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Recipes: 421 results
Fresh mint ice-cream
Fresh mint ice-cream
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This well-flavoured ice-cream is excellent on its own, or in profiteroles with a chocolate sauce for example.
520K4.6 1 hour 34 min. February 21th 2011
Clarified butter
Clarified butter
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This is a way of melting butter to eliminate all the impurities. The clarified butter can then be heated without spoiling, and is more digestible. It is ideal for cooking at high temperatures where small black specks would spoil the appearance, or for emulsified sauces like béarnaise or mousseline.
451K4.2 2 hours 14 min. June 21th 2017
Real custard sauce (crème anglaise)
Real custard sauce (crème anglaise)
(Found inTexts)
Real custard or vanilla sauce consists of egg yolks beaten with sugar and cooked slowly in vanilla milk. It is the base or the accompaniment for many desserts.
407K 24.3 44 min. January 17th 2018
Chocolate sauce
Chocolate sauce
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This rich smooth chocolate sauce, with its full flavour, is one of the indispensable ingredients of profiteroles, but it can be used with many others desserts.
296K 24 32 min. February 21th 2011
French dressing (vinaigrette)
French dressing (vinaigrette)
(Found inTexts)
Here is a very simple recipe, but it could completely transform, maybe even transcend, your salad.
1.0M4.5 7 min. July 7th 2011
(Found inTextsStages)
In couscous, the meat and vegetable mixture is rather long to cook, but not difficult. And the couscous itself (a kind of coarse semolina) is simple and quick to prepare.
507K4.3 2 hours 36 min. November 16th 2017
Parcels of fish fillet in spinach
Parcels of fish fillet in spinach
(Found inTextsStages)
These parcels are made with small pieces of fish fillet, wrapped in a blanched spinach leaf and lightly fried in butter. They can be served with a salted white wine sabayon (as in the recipe of scallops with crunchy vegetables), a beurre blanc, a dash of olive oil with herbs, or any other sauce of...
232K5 2 hours 23 min. March 18th 2013
Artichoke hearts forestier
Artichoke hearts forestier
(Found inTextsStages)
This recipe is not very complicated, but does involve some work: an artichoke heart with a layer of mushroom duxelle, a layer of fried bacon, topped with a poached egg and cream sauce. Everything can be prepared in advance (the day before for example), but the final assembly should be done just...
260K5 1 hour 47 min. May 10th 2023
Green parsley sauce
Green parsley sauce
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
This sauce, with a great parsley taste, is perfect with steamed vegetables or fish. At the bottom you will find the coulis version of this recipe.
504K 44.3 23 min. February 21th 2011
Pizza dough
Pizza dough
(Found inTexts)
Pizza dough is a lind of bread dough with olive oil, which make it softer. This is the same dough that I use for pizzas and flammenkuches, this is no doubt incorrect, but it's very good nevertheless. At home we used to make pizza dough quite thick, and flammenkuche as thin as possible.
499K4.6 1 hour 59 min. August 27th 2020
Tomato sauce (for pizzas)
Tomato sauce (for pizzas)
(Found inTextsStages)
This is the sauce to put on pizza bases before the toppings.
518K4.3 1 hour 15 min. October 19th 2010
Fish petals, vegetables julienne, and beurre blanc
Fish petals, vegetables julienne, and beurre blanc
(Found inTextsStages)
This recipe consists of delicate flakes ("petals") of poached fish, cooked with smoked ham, served on a bed of julienne vegetables (fine sticks of carrots, turnips and cabbage), with a "beurre blanc" sauce made with vinegar and shallots. Not difficult, but entails some work.
249K4.3 1 hour 34 min. December 31th 2013
Rosemary steamed fish
Rosemary steamed fish
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In this recipe the fish is cooked in steam perfumed with rosemary, which makes it tender and aromatic, served on a bed of onions fondue and finished with a dry white wine sauce.
328K3.8 1 hour March 29th 2020
Scallops with crunchy vegetables and wine sabayon
Scallops with crunchy vegetables and wine sabayon
(Found inTexts)
This is a bed of vegetables cut small, lightly cooked to stay crunchy. The scallops are cut in half and fried, filled with a morsel of foie gras, and served coated with a savoury reduced white wine sabayon. It entails some work, but the result is impresive.
302K4 2 hours 56 min. June 11th 2011
(Found inTexts)
Hamburgers don't have to be the greasy flabby things you find in fast-food outlets, well-made they can be excellent. It's a very convivial recipe as everything goes on the table, and everyone assembles their own burger according to personal taste.
