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Recipes: 57 results
Almond cream or frangipane
Almond cream or frangipane
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Light and delicious, it is used in a lot of desserts like tarts, cakes and pies (epiphany galette).
445K 25 44 min. January 23th 2022
Sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée)
Sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée)
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Sweetcrust pastry is one of the basic pastry of French patisserie, used in many tart and cakes recipes, but it can also be rolled out and cut into biscuits, delicious with tea or coffee. This recipe is given for those who have a mixer (Kenwood, KitchenAid or other), but it can also be done with your...
471K 24.4 33 min. July 1st 2019
Natural leaven
Natural leaven
(Found inTexts)
Leaven is a natural raising agent, a fermented mixture of water, flour and the microscopic yeasts which are present in the air. It's a delicate living substance, sensitive to the external environment. The recipe is around 4000 years old and dates back to the Egypt of the Pharaohs, via a beautiful...
1.7M 304.0 7 days 15 min. April 3rd 2020
How to roll out pastry for a tart
How to roll out pastry for a tart
(Found inTextsStages)
Rolling out pastry from a block and lining a tart mould or tin is not as straighforward as all that. To help you to succeed every time, here is a very simple tip. It will to change your opinion of tarts...
291K4.6 23 min. October 13th 2010
How to glaze a tart
How to glaze a tart
(Found inTextsStages)
Professional pastrycooks usually say that "a beautiful cake is already half sold", it is one of the reasons why they do not put a tart on sale without glazing it ("abricoter" in Fench), i.e. coating it with a thick apricot syrup. This glaze gives a glossy finish to the tart (see the photographs...
440K4.4 7 min. February 15th 2016
How to bake blind
How to bake blind
(Found inTextsStages)
This method allows you to cook a tart case, and then fill with a preparation which may or may not need further cooking (fruit, chocolate, crème patissière , etc...).
909K5 1 hour 40 min. May 6th 2017
How to make chocolate chips
How to make chocolate chips
(Found inTexts)
These chocolate chips, very fine, are perfect for decorating a dessert, but they can also be incorporated in a preparation like mint ice-cream for example.
269K3.8 5 min. February 21th 2011
Shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
Shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
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This is for sweet or savoury tarts, quiches or pies. The difference between this and sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée) is in the very small amount of sugar and the absence of ground almonds.
374K 24 31 min. December 29th 2019
Express sauerkraut
Express sauerkraut
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Sauerkraut (choucroute in French) is a traditional Alsatian recipe. It consists of fermented cabbage slowly cooked with white wine, potatoes and a variety of salted pork meats. This is a simplified and fairly quick version.
354K 13.9 2 hours 24 min. February 21th 2011
When to add salt to cooking water?
When to add salt to cooking water?
(Found inTexts)
Is it better to salt cooking water, for vegetables for example, at the beginning when it is cold or when it boils? I always heard that one should salt "after", when water is boiling, because if it is salted "before" it will take longer to boil. True or false? Let's try the experiment...
142K4 12 min. July 25th 2017
Pistachio cream
Pistachio cream
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Very similar to almond cream, pistachio cream is ideal for filling or topping all kinds of cakes and tarts. Just like almond cream, it swells during cooking.
294K 64.1 33 min. October 4th 2012
Cherry and pistachio tarts
Cherry and pistachio tarts
(Found inTextsStages)
A shortcrust pastry case baked with pistachio cream, then topped with Griottine cherries.
176K 25 1 hour 20 min. July 4th 2010
Apple amandine tarts from Brélès
Apple amandine tarts from Brélès
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Amandines are small sweetcrust pastry tarts filled with fruit and topped with almond cream. Here's a rather more sophisticated version made with stewed apple, rice pudding and almond cream.
179K3.7 1 hour 10 min. March 1st 2012
Tomato tatin
Tomato tatin
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A savoury shortcrust pastry with Parmesan is used to cover tomatoes cooked in two stages, first in the pan, then in the oven. As for a classic tart tatin, the whole thing is then turned upside down.
140K4.8 2 hours 35 min. December 5th 2010
Lime (or lemon) curd
Lime (or lemon) curd
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Lime curd is a delicious conserve and variation on the traditional lemon curd, made with limes, eggs and butter. It's the perfect filling for either large or small tarts.
155K5 54 min. July 10th 2011
Little lime tarts
Little lime tarts
(Found inTextsStages)
With this very quick recipe, you can make little tarts that are nothing like those you find in the shops.
