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Recipes: 19 results
Natural leaven
Natural leaven
(Found inTexts)
Leaven is a natural raising agent, a fermented mixture of water, flour and the microscopic yeasts which are present in the air. It's a delicate living substance, sensitive to the external environment. The recipe is around 4000 years old and dates back to the Egypt of the Pharaohs, via a beautiful...
1.7M 304.0 7 days 15 min. April 3rd 2020
You should not leave egg yolks in contact with sugar
You should not leave egg yolks in contact with sugar
(Found inTexts)
You should not leave egg yolks in contact with sugar for too long without beating them, because this contact "cooks" egg yolks and you will get small lumps of hard egg in your mixture.
118K5 February 21th 2011
Celeriac Rémoulade
Celeriac Rémoulade
(Found inTexts)
A classic recipe of traditional French bistro cooking (winter salad).
393K5 18 min. December 21th 2020
Steak burger topped with egg
Steak burger topped with egg
(Found inTexts)
A succulent steak burger, topped with a perfect egg. Here are all the tips you need to produce this simple but delicious dish.
252K4.9 52 min. June 22th 2013
Lemon Meringue Pie Verrines
Lemon Meringue Pie Verrines
(Found inTexts)
This is a new twist on the classic lemon meringue pie. All the elements are there: sweet crunchy bits, meringue and lemon custard, but presented in layers in a glass.
57K5 21 min. July 12th 2015
Eggs Comtoise
Eggs Comtoise
(Found inTexts)
In this recipe from eastern France, an egg yolk sits inside a potato nest with a topping of hot cancoillote cheese. The nest is served with fried sliced potatoes.
43K3.8 40 min. January 17th 2016
Potato tortilla (Spanish omelette)
Potato tortilla (Spanish omelette)
(Found inStages)
Tortilla is a recipe from Spain, which can be eat hot or cold. It's a kind of omelette, with several ingredients, in this recipe potatoes, onion and smoked ham. Ingredients are cooked first, then mixed with egg, to make a tortilla which is cooked on both sides.
286K 34 1 hour 17 min. February 21th 2011
You should not soak strawberries in water
You should not soak strawberries in water
(Found inStages)
When using strawberries in a recipe, the usual way is to soak in water, which is actually a very bad idea. Just look at how to preserve them here.
161K3 10 min. February 21th 2011
How to prepare a bain-marie
How to prepare a bain-marie
(Found inStages)
A bain-marie is the best way to cook or heat a preparation gently without risk of burning.
507K5 7 min. July 5th 2013
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
(Found inStages)
This classic of family cooking is quite simple: just a puff pastry "shell" sealing in lightly sweetened slices of apple. During cooking, the fruit softens to resemble stewed apple. Serve warm, if possible, to enjoy at its best.
61K3.7 54 min. September 11th 2018
Steamed leeks with morel sabayon
Steamed leeks with morel sabayon
(Found inStages)
For this very simple recipe, steamed leeks (cooked in 2 stages) are served with a sabayon made with mushroom "jus", preferably from morels. The sabayon is the major taste element in this dish, and adds a delicious woodland-mushroom flavour.
37K4.1 37 min. June 11th 2017
Tatin apple diplomat tart
Tatin apple diplomat tart
(Found inStages)
This tart is every bit as good as it looks: a sweetcrust pastry case baked blind, then filled with diplomat cream and topped with apples cooked tatin-style, long and slow in butter and sugar until they caramelize.
36K 2 hours 18 min. November 20th 2019
Rosemary steamed fish
Rosemary steamed fish
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In this recipe the fish is cooked in steam perfumed with rosemary, which makes it tender and aromatic, served on a bed of onions fondue and finished with a dry white wine sauce.
328K3.8 1 hour March 29th 2020
How to make a good pastry tart case
How to make a good pastry tart case
(Found inStages)
Lining a tin or mould with pastry to make a tart or pie seems simple enough: you roll out the pastry, put it in the tin and trim off any overhanging bits. It may not be rocket science, but if you want a tart with a perfect pastry case, it really helps to take care over a few details, which I will...
63K 42 min. July 14th 2019
Vegetable pie
Vegetable pie
(Found inStages)
Three layers of vegetables, baked in puff pastry.
