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Recipes: 224 results
Artichoke hearts forestier
Artichoke hearts forestier
(Found inTexts)
This recipe is not very complicated, but does involve some work: an artichoke heart with a layer of mushroom duxelle, a layer of fried bacon, topped with a poached egg and cream sauce. Everything can be prepared in advance (the day before for example), but the final assembly should be done just...
May 10th 2023266 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Surprise bread
Surprise bread
(Found inTexts)
This recipe is for a large surprise bread so you can make six layers (48 small sandwiches if you divide each layer in 8), with three different flavours: smoked salmon/lime, smoked ham/butter, mayonnaise/chicken.
December 27th 2020701 K 84.5 6 hours 25 min.
Lille style chicken
Lille style chicken
(Found inTextsStages)
Chicken breasts and mushrooms, cooked separately, then mixed with a tasty cream sauce before serving. It's a dish with a "cuisiné" taste, but which unfortunately is becoming increasingly rare in restaurants.
May 10th 2023358 K3.8 50 min.
How to keep meat tender after cooking
How to keep meat tender after cooking
(Found inTexts)
When you cook meat, the cooking heat causes the juices to run back inside, so the outside dries up somewhat. Here is a tip to avoid this.
February 21th 2011116 K4.3 5 min.
New leavened bread
New leavened bread
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
This new recipe for leavened bread is simple and delicious, but needs rather long resting times. If you'd like more more information about making your own bread, look at this dedicated page.
December 30th 2019907 K 34.3 7 hours
Raw beetroot mousse with walnuts
Raw beetroot mousse with walnuts
(Found inTexts)
A lightly spiced mousse, made with raw beetroot, with a layer in the centre of finely diced beetroot and roughly chopped walnuts. Discover or rediscover the taste of raw beetroot, very special and so "earthy".
October 13th 2010368 K4 50 min.
Pâté de campagne
Pâté de campagne
(Found inTexts)
Here is a personal version of the famous country pâté. It's an interesting recipe to prepare in large quantities because it keeps well and freezes easily. The secret of a good pâté is of course the ingredients, but also how it is cooked.
October 3rd 20192.08 M 23.7 7 hours 55 min.
Gratin Dauphinois
Gratin Dauphinois
(Found inTexts)
This recipe is a bit sensitive for people from Dauphiné (a French area around the city of Grenoble), many of them are sure to have the "true" recipe. Here is the version of the famous French chef Michel Guérard. The most interesting thing about gratin Dauphinois, is that it has a delicate hint of...
August 13th 2016388 K 25 1 hour 3 min.
Scrambled eggs (Oeufs brouillés)
Scrambled eggs (Oeufs brouillés)
(Found inTexts)
French-style scrambled eggs are rather special. It's not very difficult, just a bit long because it's cooked slowly in a bain-marie. Eventually you will get a delicious, refined and delicate preparation which can be eaten "as it is" or added to another recipe.
February 21th 2011268 K5 30 min.
Grilled fillet of salmon with corn-salad cream
Grilled fillet of salmon with corn-salad cream
(Found inTexts)
A salmon fillet, grilled slowly to keep the inside tender, served with sesame rice and a little corn salad cream. You'll love it...
October 13th 2010269 K 13.9 1 hour 15 min.
How to heat plates
How to heat plates
(Found inTexts)
In restaurants serving "à l'assiette", wich means that your dish is presented already served on a plate, it's very important for the plates to be hot, otherwise dishes arrive cold and it's the customer that (rightly) becomes heated. At home it's worth doing the same thing: you are sure to serve hot...
February 21th 2011214 K 43.7 25 min.
Tart Tatin
Tart Tatin
(Found inTexts)
Tart tatin is one of the great classic desserts of French cooking. It's an apple tart cooked upside down. Apples are cooked in sugar until they caramelise. Then a circle of puff pastry is put on top, and the whole tart is baked at 356°F (180°C) for 20 minutes. To serve, the tart is turned over so...
October 30th 2015404 K 13.8 1 hour 20 min.
Pilau rice
Pilau rice
(Found inTexts)
Pilau rice (also called "restaurant rice" in France) is a way of cooking rice that's very different from using a rice-cooker. In this recipe, the rice is first "pearled" with onion in olive oil, then chicken stock is added, and the whole lot is put in the oven. This produces a very tasty moist rice,...
