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Recipes: 453 results
Chocolate tart
Chocolate tart
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As you can see, there's very little added sugar in this recipe, so it's a very chocolatey and bitter-sweet tart.
286K 15 2 hours 26 min. November 16th 2013
Candied grapefruit peel
Candied grapefruit peel
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Not really a dessert, more a kind of sweet. After soakiing, strips of grapefruit skin are cooked very slowly to conservethem in sugar. It's a real treat with coffee at the end of a meal.
361K 14 1 day 1 hour 21 min. December 20th 2018
4 pears salad with vanilla
4 pears salad with vanilla
(Found inTextsStages)
It's a very easy recipe, everything depends on the choice of differents kinds of pears all fully ripe, to give a delicious contrast in the mouth.
220K4.2 37 min. February 21th 2011
European glass
European glass
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A little dessert that's rather long to make, but which will always impress your guests. Layered in a glass: a jellied red fruit coulis, a layer of pineapple charlotte cream, a layer of kiwi coulis, topped with a peeled clementine segment. It's "european" because it resembles the italian flag, and in...
225K5 2 hours 29 min. August 15th 2010
Citrus crunch
Citrus crunch
(Found inTextsStages)
These are fine crumbs of candied citrus peel. It can be used to sprinkle a dessert or other preparation to add both crunch and the flavour of the chosen citrus fruit. It is easy to prepare well in advance, and will keep in an airtight jar. This recipe is given for clementines, but can be made with...
225K3.7 1 hour 16 min. February 2nd 2016
How to peel a pineapple
How to peel a pineapple
(Found inTexts)
For most recipes it is necessary to completely peel the pineapple, and to keep only the flesh which is then often cut into small pieces. Here is a method.
198K3.7 20 min. February 21th 2011
How to peel a fruit
How to peel a fruit
(Found inTextsStages)
Usually French chefs says "peler à vif", which means to completely peel the fruit (removing skin and core) and keep only the very best of the flesh. Here is a method for grapefruit, but it can be used for all the other citrus fruit, and many other fruits.
176K4.3 32 min. February 21th 2011
How to prepare an avocado
How to prepare an avocado
(Found inTexts)
Here is how to get from an avocado only the flesh of the fruit.
191K 14 11 min. January 9th 2010
How to prepare tomatoes
How to prepare tomatoes
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
Yes, I know you will say to me: why peel tomatoes? The answer is very simple: it's much better, gives a better texture, softer in the mouth. The skin is tough, adds nothing to the taste (and you will have noticed that commercial tomatoes have practically no taste), and finally it's there (on/under...
324K 24 40 min. June 6th 2012
How to prevent peeled fruit or vegetables turning brown
How to prevent peeled fruit or vegetables turning brown
(Found inTexts)
Most fruits turn brown soon after peeling due to oxydation, and this is unattractive. To prevent this, you will find many recipes that tell you to coat them with lemon juice as soon as they are peeled. It's relatively effective when fruit are simply to be used peeled, but if you want to make a...
115K4 1 min. February 21th 2011
How to peel a garlic clove easily
How to peel a garlic clove easily
(Found inTexts)
Here are, in a video, how to from a head of garlic to clove ready to be used.
134K 24.3 5 min. August 8th 2013
How to prepare leeks
How to prepare leeks
(Found inTexts)
Leeks are vegetables that are often muddy, we must be careful when washing them to remove mud that would be very unpleasant to "discover" the plate.
543K5 30 min. October 13th 2010
Fruit salad
Fruit salad
(Found inTextsStages)
To make a good fruit salad, there are three important points: Choose fruits that go well together (avoid putting soft pears with crunchy apples for example).Remove absolutely all skins and seeds.Bring it all together with a good home made sugar syrup added to the fruit juices.Here is a recipe which...