411K4.8 33 min. December 6th 2015
African style chicken
African style chicken
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This is a sort of smoked chicken, cooked in a tomato-coconut sauce, and served with kidney beans and plain rice. It's quite a simple recipe, with ready-made ingredients, but which needs a long cooking time on low heat (one hour).
399K5 2 hours 4 min. February 21th 2011
Chinese style chicken
Chinese style chicken
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
Only "chinese style", not a true chinese recipe.
296K4 1 hour 38 min. February 28th 2012
Lille style chicken
Lille style chicken
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Chicken breasts and mushrooms, cooked separately, then mixed with a tasty cream sauce before serving. It's a dish with a "cuisiné" taste, but which unfortunately is becoming increasingly rare in restaurants.
351K3.8 50 min. May 10th 2023
How to heat milk without it catching on the bottom of the pan
How to heat milk without it catching on the bottom of the pan
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Very often when you heat milk in a saucepan, it forms at the bottom of the pan (especially if the milk boiled) a sticky and brown bottom of milk that burned and attached. To avoid this here is a very simple and very effective tip.
248K 24.2 1 min. February 21th 2011
Rémoulade dressing
Rémoulade dressing
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This dressing is a kind of mayonnaise with vinegar, used for some salads like celeriac rémoulade. Usually it is prepared from mayonnaise, but here is another version, simpler and just as tasty.
867K3.9 6 min. October 3rd 2010
Pages: 3 results
Homemade plancha
Homemade plancha
Make you own plancha and cook the Spanish way on this scorching hot metal plate.
255K 43.7 June 3rd 2024
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a successful pizza party.
186K3.7 August 29th 2023
Cooking with herbs
Cooking with herbs
Herbs: there's nothing else so small that can add so much to a recipe. They are not only for garnishing, but are a true part of the dish, sometimes one of the main ingredients. A small example of the "power" of herbs: you make a chopped carrot salad, which is very good with a vinaigrette, but if you...
185K 13.9 June 3rd 2024
Blog articles: 40 results
Cream and sauces
Cream and sauces
Have you ever wondered why making beautiful tasty sauces is so easy when you use cream? .
17K4.4 October 15th 2012
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
14K 14.6 February 6th 2011
Maillard reactions
Maillard reactions
This subject cropped up recently in a discussion with my three charming nieces; do you know what Maillard reactions are? With a name like that, they could well be some principle in mechanics, but in fact the term applies to something much closer to all of us: it's what gives food more flavour...
32K4 January 28th 2015
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
When you prepare a dish using an ingredient that has been preserved in fat, for example a springtime mixed salad with tuna in oil or sun-dried tomatoes, you're probably going to make a french dressing (vinaigrette) next. In that case, why not use the preserved oil from the tuna or tomatoes?
2,3815 June 5th 2024
Well-cooked meat
Well-cooked meat
Have you ever noticed that if you like your meat well done, it invites strange looks? For instance, in a restaurant, when asked “How would you like that cooked?” If you reply, “Well done,” it is almost as if you are swearing….
29K 14.4 May 21th 2011
Too much sweet and savoury
Too much sweet and savoury
There is a food trend which is creeping in everywhere in France right now: mixing sweet with savoury. In some restaurants, it is becoming difficult to order a classic dish, like “roast veal” for instance, without being served fruits in the garnish or honey/conserves/syrup in the sauce or cooked...
23K4.5 November 3rd 2011
The art of the charlotte
The art of the charlotte
In cooking, a charlotte is a delicious moulded dessert, with biscuits around the outside that have been soaked in a flavoured syrup, filled with a light cream or mousse. The charlotte is left to set in the fridge before being turned out and served in slices. It is very light and a lovely sweet...
39K4.3 February 27th 2013
The different cooking modes
The different cooking modes
In cooking, cooking means bringing food into contact with a source of heat, to transform it: improving its taste, and sometimes its texture. This contact with the heat source can be achieved in a number of ways: these are the cooking methods, and let's take a look at the main ones.
2235 July 24th 2024
One should cover a pan while heating?
One should cover a pan while heating?
You've probably heard it before: "Cover your pan, it'll boil faster", but is it true? Let's find out.
26K 13.4 February 27th 2015
Vegetable soups
Vegetable soups
As I write this post, we are slowly slipping into winter, and this late autumn is the perfect time for soups, especially vegetable ones. Soups, that somewhat "soft" dish, often associated with our childhood, infallible remedy against a cold evening or an ugly weather, or both.
