread
Sandwich bread
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Soft and moist, almost like brioche, it can be made in a tin or mould or as a classic long French-style loaf.
343K3.9 3 hours 26 min. October 24th 2017
Household cake (Gâteau de ménage)
Household cake (Gâteau de ménage)
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A traditional recipe from Franche-comté, it's a flat round kind of brioche, covered with an egg cream called "Goumeau".
490K 25 3 hours 59 min. June 15th 2020
How to prepare egg glaze
How to prepare egg glaze
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Bakers and pastry chefs use a glaze ("dorure" in French - the same word as for gilding) made with whole full eggs, beaten in a blender. This is used with a brush on pastry that would not naturally brown during cooking (brioche, puff pastry, ...).
297K4.3 2 min. October 17th 2018
Sausage in brioche
Sausage in brioche
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In this recipe, sausage is cooked, the skin removed, and baked in a savoury brioche dough. Serve preferably with a good green salad and French dressing (vinaigrette).
407K5 1 hour 49 min. September 10th 2018
Nanterre brioche
Nanterre brioche
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This is the classic, but delicious, brioche recipe that you can find in any good baker's. Her unique shape is made from small balls of dough put in a mould.
268K3.8 2 hours 26 min. September 10th 2018
Apple charlotte with toasted brioche
Apple charlotte with toasted brioche
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This rather special charlotte is made with toasted slices of brioche instead of finger biscuits and stewed apples. Cooked once assembled, it can be eated warm or cold.
269K3.8 2 hours 20 min. June 5th 2013
Brioche slices with almond cream
Brioche slices with almond cream
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A brioche slice, soaked in rum syrup and covered with almond cream, then browned in the oven. It's a dessert, and also a pastry which goes very well with tea or coffee at the end of the afternoon, especially when it's cold outside.
205K4.1 54 min. June 13th 2013
Pain perdu
Pain perdu
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This is a sweet French version of "eggy bread": slices of bread soaked in a mixture of milk, cream, egg yolks and vanilla sugar, then pan-fried until golden. It's really simple and wickedly delicious!
160K3.8 39 min. July 20th 2011
Brioche galette
Brioche galette
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This galette (flat cake) is made with brioche dough, stuck with little pieces of butter and sprinkled with sugar.
88K4.8 2 hours 3 min. February 23th 2012
Caramelized brioche with pear and kiwi
Caramelized brioche with pear and kiwi
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This "classy restaurant" style dessert consists of a sort of dish made of caramelized brioche filled with a mix of pear compote and kiwi salad with vanilla, served surrounded by real custard (crème anglaise).
95K 15 45 min. April 29th 2012
Pains briochés aux raisins
Pains briochés aux raisins
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This classic French "viennoiserie" is a sweet bun containing confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière) and rum-soaked raisins. It demands a bit of skill, but is not too complicated.
132K4.8 2 hours 37 min. September 12th 2018
Brioche feuilletée (flaky brioche)
Brioche feuilletée (flaky brioche)
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For brioche feuilletée (or flaky brioche), the brioche dough is treated like puff pastry, with layers of butter incorporated by repeated turning and rolling. Coarse sugar crystals add a sweet crunchiness. Needless to say, this is very rich and quite irresistible.
117K 24.6 3 hours 49 min. November 10th 2013
Brioche Tatin
Brioche Tatin
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For this filled brioche, the apples are cooked separately, as for a tart tatin (caramelized), then sandwiched between two circles of brioche dough.
71K3.7 3 hours 21 min. September 10th 2018
Hamburger buns
Hamburger buns
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This recipe shows you how to make hamburger buns that are almost brioche style without being sweet.
164K4 3 hours 59 min. April 11th 2020
St Tropez tart
St Tropez tart
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This famous dessert from St Tropez is more of a cake than a tart. The sugar-sprinkled brioche layers are sandwiched together with a rich vanilla filling which is a mixture of confectioner's custard and whipped cream.
102K3.8 3 hours 34 min. September 11th 2018
Pages: 3 results
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
Soured dough
Soured dough
Underneath this strange name lies a baking secret: when you want to give a bread or pastry dough (without leaven, but with yeast) a certain percentage of fermented dough must be added, i.e. the same dough made the day before, and left to ferment overnight in the refrigerator.