February 21th 2011384 K 14.4 35 min.
Pan-fried potatoes
Pan-fried potatoes
(Found inTexts)
What could be simpler than fried potatoes? No need of a recipe for that! Quite right, but it's also very easy to end up making fried mash instead. Here are the main pitfalls to avoid.
February 3rd 2011297 K4.5 1 hour 40 min.
How to cook red meat properly
How to cook red meat properly
(Found inTextsStages)
Cooking red meat well is not as simple as it might seem. Even if you start with high quality meat, with poor cooking it can become dry and tough. Here's a way that will guarantee you a perfect result.
October 13th 2010470 K2.7 1 hour 25 min.
Potato purée
Potato purée
(Found inTexts)
The French have fond childhood memories of this, and while nothing will ever be as good as "Maman" made, here's a fairly straightforward way to make it.
October 3rd 2010236 K5 1 hour 35 min.
Real home-made chips*
Real home-made chips*
(Found inTexts)
It's not easy to make these - the original "French fries" - well at home, that is, to produce golden and crunchy chips from fresh potatoes. Here is a way of doing it in three cooking stages, which gives very good results: melting in the middle, crunchy on the outside, and a nice golden colour....
December 30th 2019431 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Eggs meurette
Eggs meurette
(Found inTexts)
Eggs meurette or "œufs à la bourguignonne" is a great classic of French cooking, and of Burgundy in particular. It consists of poached eggs on a bed of fondue onions and bacon, served on a slice of fried bread. This is topped with a tasty reduced red wine sauce.
March 29th 2020199 K 14.1 1 hour 15 min.
(Found inTexts)
The Paris-Brest is a famous French patisserie: a ring of choux pastry, scattered with flaked almonds and icing sugar and filled with a praline cream. The name comes from a historic cycle race between Paris and Brest (600 km or 372 miles), as the shape is like a bicycle wheel.
May 8th 2011189 K4.6 2 hours 20 min.
Cherry clafoutis
Cherry clafoutis
(Found inTexts)
A clafoutis batter and cherries lightly cooked in sugar and Kirsch, then de-stoned. The clafoutis is baked in the oven.
June 19th 2011136 K4.3 1 hour 20 min.
Pages: 12 results
What is this site, and who am I?
What is this site, and who am I?
The important thing is the content of the site, the recipes and information you can find, but some of you want to know who is behind it all.
August 29th 2023214 K 44.2
Making your own bread
Making your own bread
You'll find a whole range of bread and pastry recipes on this site, but before you get started, perhaps you'd like to know more about the subject, get some tips and tricks, and find out what the main mistakes beginners make? If so, this page is for you.
August 22th 2024567 K 63.9
At the most basic level, wheat grain is put through a mill, which produces a white-ish powder flour... Well, actually it's not quite that simple. First of all we need to distinguish between the different grains that can be made into flour: wheat of course, but also rye, barley, buckwheat, etc. So we...
June 3rd 2024731 K 413.6
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
Quite a few of you often ask me where I can find this or that? or is such and such a thing a good buy? or which brand is best for this or that? On this page, I'm going to group together my good addresses for suppliers of this or that product or utensil, and good books on the subjects that interest...
August 29th 2023302 K3.9
Make your own hot-wire or styrofoam cutter
Make your own hot-wire or styrofoam cutter
A filicoupeur is a hot-cutting tool for polystyrene, which can be used to enhance any piece of polystyrene you've salvaged, and to do all kinds of things with it: model building, model making, arts and crafts, and so on. See here how to make your own.
February 20th 2024512 K 433.5
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
A Mendeleiev periodic table in 3D
It's an old idea that was in my mind for years: making a real periodic table of Mendeleiev (who always fascinate me) in 3D, where in each element box, there is some atoms (at least) of this element.
August 24th 2024203 K 13.6
The steam machine
The steam machine
Fogging is an essential element in a bread oven. It's not easy to see, but it's the presence of fog that makes breads golden brown. To get steam on a regular basis, you can put a ramekin full of water in the bottom of the oven, or spray the inside with a sprayer, but this solution requires you to...