122K4.3 40 min. October 10th 2021
Apple semelles (flat apple tarts)
Apple semelles (flat apple tarts)
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The French semelle is a flat rectangular tart with a base of puff pastry. In this version, a layer of stewed apple is spread on the pastry, then topped with finely-sliced fruit.
149K4.3 1 hour 5 min. October 28th 2011
Langoustine and leek tarts
Langoustine and leek tarts
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Small puff pastry cases filled with a layer of chopped leeks, fried langoustines (also known as scampi or Dublin Bay prawns), topped with hollandaise sauce.
104K4.2 1 hour 28 min. May 13th 2012
Cheese tart
Cheese tart
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This is a very simple recipe for a "Pontarlier" style cheese tart that allows you to prepare a number at the same time. They freeze very well, so you can easily stock up for later.
85K4.2 5 hours 10 min. February 3rd 2013
Crusty cockle tart
Crusty cockle tart
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A small puff pastry tart case filled with cockles in a cream and egg-yolk sauce ("a la poulette" in French).
100K4.3 2 hours 52 min. March 17th 2013
Pages: 4 results
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
My good addresses, favourite suppliers, ingredients, products and equipment.
297K4.0 August 29th 2023
Closed fire cooking
Closed fire cooking
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: closed fire cooking, with the embers removed .
51K4.4 August 29th 2023
The amateur baker
The amateur baker
You may have noticed over the pages of this site, I am passionate about everything that is related to the bakery: I love making bread, pastries, maintain my leaven, etc.. This page contains links to all the different parts of the site where we talk about bread: recipes, special pages, etc.
166K 44.1 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 20 results
Good fridge management
Good fridge management
We all have a fridge at home – it's an indispensible part of the kitchen and so much a part of the furniture that we tend not to pay it much attention. But often, out of habit, we don't use it properly. Here are a few tips to help you get more from your fridge. .
25K4.4 April 19th 2011
Different kinds of pastry and dough
Different kinds of pastry and dough
When cooking in general, and particularly in baking, we can make and use many different kinds of pastry and dough. All built on the same "base": flour - a powder to which we add fat, liquid or both to produce the dough which is then cooked. .
105K 14.0 November 6th 2012
Artichoke stalks
Artichoke stalks
When preparing artichokes for cooking, you may well already know that we often need to remove the first round of leaves, if they are tatty or dirty, as well as the inedible stalk. The operative word here is “remove” , rather than “cut off”.
48K4.3 October 25th 2016
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
This is a question that you may well have asked yourself and which I will attempt to answer. In France the two trades of "boulangerie" (bakery) and "pâtisserie" (patisserie and confectionery) have always been quite distinct, but where exactly do the boundaries lie? .
121K 14.1 February 7th 2017
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
When it comes to home-made desserts, tarts are always popular. They can be divided into two basic types: those cooked with their filling, such as an apricot and almond cream tart, and those where the filling is added after baking the pastry case, such as a strawberry tart or chocolate tart. For...
105K4.5 May 2nd 2017
When should I change my knife?
When should I change my knife?
I already spoke to you in a previous post about knives, those without which nothing is possible (or almost) in the kitchen, so I'm going to come back to them a bit and try to answer the question "When should I change my knife?
11K4.7 November 2nd 2017
Egg yolks and caster sugar
Egg yolks and caster sugar
We often come across recipes where we need to mix egg yolks with caster sugar. This would appear to be a very ordinary and simple thing to do but, be warned, these two ingredients can behave oddly together.
73K 24.4 February 15th 2018
Is it really necessary to cream egg yolks?
Is it really necessary to cream egg yolks?
Let’s try and answer a question that crops up in cookery and patisserie, even if it verges on the existential: do the egg yolks in a custard recipe really need to be beaten until pale, or not?
37K4.3 February 28th 2018
The right weight of pastry for a pie
The right weight of pastry for a pie
Let's try to solve a thorny problem: How much dough will I need when I make my next pie? You're planning to make a pie, you're going to use your favourite mould or circle, but how much pastry will you need to fill it completely with a well spread pastry, without being too thin, or on the contrary...
59K4.3 March 20th 2020
Circles vs. moulds tins
Circles vs. moulds tins
If you like to bake or make quiches, pies etc. you must surely have one or more pie pans at home, in different diameters and perhaps materials. They are indispensable, without them there is no way to make beautiful pies, and they work very well, but you have another option, instead of moulds,...