233K3.9 1 hour 21 min. September 10th 2018
Diplomat cream
Diplomat cream
(Found inStages)
Diplomat cream or "crème Madame" (a much prettier name) is one of many creams in French pâtisserie based on confectioner's custard. The classic confectioner's custard (crème pâtissière, or french pastry cream) has gelatin added while hot, then whipped cream is folded in when cold. This gives a...
60K 1 hour 47 min. October 30th 2019
Mojito peaches
Mojito peaches
(Found inStages)
A simple fruit salad of white peaches bathed in mojito flavours: lime, rum and mint (with a delicate hint of vanilla).
29K 39 min. August 2nd 2020
Koulibiak in pie dish
Koulibiak in pie dish
(Found inStages)
Koulibiak is a traditional russian recipe from, usually served in a flat puff pastry fish shape. Here is an easier version, in a pie dish.
358K3.8 3 hours 19 min. September 7th 2018
Macarons (the original French macaroons)
Macarons (the original French macaroons)
(Found inComments)
This recipe really is "of the moment": the success of these small, highly-coloured cakes, in an infinite variety of flavours, is impressive. It's a recipe which needs some care, in order to produce a result worthy of a professional pastrychef. No problem, I will guide you through the recipe,...
1.6M 714.6 2 hours 38 min. October 3rd 2019
Pages: 10 results
What is this site, and who am I?
What is this site, and who am I?
The important thing is the content of the site, the recipes and information you can find, but some of you want to know who is behind it all.
204K 44.2 August 29th 2023
Homemade plancha
Homemade plancha
Make you own plancha and cook the Spanish way on this scorching hot metal plate.
255K 43.7 June 3rd 2024
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Information on weights and measures in the kitchen
Weights, measures and volumes in a recipe.
820K3.7 December 10th 2023
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
My good addresses, favourite suppliers, ingredients, products and equipment.
297K4.0 August 29th 2023
Make your own hot-wire or styrofoam cutter
Make your own hot-wire or styrofoam cutter
Cut polystyrene and foams easily with your own hot-wire cutter.
504K 433.5 February 20th 2024
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
Classification of the elements in practice: a three-dimensional Periodic Table .
198K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Elements in the table
Elements in the table
All elements of the Periodic Table in practice.
35K3.9 August 29th 2023
The name of the elements
The name of the elements
Where the names of the elements that make up matter come from.
72K3.6 August 29th 2023
Cost calculations
Cost calculations
For each recipe presented, calculates the price of the recipe, by person, by parts or pieces, here is some information on how this calculation is made.
96K3.9 August 29th 2023
The protection of your data
The protection of your data
At we are always concerned about your data, both those that you have entrusted to us by registering, that those you generate by consulting the various pages and recipes of the site. This page presents our commitments, and the various measures we put in place to ensure this protection.
32K4.3 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 15 results
Good fridge management
Good fridge management
We all have a fridge at home – it's an indispensible part of the kitchen and so much a part of the furniture that we tend not to pay it much attention. But often, out of habit, we don't use it properly. Here are a few tips to help you get more from your fridge. .
25K4.4 April 19th 2011
Preserving egg yolks
Preserving egg yolks
If you're using only the egg whites in a recipe (such as meringues ), you'll need to store the yolks until you're ready to use them again. There's nothing very complicated about this in principle - all you have to do is chill them, but there are a few pitfalls to be avoided in practice.
2,0205 June 18th 2024
20 measures to protect your privacy
20 measures to protect your privacy
As we use more and more new technology, we leave ourselves increasingly vulnerable to companies who make money out of collecting our personal data. For instance, when we use the internet, we need to be wary of what is collected about what we do, our habits, etc. Here is a list of simple...
17K3.9 April 16th 2013
Raising (or leavening) agents
Raising (or leavening) agents
When we want to make a dough or batter rise when baking, either in patisserie or bread-making, we need to use a raising agent or leavening agent, one of which is called leaven. In the context of baking, a raising agent is simply what "makes something rise". It is a substance which, when added to...
51K4.8 June 16th 2021
Egg yolks and caster sugar
Egg yolks and caster sugar
We often come across recipes where we need to mix egg yolks with caster sugar. This would appear to be a very ordinary and simple thing to do but, be warned, these two ingredients can behave oddly together.