August 24th 202459 K4
Chives grow in clumps, and the leaves used as a herb have an extraodinary taste. It's an essential for adding to salads, and everything else that can be eaten cold, because it doesn't like long cooking during which it loses most of its flavour.
August 29th 202377 K3.8
Submitting a comment or image
Submitting a comment or image
You can, if you wish, add a comment on the pages, articles and recipes of the site. This comment, or question, will be immediately put on line and available for consultation. Here are a few tips for your writing. .
August 29th 202380 K 23.9
Cost calculations
Cost calculations
For each recipe presented, calculates the price of the recipe, by person, by parts or pieces, here is some information on how this calculation is made.
August 29th 202399 K3.9
Advices for writing your recipes
Advices for writing your recipes
If you choose to submit one of your recipes, you'll need to do so via a form (accessible when you're logged in), in which you'll need to enter all the information about the recipe. Please note that in order to log in, you must first create an account. Here are some tips on how to fill in the various...
August 29th 202359 K4.4
The protection of your data
The protection of your data
At we are always concerned about your data, both those that you have entrusted to us by registering, that those you generate by consulting the various pages and recipes of the site. This page presents our commitments, and the various measures we put in place to ensure this protection.
August 29th 202338 K4.3
Blog articles: 59 results
The ideal restaurant
The ideal restaurant
Like all passionate cooks (I suppose), from time to time I dream of opening my own restaurant. I imagine loads of things: it will be like this or like that, we'll do this, I'll cook that, the room will have this or that – in short, I dream.
October 15th 201213 K4.4
The painter, the restaurant owners and the opera singer
The painter, the restaurant owners and the opera singer
You might well have noticed that there are recipes involving names that have been so overused (often for any old thing) that they have almost become common nouns.
September 25th 201218 K4.4
From website to blog
From website to blog
Hello everyone, Today I'm inaugurating the "blog". The idea is to have a space for discussion open to everone, but not necessarily linked to a particular recipe or page. I hope the posts will be sufficiently interesting that you'll enjoy reading and discussing them. The...
January 1st 201116 K3.9
Fried potatoes or fried mash?
Fried potatoes or fried mash?
In cooking there are a lot of dishes that appear to be extremely simple but which can actually prove to be very tricky. Amongst those that I'm aware of having this reputation are omelette and fried potatoes.
February 6th 201122 K4.5
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
February 6th 201115 K 14.6
Devising a recipe
Devising a recipe
A question I'm often asked is: how do you come up with your recipes? How do you perfect them? This is something I've already mentioned on this page, but I'll take this opportunity to go into a bit more detail.
October 15th 201215 K4.4
How to choose a centrifugal juicer
How to choose a centrifugal juicer
A centrifugal juicer is an appliance designed to extract juice from all kinds of fruit and vegetables. It will produce juice from tomatoes, carrots, apples, pineapple, blackcurrants, etc.
April 1st 201141 K4.4
Well-cooked meat
Well-cooked meat
Have you ever noticed that if you like your meat well done, it invites strange looks? For instance, in a restaurant, when asked “How would you like that cooked?” If you reply, “Well done,” it is almost as if you are swearing….
May 21th 201130 K 14.4
Too much sweet and savoury
Too much sweet and savoury
There is a food trend which is creeping in everywhere in France right now: mixing sweet with savoury. In some restaurants, it is becoming difficult to order a classic dish, like “roast veal” for instance, without being served fruits in the garnish or honey/conserves/syrup in the sauce or cooked...
November 3rd 201124 K4.5
Choosing a chopping board
Choosing a chopping board
It's a no-brainer, surely? If you want a chopping board, just find a piece of wood, and Bob's your uncle! You can happily chop away with a knife and not damage the table or worktop. But in reality, it's a bit more complicated than that. You need to be careful what you are buying, in particular the...
May 8th 201247 K4.6
Markers in cooking
Markers in cooking
When it comes to cooking, there is only one real rule, and that is that there are no rules! By that I mean that everything is possible, everything can be combined, everything or almost everything can go with everything, but you have to like it, you have to find it good. I have friends who...