7,6555 December 5th 2017
Egg yolks and caster sugar
Egg yolks and caster sugar
We often come across recipes where we need to mix egg yolks with caster sugar. This would appear to be a very ordinary and simple thing to do but, be warned, these two ingredients can behave oddly together.
73K 24.4 February 15th 2018
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary, as I’m sure you know, is a culinary herb, one of the famous French "herbes de Provence", and is very effective in bringing a real taste of the Mediterranean to any dish. The classic way to use it in a recipe is to add a sprig or two and leave it in during cooking as a way of...
19K4.7 April 18th 2018
The taste of raw tomatoes
The taste of raw tomatoes
Let's take a look at tomatoes, which are still in full bloom at the end of summer (as I write these lines), and which make for delicious salads. I had already talked to you about the interest of peeling tomatoes, which gives them an extraordinary sweetness in the mouth, but let's talk about the...
11K4.9 September 8th 2018
Double cooking of vegetables
Double cooking of vegetables
When you cook vegetables, it's not easy to capture and preserve the flavours. It is easy to undercook, but you can make up for it, or overcook, and then it is unfortunately a bit cooked (in the sense of "ruined"). But above all, how to get the maximum of the taste of the vegetable in the pan, then...
18K4.1 July 12th 2019
When should you salt?
When should you salt?
In the kitchen, we salt very frequently, almost all the time, and we must be careful because this salt can influence the texture of what you are cooking. I'm not going to talk about the amount of salt here, that's for another time, but rather about : When do you salt?
13K4.5 August 13th 2019
Roasting spices
Roasting spices
If you like your food a little, or a lot, spicy, you'll no doubt have a jar or sachets of mixed spices in your cupboards from which to draw when preparing a dish. I'm thinking, for example, of curries, chili and couscous, all of which fill the kitchen, and sometimes far beyond...
5,5774.9 October 30th 2020
Thermal inertia or "out of the fire"
Thermal inertia or "out of the fire"
When you're cooking, you need a lot of heat to cook, and most of the time it's on the fire, literally if you're on gas, more indirectly if you're not. An expression that comes up quite often is "Off the heat", but what does it really mean?
5,9504.6 December 12th 2020
Do you know Yotam Ottolenghi?
Do you know Yotam Ottolenghi?
Do you know Yotam Ottolenghi? Maybe not, in which case let me tell you a little about him.
3,9824.8 December 19th 2020
The delicate blend of flavors in salads
The delicate blend of flavors in salads
As I write these lines, we're deep into winter, and it's often time for raclettes, tartiflettes and other dishes that keep us warm, especially when the weather's as cold as it is right now. But we mustn't deprive ourselves of salads, precious sources of vitamins in these cold and sometimes dark...
3,4564.9 January 11th 2021
The infinite variety of salads
The infinite variety of salads
Making a salad for a meal, a few ingredients of your choice and a sauce to bind it all together is still one of the best ways to cook something really good quickly and simply. And since there is often a "fresh" aspect with the vegetables in the ingredients, not only does it taste good, but it's...
6,0414.6 March 13th 2021
Lexicon: 4 results
Finish sauce (with butter)
Finish sauce (with butter)
(Found inTexts)
Adding cold butter to a hot liquid a little at a time, while beating with a whip to make a smooth sauce.
(Found inTexts)
Concentrated stock of various meats, vegetables and spices usually used as a base for sauces. There are several kinds of "fond" (white=poultry, brown=beef and veal fond).
Off the heat
Off the heat
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To "take off the heat" means to take a pan off the hob and stop it heating any further in order to bring down the temperature of the contents rapidly, usually to stop the cooking.
(Found inTexts)
Said of cooking without a lid.
Utensil: 1 results
Wooden spatula
Wooden spatula
(Found inTexts)
To mix, to stir in a saucepan or frying-pan, etc.
Ingredient, product: 3 results
(Found inTexts)
If you leave milk to stand (real milk that is, full-fat, coming straight from the cow), after a while small droplets of fat float to the top, they come together and create the fat part of the milk: cream.This cream, naturally liquid but which thickens over time, is drawn off the milk and sold as...
(Found inTexts)
Eggs (we no longer specify that they are hens' eggs these days) are used widely in cooking and patisserie. They may be one of the ingredients (in a dough, sauce or dressing, for example), or the main ingredient, as in an omelette or scrambled eggs (oeufs brouillés).
Chicken or beef stock cube
Chicken or beef stock cube
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It's beef or chicken stock, concentrated and dehydrated (all water is removed). It's very useful to increase the taste of sauces, soups and others. .

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