73K 24.4 February 15th 2018
Using stretch food film effectively
Using stretch food film effectively
Maybe you use food film in your own kitchen. You know, the very thin, clear plastic stuff that you can stretch, often used to cover food and protect it from the air. It’s become so widely used that it’s now an essential item for pros. They even have a verb for it in French: “filmer”: to...
18K 14.9 May 12th 2018
The taste of raw tomatoes
The taste of raw tomatoes
Let's take a look at tomatoes, which are still in full bloom at the end of summer (as I write these lines), and which make for delicious salads. I had already talked to you about the interest of peeling tomatoes, which gives them an extraordinary sweetness in the mouth, but let's talk about the...
11K4.9 September 8th 2018
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
If you are using sausages in a recipe, you may have already asked yourself the question: Should you prick it before cooking it, or not? You will certainly find as many opinions "you should prick" as "you should not". Let's try to untangle all this.
42K4.1 September 29th 2018
Salt and yeast
Salt and yeast
Let's take a look at an old baker's legend: You may have already read that somewhere in a recipe that uses baker's yeast(bread, pastries, leavened doughs in general) it is often specified "Don't put salt in contact with the yeast, you'll kill it (the yeast)"! Well, that's a belief, and there are...
69K4.3 March 15th 2019
When should you salt?
When should you salt?
In the kitchen, we salt very frequently, almost all the time, and we must be careful because this salt can influence the texture of what you are cooking. I'm not going to talk about the amount of salt here, that's for another time, but rather about : When do you salt?
13K4.5 August 13th 2019
Kitchen ovens
Kitchen ovens
You certainly have one in your kitchen, an oven, the essential tool for all kinds of cooking, whether in the kitchen of course, but also in pastry, bakery, pizza, and many others. Here is some information on its structure and operation.
23K4.4 May 16th 2020
Circles vs. moulds tins
Circles vs. moulds tins
If you like to bake or make quiches, pies etc. you must surely have one or more pie pans at home, in different diameters and perhaps materials. They are indispensable, without them there is no way to make beautiful pies, and they work very well, but you have another option, instead of moulds,...
12K5 October 2nd 2020
Roasting spices
Roasting spices
If you like your food a little, or a lot, spicy, you'll no doubt have a jar or sachets of mixed spices in your cupboards from which to draw when preparing a dish. I'm thinking, for example, of curries, chili and couscous, all of which fill the kitchen, and sometimes far beyond...
5,5644.9 October 30th 2020
The skin side of the fish first?
The skin side of the fish first?
When it comes to cooking fresh fish, if it's filleted with its skin on and you're planning to pan-fry it in a little olive oil, for example, you might ask yourself the following question: Which side, skin or flesh, should come into contact with the pan first?
19K4.4 February 13th 2021
How to break eggs properly?
How to break eggs properly?
It is a very common gesture in pastry, bakery and of course cooking: breaking eggs to incorporate them into a recipe. You have eggs (which professionals call "shell eggs" to differentiate them from liquid eggs in cartons or cans), and you must break them to incorporate the contents into your...
9,5204.8 June 26th 2021
Lexicon: 1 results
(Found inTexts)
Method of gently heating something over hot water without direct contact with heat.
776K 1
Utensil: 1 results
Scouring pad
Scouring pad
(Found inTexts)
This sponge with one abrasive face is normally use to clean pans, but it's also very useful for scrubbing fruit or vegetables that are not going to be peeled like courgettes or potatoes.
Ingredient, product: 2 results
(Found inTexts)
Yeast (also called "brewer's yeast" or "baker's yeast") is a living product, made up of microscopic fungi which grow slowly when they are in a warm place.Baker's yeast is for use in breads and viennoiseries. It it is incorporated gently into the dough, then you need to wait for it to work.It should...
olive oil
olive oil
(Found inTexts)
Olive oil is a fat obtained by the cold pressing of olives (the fruit of the olive tree). Rather like wine, olive oil comes from a vast array of origins and cultivation methods. In the bottle, this offers many different bouquets, flavours and colours. So there is not just olive oil, but lots of...

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