377K4.1 1 hour 13 min. April 20th 2020
How to prepare spinach
How to prepare spinach
(Found inTexts)
For most people (and me most of all), spinach brings back bad memories of canteens... But, well prepared, it's a fine and delicate vegetable which goes remarkably well with scrambled eggs, fish, and many another things. Here are two ways of preparing it.
3.4M3.5 1 hour 9 min. June 5th 2015
Chocolate thins with toasted nuts
Chocolate thins with toasted nuts
(Found inTexts)
A very thin disc of chocolate, topped with toasted nuts and candied grapefruit peel.
252K4 2 hours 22 min. February 21th 2011
How to use a vanilla pod effectively
How to use a vanilla pod effectively
(Found inTexts)
Vanilla pods are used in many recipes, but they need to treated in a particular way to be effective, detailed here.
378K4.3 34 min. February 21th 2011
Potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin) purée
Potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin) purée
(Found inTexts)
Potimarron can be easily made into purée, you don't need to peel it, which makes for a quick and delicious recipe.
320K4.6 1 hour 12 min. October 13th 2010
Chocolate cream with a crunch, irish coffee mousse
Chocolate cream with a crunch, irish coffee mousse
(Found inTextsStages)
This is a chocolate cream with chopped candied grapefruit peel and caramelized nuts added to give bit of crunch. The small pot of cream is topped with an Irish coffee mousse (flavours of coffee, fresh cream, sugar and whisky).
251K 15 59 min. March 11th 2011
How to prepare cabbage
How to prepare cabbage
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Cabbage can be used cooked or raw, whole leaves or in julienne. Here is how to prepare a cabbage julienne.
1.1M 13.6 43 min. December 31th 2013
Boiling potatoes in their skins
Boiling potatoes in their skins
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
Boiling potatoes has given rise to two sayings: 1) You should not peel potatoes before boiling. 2) You should not leave potatoes to cool in the cooking water. The first suggests that potatoes should be always cooked in their skins, to prevent water penetrating and making the potatoes go soft and...
608K 34.4 30 min. July 25th 2017
Pages: 3 results
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a pizza-party
Some hints for a successful pizza party.
186K3.7 August 29th 2023
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
My good addresses, favourite suppliers, ingredients, products and equipment.
297K4.0 August 29th 2023
Start off well to cook well
Start off well to cook well
How to get off to a good start in cooking; what equipment and basic ingredients you should always have to hand.
305K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 20 results
How to choose a centrifugal juicer
How to choose a centrifugal juicer
A centrifugal juicer is an appliance designed to extract juice from all kinds of fruit and vegetables. It will produce juice from tomatoes, carrots, apples, pineapple, blackcurrants, etc.
40K4.4 April 1st 2011
How to zest a fruit?
How to zest a fruit?
You will have no doubt noticed that many recipes call for the zest of citrus fruit. The zest is that outer layer of the skin which adds so much flavour to a dish. There are many different ways to peel off the zest and various tools are available. Here is a summary of the “dos and don'ts” of...
41K3.8 November 5th 2013
Perpetual stock
Perpetual stock
It's something you have probably have done yourself: cooked or pre-cooked vegetables before adding them to a recipe. This is almost always done the same way: peel the chosen vegetables (carrots, for example), cut them up, boil them in salted water (using a tablespoon or so of coarse salt per litre),...
23K5 November 22th 2016
Children and vegetables
Children and vegetables
This is an attempt to address the question that all parents and grandparents, maybe you included, face so often: how can we get children to like vegetables? And at the same time, we might get away from the familiar, day-in, day-out round of pasta, chips, toast.. Well, I can hear you say, it's...
12K5 March 9th 2017
Candied fruits: don't get ripped off
Candied fruits: don't get ripped off
Do you like candied fruit? You might like to nibble a handful or add it to a recipe, like a classic fruit cake or delicious Italian specialities like panettone or sicilian epiphany pie.
