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Recipes: 820 results
How to succeed in making sabayon (syllabub)
How to succeed in making sabayon (syllabub)
(Found inTexts)
A sabayon is a delicious and delicate preparation based on egg yolks and sugar, with a liquid added (wine, alcohol, fruit juice, etc), which is then whipped in a bain-marie until it is both light and smooth. Usually sabayon is sweet (syllabub), but you can make it savoury, in which case there is...
924K 54 18 min. November 12th 2017
Parcels of fish fillet in spinach
Parcels of fish fillet in spinach
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
These parcels are made with small pieces of fish fillet, wrapped in a blanched spinach leaf and lightly fried in butter. They can be served with a salted white wine sabayon (as in the recipe of scallops with crunchy vegetables), a beurre blanc, a dash of olive oil with herbs, or any other sauce of...
231K5 2 hours 23 min. March 18th 2013
Foie gras cured in salt
Foie gras cured in salt
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
This a quite different preparation from the terrine of foie gras, this time it does not go in the oven, the liver is salted for 48 hours and it "cooks" (or cures) in this way.
554K5 2 days 16 hours 28 min. December 23th 2017
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
This recipe is made from vegetables cut small and blanched, mixed with pieces of salt-cod and cream, then baked in small soup dishes with a puff pastry lid.
271K3.9 4 hours 35 min. September 7th 2018
Tomato tart
Tomato tart
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
This tart is very easy and quick to prepare.
272K4.8 1 hour 18 min. January 13th 2011
Sorrel soup
Sorrel soup
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
Smooth with a slight sharpness, this soup has a very particular taste.
389K3.8 1 hour 4 min. May 8th 2011
How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly
How to cook hard-boiled eggs properly
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A hard-boiled egg is properly cooked when: shell is not broken, white and yolk are firm, yolk is only yellow with no traces of green around it. Here are some tips to make this easy.
1.4M 65 1 hour 28 min. November 4th 2013
Surprise bread
Surprise bread
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This recipe is for a large surprise bread so you can make six layers (48 small sandwiches if you divide each layer in 8), with three different flavours: smoked salmon/lime, smoked ham/butter, mayonnaise/chicken.
691K 84.5 6 hours 24 min. December 27th 2020
Salmon "en papillote" with small vegetables
Salmon "en papillote" with small vegetables
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
A fresh salmon escalope just salt and pepper with small dices of small vegetables.
239K 15 1 hour 28 min. June 22th 2011
Morteau sausage
Morteau sausage
(Found inTextsStages)
In this recipe Morteau sausage is cooked on a bed of potatoes cut into medium sized pieces. The idea of this recipe is that the pricked Morteau sausage cooks slowly, so that its smoky flavour seeps down onto the potatoes - it's a pure delight.
1.2M 34.1 1 hour 31 min. October 13th 2010
Potted meat (rillettes)
Potted meat (rillettes)
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
Potted meat (rillettes) is cooked long and slow in fat. Rillettes can be of pork or duck. Here is the pork version.
428K 25 6 hours 46 min. October 3rd 2019
Choux pastry (pâte à choux)
Choux pastry (pâte à choux)
(Found inTextsIngredients)
Choux pastry is used for making profiteroles, eclairs and other small pastries.
524K4.5 1 hour 4 min. February 13th 2022
Shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
Shortcrust pastry (pâte brisée)
(Found inTextsIngredients)
This is for sweet or savoury tarts, quiches or pies. The difference between this and sweetcrust pastry (pâte sablée) is in the very small amount of sugar and the absence of ground almonds.
373K 24 31 min. December 29th 2019
Express sauerkraut
Express sauerkraut
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
Sauerkraut (choucroute in French) is a traditional Alsatian recipe. It consists of fermented cabbage slowly cooked with white wine, potatoes and a variety of salted pork meats. This is a simplified and fairly quick version.
353K 13.9 2 hours 24 min. February 21th 2011
Poached eggs
Poached eggs
(Found inTextsStages)
Poached eggs are cooked, without the shell, in barely simmering (nearly boiling) water. White should be firm and yolk soft, that's the difficulty. This recipe teaches you how to succeed with three important points.
305K5 2 hours 40 min. January 8th 2013
When to add salt to cooking water?
When to add salt to cooking water?
(Found inTextsStages)
Is it better to salt cooking water, for vegetables for example, at the beginning when it is cold or when it boils? I always heard that one should salt "after", when water is boiling, because if it is salted "before" it will take longer to boil. True or false? Let's try the experiment...
141K4 12 min. July 25th 2017
Pan-fried potatoes
Pan-fried potatoes
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
What could be simpler than fried potatoes? No need of a recipe for that! Quite right, but it's also very easy to end up making fried mash instead. Here are the main pitfalls to avoid.
289K4.5 1 hour 37 min. February 3rd 2011
Leek and tuna loaf
Leek and tuna loaf
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
This loaf is a savoury cake (quite popular in France) made with tinned tuna and leeks that have been lightly cooked with shallot.