144K 24.1 February 23th 2024
The amateur baker
The amateur baker
You may have noticed over the pages of this site, I am passionate about everything that is related to the bakery: I love making bread, pastries, maintain my leaven, etc.. This page contains links to all the different parts of the site where we talk about bread: recipes, special pages, etc.
166K 44.1 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 12 results
Brioche for a savoury recipe
Brioche for a savoury recipe
When we make brioche, it is generally sweet, that is to say that in the dough there is sugar or honey or dried or candied fruits, or even sometimes the 3 together. It's normal, it's very good, it's a pastry. But you may also need brioche for a savoury dish, like a sausage or a sausage in brioche...
8,6724.9 June 30th 2019
Different kinds of pastry and dough
Different kinds of pastry and dough
When cooking in general, and particularly in baking, we can make and use many different kinds of pastry and dough. All built on the same "base": flour - a powder to which we add fat, liquid or both to produce the dough which is then cooked. .
105K 14.0 November 6th 2012
The art of the charlotte
The art of the charlotte
In cooking, a charlotte is a delicious moulded dessert, with biscuits around the outside that have been soaked in a flavoured syrup, filled with a light cream or mousse. The charlotte is left to set in the fridge before being turned out and served in slices. It is very light and a lovely sweet...
39K4.3 February 27th 2013
Raising (or leavening) agents
Raising (or leavening) agents
When we want to make a dough or batter rise when baking, either in patisserie or bread-making, we need to use a raising agent or leavening agent, one of which is called leaven. In the context of baking, a raising agent is simply what "makes something rise". It is a substance which, when added to...
51K4.8 June 16th 2021
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
This is a question that you may well have asked yourself and which I will attempt to answer. In France the two trades of "boulangerie" (bakery) and "pâtisserie" (patisserie and confectionery) have always been quite distinct, but where exactly do the boundaries lie? .
121K 14.1 February 7th 2017
Foie gras service
Foie gras service
For the upcoming christmas meals you too may be sacrificing to the tradition of foie gras? If so, I suggest you take a look at everything that revolves around serving foie gras: how to serve it, and what to eat and drink with it.
11K4.9 December 23th 2017
The beautiful story of the croissants
The beautiful story of the croissants
As you may have already noticed, cooking, baking and pastry-making are full of stories or legends, usually very romantic, about this or that product or recipe. This is often the case for named recipes, for example tarte tatin, peach melba, paris-brest and many others, but it also applies to very...
13K5 October 10th 2018
The baker always gild twice
The baker always gild twice
I've already told you about gilding, the beaten whole egg that is spread with a brush on anything that needs to brown in the oven: puff pastry, pastries, etc. and that professionals use a lot, I'm going to come back to this to clarify a bit how to do it, and give you a professional tip.
27K4.2 June 9th 2019
Stand mixer tools
Stand mixer tools
Whether we call it a stand mixer, food processor, or simply refer to it by brand (Kenwood, KitchenAid, etc.), this machine is a valuable tool for amateur cooks, bakers or pastry chefs like ourselves. All these machines come supplied with 3 different tools. Let’s take a look at their names and...
32K4.5 November 2nd 2019
 Pastry and bakery dough families
Pastry and bakery dough families
There are many kinds, or families, of pastry and bakery doughs, depending on whether you want to make a tart, a cake, a pie, a brioche, croissants and so on. I'll try to give you a quick overview of all these doughs, how they're classified, and what they're used for.
9,1624.9 November 16th 2020
The "caves" in the bakery and pastry shop
The "caves" in the bakery and pastry shop
Maybe you've already done this? You want to make a brioche or a cake with fruit inside, you decide to proceed with your usual recipe, but also to add in the dough pieces of fresh and raw fruit, or whole fruit, for example pieces of apples or pears, good idea. When you bake it, everything seems to...
7,0224.9 March 27th 2021
What happens to the bread when you make it?
What happens to the bread when you make it?
This bread that we eat every day, and that our baker makes for us, what happens during its manufacture so that it becomes bread? I will try to answer this question, and to summarize the complex alchemy that takes place.
9,1874.9 May 28th 2021

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