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Recipes: 167 results
Macarons (the original French macaroons)
Macarons (the original French macaroons)
(Found inTextsStagesIngredientsComments)
This recipe really is "of the moment": the success of these small, highly-coloured cakes, in an infinite variety of flavours, is impressive. It's a recipe which needs some care, in order to produce a result worthy of a professional pastrychef. No problem, I will guide you through the recipe,...
1.6M 714.6 2 hours 38 min. October 3rd 2019
Marzipan (almond paste)
Marzipan (almond paste)
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
Very easy to do if you have a food processor which can slice or grate a lot of things.
623K 34.5 11 min. December 19th 2021
Leavened bread
Leavened bread
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It might be harder to achieve good results than with traditional yeast bread, but what a flavour! It also keeps better. This recipe is designed for baking bread in a wood-fired oven but, of course, you can use the conventional oven in your kitchen.
1.2M 23.8 6 hours 26 min. May 23th 2017
(Found inTexts)
Hamburgers don't have to be the greasy flabby things you find in fast-food outlets, well-made they can be excellent. It's a very convivial recipe as everything goes on the table, and everyone assembles their own burger according to personal taste.
411K4.8 33 min. December 6th 2015
Five hours poultry
Five hours poultry
(Found inTexts)
Perhaps simplest recipe on this site, but what a result! The idea is to cook the bird, without fat, at low temperature, covered, and for a long time. In this way, the poultry cooks so as to be almost like a "confit": soft and very tasty. The effect is more spectacular with duck because it is a...
531K3.8 5 hours 12 min. January 27th 2012
Stock-pot fish
Stock-pot fish
(Found inTexts)
A julienne of vegetables (small sticks) mixed with choice morsels of fish, slowly cooked in vegetable stock.
304K4.3 2 hours 36 min. December 31th 2013
How to cook rice in rice-cooker
How to cook rice in rice-cooker
(Found inTextsComments)
Cooking rice in a specially adapted "rice-cooker" is practical and quick: you don't have to watch it during cooking, it's fast (15 minutes) and the rice-cooker switches automatically to "keep warm".
908K 24.9 20 min. February 21th 2011
How to heat plates
How to heat plates
(Found inTexts)
In restaurants serving "à l'assiette", wich means that your dish is presented already served on a plate, it's very important for the plates to be hot, otherwise dishes arrive cold and it's the customer that (rightly) becomes heated. At home it's worth doing the same thing: you are sure to serve hot...
211K 43.7 22 min. February 21th 2011
You should not put an aluminum container directly in the oven
You should not put an aluminum container directly in the oven
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
If you put an aluminum container, containing food to be cooked or reheated, in your oven directly on the shelf, the shiny base will reflect a large part of the oven heat (like a mirror). This means that the food will take much longer to cook or heat through than usual.
480K 92.5 1 min. February 21th 2011
(Found inTexts)
Paella is a traditional Spanish dish made with round rice, associated mainly with the Valencia region. The name comes from the large two-handled pan in which it is traditionally prepared. This is an adapted version with a mix of meat, vegetables and shellfish.
335K4.1 2 hours 58 min. February 21th 2011
Butter cream
Butter cream
(Found inTexts)
Butter cream is made with egg yolk, sugar syrup and, of course, butter. These days it has fallen rather out of fashion, probably because it's very rich, but it still has its aficionados. Here is the classic plain version, which you can lighten and flavour as you wish.
315K4.6 58 min. October 13th 2010
Greek salad
Greek salad
(Found inTexts)
This is a classy version of that perfect summer food, Greek salad. The only difficult part is the care and patience needed for dicing the vegetables.
191K 14.9 57 min. July 13th 2010
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A classic of French "street food" or bistros: a slice of ham between two slices of bread spread with béchamel sauce. The sandwich is then sprinkled with cheese and toasted in the oven.
250K4 46 min. August 1st 2010
Ocean bread
Ocean bread
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The idea for this bread was inspired by an amusing coincidence: the proportion of salt needed for good bread is 35 g of salt per litre of water, which just happens to be the exact concentration of salt in the Atlantic Ocean. So it's possible to make bread using sea water to provide all the salt...
166K 63.8 5 hours 7 min. October 24th 2017
Seafood sauerkraut
Seafood sauerkraut
(Found inTextsStages)
The French version of sauerkraut (choucroute) is normally served with meat, especially pork and sausage, but here is a seafood version with fish and shellfish. Do give it a try, as it's simple to make and delicious!