186K4.4 1 hour 18 min. October 3rd 2010
Ocean bread
Ocean bread
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The idea for this bread was inspired by an amusing coincidence: the proportion of salt needed for good bread is 35 g of salt per litre of water, which just happens to be the exact concentration of salt in the Atlantic Ocean. So it's possible to make bread using sea water to provide all the salt...
166K 63.8 5 hours 7 min. October 24th 2017
Tomato tatin
Tomato tatin
(Found inTextsStages)
A savoury shortcrust pastry with Parmesan is used to cover tomatoes cooked in two stages, first in the pan, then in the oven. As for a classic tart tatin, the whole thing is then turned upside down.
139K4.8 2 hours 35 min. December 5th 2010
Pages: 7 results
Other cookery websites
Other cookery websites
List of my other favourite sites.
192K3.9 August 29th 2023
Making your own bread
Making your own bread
In praise of home-made bread, so much better.
564K 63.9 August 29th 2023
Homemade plancha
Homemade plancha
Make you own plancha and cook the Spanish way on this scorching hot metal plate.
255K 43.7 June 3rd 2024
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
Classification of the elements in practice: a three-dimensional Periodic Table .
198K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Start off well to cook well
Start off well to cook well
How to get off to a good start in cooking; what equipment and basic ingredients you should always have to hand.
305K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Advices for writing your recipes
Advices for writing your recipes
On-line document for writing a personal recipe.
56K4.4 August 29th 2023
At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
723K 413.6 June 3rd 2024
Blog articles: 41 results
Salt and yeast
Salt and yeast
Let's take a look at an old baker's legend: You may have already read that somewhere in a recipe that uses baker's yeast(bread, pastries, leavened doughs in general) it is often specified "Don't put salt in contact with the yeast, you'll kill it (the yeast)"! Well, that's a belief, and there are...
69K4.3 March 15th 2019
When should you salt?
When should you salt?
In the kitchen, we salt very frequently, almost all the time, and we must be careful because this salt can influence the texture of what you are cooking. I'm not going to talk about the amount of salt here, that's for another time, but rather about : When do you salt?
13K4.5 August 13th 2019
Let's go easy on the salt
Let's go easy on the salt
In terms of cooking, I'm probably not teaching you much, salt is ubiquitous, we put it in almost all our dishes, in varying amounts depending on our taste, some like salty, others less, others still not. Its main role is the flavor, the taste, we say that it is a flavor enhancer, ie it reveals the...
4,7674.8 February 20th 2021
Fried potatoes or fried mash?
Fried potatoes or fried mash?
In cooking there are a lot of dishes that appear to be extremely simple but which can actually prove to be very tricky. Amongst those that I'm aware of having this reputation are omelette and fried potatoes.
21K4.5 February 6th 2011
Maillard reactions
Maillard reactions
This subject cropped up recently in a discussion with my three charming nieces; do you know what Maillard reactions are? With a name like that, they could well be some principle in mechanics, but in fact the term applies to something much closer to all of us: it's what gives food more flavour...
32K4 January 28th 2015
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
When you prepare a dish using an ingredient that has been preserved in fat, for example a springtime mixed salad with tuna in oil or sun-dried tomatoes, you're probably going to make a french dressing (vinaigrette) next. In that case, why not use the preserved oil from the tuna or tomatoes?
2,1825 June 5th 2024
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Whenever I'm discussing cooking and recipes, there is one idea which comes up frequently, like this: "Oh no! But that's got butter in it" (I should add, for the sake of accuracy, that this is something I hear more frequently from women, who are almost all concerned with keeping their figure). ...
38K4.5 March 26th 2012
Different kinds of pastry and dough
Different kinds of pastry and dough
When cooking in general, and particularly in baking, we can make and use many different kinds of pastry and dough. All built on the same "base": flour - a powder to which we add fat, liquid or both to produce the dough which is then cooked. .
105K 14.0 November 6th 2012
The secret of cooking until "done"
The secret of cooking until "done"
This is a real chef's skill: being able to look at a fish fillet cooking and say, "Stop – that's enough, it's cooked". I always admire this ability to see at a glance if something is done. It is what sets the professionals apart from us mere amateurs. And it's true that how fish is cooked is...
16K4.4 November 26th 2012
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
I adore foie gras... I willingly admit it, I adore foie gras: the texture, the taste, the festive aspect – I enjoy all of it. I really love eating it, preparing it and, most of all, sharing what I have made with my family over Christmas and New Year. ...but then I begin to have doubts Of...
44K4.4 December 15th 2014
Perpetual stock
Perpetual stock
It's something you have probably have done yourself: cooked or pre-cooked vegetables before adding them to a recipe. This is almost always done the same way: peel the chosen vegetables (carrots, for example), cut them up, boil them in salted water (using a tablespoon or so of coarse salt per litre),...