54K 24.2 June 21th 2017
Vegetable soups
Vegetable soups
As I write this post, we are slowly slipping into winter, and this late autumn is the perfect time for soups, especially vegetable ones. Soups, that somewhat "soft" dish, often associated with our childhood, infallible remedy against a cold evening or an ugly weather, or both.
7,6425 December 5th 2017
The 3 essential knives
The 3 essential knives
You must have heard a chef or cook say: "There’s no good cooking without good ingredients". This is very true, of course, but for any amateur or beginner it is equipment that really counts to start with. What I mean is that you should not skimp on kitchen equipment, good utensils, a food...
20K5 May 30th 2018
The taste of raw tomatoes
The taste of raw tomatoes
Let's take a look at tomatoes, which are still in full bloom at the end of summer (as I write these lines), and which make for delicious salads. I had already talked to you about the interest of peeling tomatoes, which gives them an extraordinary sweetness in the mouth, but let's talk about the...
11K4.9 September 8th 2018
The march forward
The march forward
When professionals get to work in their kitchen, lab or bakery, they are (if they are conscientious) very sensitive to hygiene and cleanliness. It is impossible for a good baker for example to do a day's work without regularly cleaning the table where he or she works, and it is even more...
14K5 June 30th 2021
Double cooking of vegetables
Double cooking of vegetables
When you cook vegetables, it's not easy to capture and preserve the flavours. It is easy to undercook, but you can make up for it, or overcook, and then it is unfortunately a bit cooked (in the sense of "ruined"). But above all, how to get the maximum of the taste of the vegetable in the pan, then...
18K4.1 July 12th 2019
When should you salt?
When should you salt?
In the kitchen, we salt very frequently, almost all the time, and we must be careful because this salt can influence the texture of what you are cooking. I'm not going to talk about the amount of salt here, that's for another time, but rather about : When do you salt?
13K4.5 August 13th 2019
Cleaning endives
Cleaning endives
If you buy your endives elsewhere than in supermarkets, and in this case the best is of course from a market gardener, he or she is the one who planted and harvested them, in this case you will have endives full of earth or sand, depending on where they were grown, which is normal and reassuring, we...
19K4.6 March 24th 2020
Burgers and cheeses
Burgers and cheeses
A quick look at burgers(article from 2 weeks ago), and in particular the cheese in burgers, many of you have asked me about this, and how to get cheese to melt in your burgers.
5,5384.8 April 24th 2021
Introduction to New Nordic Buffet Delicacies
Introduction to New Nordic Buffet Delicacies
Nordic delicacies reflect culinary proficiency from Nordic nations of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. It features a range of simple and classic flavors and ingredients that produce satisfying meals when combined. As is the case in other regions, the flavors and ingredients often...
9,296 August 10th 2021 Sponsored article.
The peak of the apple season
The peak of the apple season
As I write these lines, we are in the middle of the apple season, and it's an apple year, as you may have noticed if you have apple trees around you, they are bursting with fruit! Excellent news for the people in the west of France in particular, but let's have a little thought for those in the...
5,1435 October 23th 2021
In praise of Mont d'Or cheese
In praise of Mont d'Or cheese
Do you know the Mont d'Or, this extraordinary cheese from the Haut-Doubs in France, with a unique taste and appearance, which can be eaten both raw and cooked? I'll tell you a few words about it, and with some tips on how to choose it and cook it. .
7,3565 November 27th 2021
Celeriac soups and the 3rd ingredient
Celeriac soups and the 3rd ingredient
Do you like celeriac, a vegetable that is not always a big hit? If your answer is "no" or "not so much", it is perhaps that you have in mind the celery remoulade, the emblematic starter, with the eggs mimosa, of the bistrot kitchen. It's very good, well if you like it of course, but it's a bit...
8,9374.9 May 21th 2022
Vitamin C against blackening
Vitamin C against blackening
You've probably heard of this tip: to prevent fruit or vegetables from turning brown or black, simply add or sprinkle lemon juice over them. It's very effective, but why does lemon juice have this effect?