175K4 1 hour 37 min. April 17th 2011
Royal icing
Royal icing
(Found inTexts)
Royal icing is a mixture of egg white and icing sugar. From its pasty consistency when fresh, it dries to give a lovely white crust.
190K4.7 13 min. February 12th 2012
(Found inTexts)
Cassoulet is typical, even emblematic, of southern French cuisine. It is a "slow food" casserole in which meat and vegetables, particualrly dried beans, are cooked together for a long time. Here is a simplified version of this famous dish.
202K4.1 16 hours 9 min. September 17th 2021
How to prepare cockles
How to prepare cockles
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Cockles are small Atlantic shellfish which can be used in many delicious dishes. However, they need to be prepared with care before cooking. Here is a simple way to do this.
529K 13.7 1 hour 52 min. March 13th 2013
Seafood feuillantines
Seafood feuillantines
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Little savoury "millefeuilles" with a very Breton taste of the sea: a mix of crab and salmon in a herb mayonnaise, piled up between crisp circles of buckwheat pancake.
97K5 48 min. April 28th 2013
Crispy prawn rolls
Crispy prawn rolls
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The prawns are fried, then mixed with finely diced carrots and courgettes before being rolled up in a sheet of brik or filo pastry.
77K4.8 34 min. July 27th 2014
Pages: 8 results
Website technical evolution
Website technical evolution
Site updates, list of new additions by date .
202K3.8 August 29th 2023
Films and papers in the kitchen
Films and papers in the kitchen
Various papers and plastic films used in cooking .
570K 93.6 August 29th 2023
Making your own bread
Making your own bread
In praise of home-made bread, so much better.
564K 63.9 August 29th 2023
Bread oven
Bread oven
Building a bread oven was until a few years ago a job for the professionals. But now you can buy a kind of kit which allows you to build your own bred oven without professional masonry know-how. You should know that the kits only provide the main part of oven, the hearth, where you light the fire...
1.2M3.6 June 3rd 2024
Homemade plancha
Homemade plancha
Make you own plancha and cook the Spanish way on this scorching hot metal plate.
255K 43.7 June 3rd 2024
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
My good addresses, favourite suppliers, ingredients, products and equipment.
297K4.0 August 29th 2023
Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI
Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI
Information about Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI.
59K4.1 August 29th 2023
On this site you can...
On this site you can...
All the things you can do with this site.
190K 23.7 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 43 results
Using stretch food film effectively
Using stretch food film effectively
Maybe you use food film in your own kitchen. You know, the very thin, clear plastic stuff that you can stretch, often used to cover food and protect it from the air. It’s become so widely used that it’s now an essential item for pros. They even have a verb for it in French: “filmer”: to...
18K 14.9 May 12th 2018
The power of sayings and beliefs in the kitchen
The power of sayings and beliefs in the kitchen
One day, in the comments on the recipe for beaten egg whites, a young woman asked if you could beat egg whites stiff while having a period, as a friend had told her it wasn't possible. Sometime later another person commented that for mayonnaise it had been (get this!) scientifically proven that a...
47K4.4 February 6th 2011
Maillard reactions
Maillard reactions
This subject cropped up recently in a discussion with my three charming nieces; do you know what Maillard reactions are? With a name like that, they could well be some principle in mechanics, but in fact the term applies to something much closer to all of us: it's what gives food more flavour...
32K4 January 28th 2015
In praise of slow cooking
In praise of slow cooking
You will no doubt have noticed that in cookery, it's often the actual cooking process that gets neglected. This is understandable; it comes at the end of the recipe and getting the dish in the oven is something of a relief (ah, that's done!), which frees us to cope with what's left: tidying the...
37K4.2 February 9th 2011
The ideal restaurant
The ideal restaurant
Like all passionate cooks (I suppose), from time to time I dream of opening my own restaurant. I imagine loads of things: it will be like this or like that, we'll do this, I'll cook that, the room will have this or that – in short, I dream.
12K4.4 October 15th 2012
Good fridge management
Good fridge management
We all have a fridge at home – it's an indispensible part of the kitchen and so much a part of the furniture that we tend not to pay it much attention. But often, out of habit, we don't use it properly. Here are a few tips to help you get more from your fridge. .