July 3rd 20218,5155
The secret of cooking until "done"
The secret of cooking until "done"
This is a real chef's skill: being able to look at a fish fillet cooking and say, "Stop – that's enough, it's cooked". I always admire this ability to see at a glance if something is done. It is what sets the professionals apart from us mere amateurs. And it's true that how fish is cooked is...
November 26th 201217 K4.4
How to zest a fruit?
How to zest a fruit?
You will have no doubt noticed that many recipes call for the zest of citrus fruit. The zest is that outer layer of the skin which adds so much flavour to a dish. There are many different ways to peel off the zest and various tools are available. Here is a summary of the “dos and don'ts” of...
November 5th 201342 K3.8
Steam for baking bread
Steam for baking bread
What does steam have to do with bread-making? This is not only a bakers' secret, it is something you might not think of at all: if you make bread and bake it like a cake, you will end up with bread, but pale and with a thick, hard crust – a long way from the golden-brown crusty loaf you had in...
June 16th 2021139 K4.5
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
What is the difference between bakery and patisserie?
This is a question that you may well have asked yourself and which I will attempt to answer. In France the two trades of "boulangerie" (bakery) and "pâtisserie" (patisserie and confectionery) have always been quite distinct, but where exactly do the boundaries lie? .
February 7th 2017125 K 14.1
Children and vegetables
Children and vegetables
This is an attempt to address the question that all parents and grandparents, maybe you included, face so often: how can we get children to like vegetables? And at the same time, we might get away from the familiar, day-in, day-out round of pasta, chips, toast.. Well, I can hear you say, it's...
March 9th 201712 K5
Vegetable soups
Vegetable soups
As I write this post, we are slowly slipping into winter, and this late autumn is the perfect time for soups, especially vegetable ones. Soups, that somewhat "soft" dish, often associated with our childhood, infallible remedy against a cold evening or an ugly weather, or both.
December 5th 20178,5405
There is vanilla and vanilla
There is vanilla and vanilla
The vanilla is a delicious taste that can be found in many many dessert recipes, creams (the cream and the cream for example), ice creams, but also cakes and entremets. Whenever you need to add this vanilla note, you have several possible choices because vanilla is commercially available in...
December 14th 20179,4895
Foie gras service
Foie gras service
For the upcoming christmas meals you too may be sacrificing to the tradition of foie gras? If so, I suggest you take a look at everything that revolves around serving foie gras: how to serve it, and what to eat and drink with it.
December 23th 201712 K4.9
Egg yolks and caster sugar
Egg yolks and caster sugar
We often come across recipes where we need to mix egg yolks with caster sugar. This would appear to be a very ordinary and simple thing to do but, be warned, these two ingredients can behave oddly together.
February 15th 201876 K 24.3
Lexicon: 3 results
Rolled-out pastry
Rolled-out pastry
(Found inTexts)
Pastry that has been rolled out with a rolling pin, usually in a circle.
876 K
Pointage (starting)
Pointage (starting)
(Found inTexts)
In bakery, "pointage" (starting), it's the first resting period, just after kneading. The dough, in one piece, is put for resting in a bowl, at ambient temperature, covered to prevent from making crust. During this step, dough is starting fermentation.
876 K
(Found inTexts)
"Pousse" (rising) is the french term used in bakery to describe the resting time during which the dough rises, i.e. swells thanks to the action of the yeast or leaven. During rising, the yeast ferments the sugars present in the dough, producing carbon dioxide which forms bubbles and increases the...
876 K
Utensil: 2 results
Plastic sheet
Plastic sheet
(Found inTexts)
Bread dough needs to be covered during resting and rising, and a damp tea-towel works well. (It needs to be damp so that it does not take moisture from the dough). Another good solution is to use a plastic sheet (cut from a large plastic bag for example) which protects the dough well and, very...
876 K
Plastic sheet
Plastic sheet
(Found inTexts)
Bread dough needs to be covered during resting and rising, and a damp tea-towel works well. (It needs to be damp so that it does not take moisture from the dough). Another good solution is to use a plastic sheet (cut from a large plastic bag for example) which protects the dough well and, very...
876 K
Ingredient, product: 1 results
(Found inTexts)
Courgette (Zuchini) is a summer vegetable, full of fibre and vitamins.
876 K

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