23K5 November 22th 2016
Children and vegetables
Children and vegetables
This is an attempt to address the question that all parents and grandparents, maybe you included, face so often: how can we get children to like vegetables? And at the same time, we might get away from the familiar, day-in, day-out round of pasta, chips, toast.. Well, I can hear you say, it's...
12K5 March 9th 2017
Vegetable soups
Vegetable soups
As I write this post, we are slowly slipping into winter, and this late autumn is the perfect time for soups, especially vegetable ones. Soups, that somewhat "soft" dish, often associated with our childhood, infallible remedy against a cold evening or an ugly weather, or both.
7,6435 December 5th 2017
The mock CAP baker's certificate exam
The mock CAP baker's certificate exam
The next instalment in my life as an apprentice baker at the French INBP professional school. I’m now halfway through training and it’s still as exciting as ever, and exhausting – but maybe I’m just getting old, or both… Anyway, a few days ago we had to go through the mock CAP exam. A sort...
16K4.4 May 1st 2018
The taste of raw tomatoes
The taste of raw tomatoes
Let's take a look at tomatoes, which are still in full bloom at the end of summer (as I write these lines), and which make for delicious salads. I had already talked to you about the interest of peeling tomatoes, which gives them an extraordinary sweetness in the mouth, but let's talk about the...
11K4.9 September 8th 2018
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
If you are using sausages in a recipe, you may have already asked yourself the question: Should you prick it before cooking it, or not? You will certainly find as many opinions "you should prick" as "you should not". Let's try to untangle all this.
42K4.1 September 29th 2018
The bitterness of endives
The bitterness of endives
As I write these lines, we are entering the endive season, and if you like it, it's time to enjoy it, if possible with your local producers. Endive is good, but the reproach that is often made of it, and children in particular, is: "It's bitter! And it is (somewhat) true of course, endives...
9,2104.9 February 9th 2019
Brioche for a savoury recipe
Brioche for a savoury recipe
When we make brioche, it is generally sweet, that is to say that in the dough there is sugar or honey or dried or candied fruits, or even sometimes the 3 together. It's normal, it's very good, it's a pastry. But you may also need brioche for a savoury dish, like a sausage or a sausage in brioche...
8,6724.9 June 30th 2019
Double cooking of vegetables
Double cooking of vegetables
When you cook vegetables, it's not easy to capture and preserve the flavours. It is easy to undercook, but you can make up for it, or overcook, and then it is unfortunately a bit cooked (in the sense of "ruined"). But above all, how to get the maximum of the taste of the vegetable in the pan, then...
18K4.1 July 12th 2019
Cooking time for pasta
Cooking time for pasta
What is as good and simple as pasta? Not much, I think, and it's so easy to prepare: boiling water, salted (or not, depending on your taste), a few minutes of boiling and it's ready. The only "difficulty", so to speak, is the respect of the cooking time and the risk of, unfortunately, overcooking...
18K4.6 July 18th 2019
Lexicon: 6 results
(Found inTexts)
Blanching. Plunging an ingredient (usually vegetables) into boiling salted water for a very short time (a few seconds), and then into very cold water. .
Boil in water
Boil in water
(Found inTexts)
Cooking in a large pan of salted water. English way of cooking.
Checking seasoning
Checking seasoning
(Found inTexts)
Tasting to see if the preparation has enough salt and pepper.
776K 2
Al dente
Al dente
(Found inTexts)
"Al dente" ("at the tooth" in italian) is a term that mean: the optimum cooking pasta. .
To simmer
To simmer
(Found inTexts)
"Simmering" is used for a liquid that just start to boil, not rolling boil (left photo). The opposite of "simmering" is "rolling boil" (right photo).
À l'anglaise (English style)
À l'anglaise (English style)
(Found inTexts)
French cooking term, said of a cooking, rather of vegetables, which is done in a large volume of boiling salted water.
Ingredient, product: 4 results
(Found inTexts)
Salt is more than just a condiment, it plays an important role in bringing out flavours in recipes.There are two main types of salt:Sea salt: made by evaporation of sea waterRock salt: extracted from minesThese two kinds are then factory refined to produce the very fine white powder that we know as...
Morteau sausage
Morteau sausage
(Found inTexts)
Morteau sausage is a delicious sausage, smoked for at least 48 hours with conifer sawdust in the highlands of the French region of Franche-Comté. Unfortunately it does not yet benefit from A.O.C. status (French culinary heritage protection) and it's a real shame! but only a geographic protected...
(Found inTexts)
Yeast (also called "brewer's yeast" or "baker's yeast") is a living product, made up of microscopic fungi which grow slowly when they are in a warm place.Baker's yeast is for use in breads and viennoiseries. It it is incorporated gently into the dough, then you need to wait for it to work.It should...
(Found inTexts)
Coming from south America, tomato is a fruit rather than a vegetable, even if it's mainly cooked salted.

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