12K5 October 2nd 2020
The proper use of a pastry bag
The proper use of a pastry bag
Ever used a pastry bag? Handy, isn't it, but unfortunately not very easy to fill. In fact, to be comfortable with this tool, you'd need 3 or 4 arms, which isn't very common. Does that mean it's a goner? No, of course not. Here are 2 or 3 tips to help you get comfortable with it.
4,9574.7 December 5th 2020
Let's rehabilitate spinach
Let's rehabilitate spinach
We are currently (as I write this) in the season of fresh spinach, and it is a delicious vegetable that unfortunately has a bad reputation among a lot of people, children and teenagers in particular. I wonder if this lack of appetite isn't due to what I call, probably unfairly, "school food...
4,3674.8 May 7th 2021
What happens to the bread when you make it?
What happens to the bread when you make it?
This bread that we eat every day, and that our baker makes for us, what happens during its manufacture so that it becomes bread? I will try to answer this question, and to summarize the complex alchemy that takes place.
9,2324.9 May 28th 2021
The peak of the apple season
The peak of the apple season
As I write these lines, we are in the middle of the apple season, and it's an apple year, as you may have noticed if you have apple trees around you, they are bursting with fruit! Excellent news for the people in the west of France in particular, but let's have a little thought for those in the...
5,1645 October 23th 2021
The two frying pans
The two frying pans
Where we see that a non-stick frying pan, if it is very practical in general, sometimes it is not enough.
7,4394.7 February 26th 2022
Soup vs. potage
Soup vs. potage
It's true that we're finally coming out of winter as I write these lines, and that we'll all be making, no doubt, a little less soup and potages, but even if it's out of season, it really is a simple and delicious dish, which is one of the always easy answers to "What's for dinner this (Sunday)...
5,196 April 9th 2022
The color of the bread crumb
The color of the bread crumb
When you go to buy bread, at your baker's, at the time of the choice, if you hesitate of course, you will undoubtedly be very sensitive to the color of the crust, and you will be right. The color of the crust, from golden, to sometimes very dark, deep brown almost black, depending on the maturity...
13K4.6 April 30th 2022
The preservation of bread
The preservation of bread
Eating fresh bread is always a delight, the crust crumbles deliciously, you take full advantage of the taste of your bread (80% of this taste is in the crust), it is a fleeting moment to enjoy. Who hasn't already eaten the crouton or croutons of his baguette, on the way back from the bakery? ...
11K4.7 June 11th 2022
When I was a kid, I didn't like...
When I was a kid, I didn't like...
Maybe you've already made this strange observation: when you were a kid, there were things you hated, but as an adult it's almost the opposite? For example, you used to hate spinach or chicory, but now you love it?
6,3165 November 5th 2023
It's spinning too fast!
It's spinning too fast!
When you need to grate or slice vegetables, you generally use an electric machine that does all the work: a food processor, a mixer with a "slicer" extension or similar. Are these machines really suitable? Generally speaking, yes of course, but there's one criterion that often poses a problem,...
7,0495 November 12th 2023
Lexicon: 1 results
Ingredient, product
Ingredient, product
(Found inTexts)
Everything used as a raw material in the kitchen: vegetables, meat, fish, spices, fruit, etc.
Utensil: 3 results
Cake and pastry moulds
Cake and pastry moulds
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For cooking all your cakes. Available in various shapes and sizes for tarts, cakes, madeleines, financiers, etc.
Tart rings, moulds or tins
Tart rings, moulds or tins
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For cooking tarts and tartlets, you can use classic moulds or tins (left photo), or rings (right photo) which are moulds with no base that are placed on a non-stick baking sheet for cooking. This is what pastry chefs use, because with no base, tart cook faster and more evenly, and it's easier to...
Wire rack
Wire rack
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Mainly used for leaving items to cool (cakes, tarts, etc.), so that air can circulate around them, particularly underneath. Generally metal utensils, rectangular or round as in the photo.
Ingredient, product: 2 results
(Found inTexts)
Agar-agar is a natural gelling agent, of vegetable origin, made from seaweed. It is sold as a beige powder, and has no taste or smell.
apricot glaze
apricot glaze
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Apricot glaze is an apricot jelly (strained jam), used to coat tarts, to protect them from the air and give them a glossy appearance.

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