6,006 15 July 14th 2023
It's spinning too fast!
It's spinning too fast!
When you need to grate or slice vegetables, you generally use an electric machine that does all the work: a food processor, a mixer with a "slicer" extension or similar. Are these machines really suitable? Generally speaking, yes of course, but there's one criterion that often poses a problem,...
7,0165 November 12th 2023
Should asparagus really be cooked in bunches?
Should asparagus really be cooked in bunches?
You'll probably read recipes here and there explaining how to cook asparagus "en botte", i.e. in a small package (the famous "botte"). Is this really the right way to cook asparagus?
2,7245 May 22th 2024
Lexicon: 8 results
Peel fruit completely
Peel fruit completely
(Found inTexts)
Removing all skin, seeds, pith, etc. of a fruit, to keep only flesh.
Clean (trim)
Clean (trim)
(Found inTexts)
Cleaning, removing scraps (inedible parts).
Brunoise (tiny diced vegetables as garnish)
Brunoise (tiny diced vegetables as garnish)
(Found inTexts)
Cutting a product into very small dice.
Mirepoix (diced vgetables)
Mirepoix (diced vgetables)
(Found inTexts)
Cutting a product into dice.
Garlic "en chemise"
Garlic "en chemise"
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Said of garlic cloves which are used without being peeled ("in its shirt" in French). In the photo, the left hand clove is peeled as normal, the right hand one is "en chemise".
Blanch (almonds etc.)
Blanch (almonds etc.)
(Found inTexts)
For almonds (or other nuts), blanching is the process of plunging in boiling water in order to remove the skins easily.
(Found inTexts)
"Zesting" / "to zest" means to take off the zest, the thin outer layer of peel on citrus fruit (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.), to add the fruit's flavour with a hint of bitterness to a mixture. This can be done with an ordinary knife, a vegetable peeler, or a more specialised utensil: a zesting...
(Found inTexts)
Poaching is a way of cooking food (usually slowly) by lowering into a hot liquid: water, vegetable stock or syrup, for example. This gentle method of cooking allows the food to retain all its flavour more easily. .
Utensil: 5 results
Vegetable peeler
Vegetable peeler
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Very useful for peel fruit and vegetables, cuting chocolate or parmesan chips.
(Found inTexts)
Here is a tool that I was sure was just some dumb gadget before my friends Eric and Pascale gave me one! It's an extraordinary tool that peels and removes the core of an apple in less than 10 seconds. The chore of peeling/removing the core is now a thing of the past, and making apple tart or cake...
Bannetons (bread rising baskets)
Bannetons (bread rising baskets)
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Once dough is kneaded and worked, it needs to be left to rise in a warm place before baking. Turning the risen uncooked dough onto the peel for transfering to the oven can be a tricky moment, especially if the dough has stuck to the container. To avoid this, bread is traditionally left for its final...
(Found inTexts)
This shovel-like tool, symbol of traditional bakers, is used to put dough in the oven and to remove loaves once cooked. Ideally you should have 3 peels: One round wooden, for round loaves.One rectangular wooden, for long loaves.One stainless steel, for pizzas. .
776K 1
Scouring pad
Scouring pad
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This sponge with one abrasive face is normally use to clean pans, but it's also very useful for scrubbing fruit or vegetables that are not going to be peeled like courgettes or potatoes.
Ingredient, product: 3 results
vitamin C
vitamin C
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Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means that it prevents vegetables and fruits from browning, like a peeled pear for example.Vitamine C is in several fruits and vegetables like blackcurrant and lemon, but it can be bought in powder form for use in cooking.
garlic clove
garlic clove
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Garlic is a plant that is harvested in "heads", which are then separated into cloves. Its taste makes it a powerful condiment often used in cooking.
(Found inTexts)
Coming from south America, tomato is a fruit rather than a vegetable, even if it's mainly cooked salted.

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