25K4.4 April 19th 2011
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
Preservative oil, an asset for taste
When you prepare a dish using an ingredient that has been preserved in fat, for example a springtime mixed salad with tuna in oil or sun-dried tomatoes, you're probably going to make a french dressing (vinaigrette) next. In that case, why not use the preserved oil from the tuna or tomatoes?
2,1805 June 5th 2024
Should I believe my oven?
Should I believe my oven?
Can you really trust your oven? This is an important question as we are always tempted to take the temperature indicated as gospel truth and, unfortunately, this is rarely very precise. .
28K4.6 July 4th 2011
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Whenever I'm discussing cooking and recipes, there is one idea which comes up frequently, like this: "Oh no! But that's got butter in it" (I should add, for the sake of accuracy, that this is something I hear more frequently from women, who are almost all concerned with keeping their figure). ...
38K4.5 March 26th 2012
Choosing a chopping board
Choosing a chopping board
It's a no-brainer, surely? If you want a chopping board, just find a piece of wood, and Bob's your uncle! You can happily chop away with a knife and not damage the table or worktop. But in reality, it's a bit more complicated than that. You need to be careful what you are buying, in particular the...
46K4.6 May 8th 2012
The secret of cooking until "done"
The secret of cooking until "done"
This is a real chef's skill: being able to look at a fish fillet cooking and say, "Stop – that's enough, it's cooked". I always admire this ability to see at a glance if something is done. It is what sets the professionals apart from us mere amateurs. And it's true that how fish is cooked is...
16K4.4 November 26th 2012
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
Foie gras without force-feeding: it can be done
I adore foie gras... I willingly admit it, I adore foie gras: the texture, the taste, the festive aspect – I enjoy all of it. I really love eating it, preparing it and, most of all, sharing what I have made with my family over Christmas and New Year. ...but then I begin to have doubts Of...
44K4.4 December 15th 2014
Perpetual stock
Perpetual stock
It's something you have probably have done yourself: cooked or pre-cooked vegetables before adding them to a recipe. This is almost always done the same way: peel the chosen vegetables (carrots, for example), cut them up, boil them in salted water (using a tablespoon or so of coarse salt per litre),...
23K5 November 22th 2016
Children and vegetables
Children and vegetables
This is an attempt to address the question that all parents and grandparents, maybe you included, face so often: how can we get children to like vegetables? And at the same time, we might get away from the familiar, day-in, day-out round of pasta, chips, toast.. Well, I can hear you say, it's...
12K5 March 9th 2017
The right way to use a blender
The right way to use a blender
You may well have a blender in your own kitchen. You know, that useful gadget that allows you to liquidize stuff at high speed into a smooth liquid. Of course, the most obvious use that comes to mind is for soups: if you have boiled some vegetables in water, with just a quick blast of the blender,...
19K5 May 31th 2017
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary, as I’m sure you know, is a culinary herb, one of the famous French "herbes de Provence", and is very effective in bringing a real taste of the Mediterranean to any dish. The classic way to use it in a recipe is to add a sprig or two and leave it in during cooking as a way of...
19K4.7 April 18th 2018
The 3 essential knives
The 3 essential knives
You must have heard a chef or cook say: "There’s no good cooking without good ingredients". This is very true, of course, but for any amateur or beginner it is equipment that really counts to start with. What I mean is that you should not skimp on kitchen equipment, good utensils, a food...
20K5 May 30th 2018
The march forward
The march forward
When professionals get to work in their kitchen, lab or bakery, they are (if they are conscientious) very sensitive to hygiene and cleanliness. It is impossible for a good baker for example to do a day's work without regularly cleaning the table where he or she works, and it is even more...
14K5 June 30th 2021
The first breads of humanity?
The first breads of humanity?
I have already told you in a previous article the beautiful story of the croissants, but do you know what it is about the bread, who "invented" it, where and when? Well, you can imagine that recent discoveries, in 2018, have profoundly changed the history of bread.
9,3215 February 16th 2019
The green of leeks
The green of leeks
We are all, consciously or not, very sensitive to the colour of our food. That's why a red strawberry will always seem more appetizing than a pale one, even if it's not necessarily true. This is true for red, but it is also true for the green of certain vegetables.
15K4.0 March 30th 2020
Lexicon: 3 results
(Found inTexts)
Poaching is a way of cooking food (usually slowly) by lowering into a hot liquid: water, vegetable stock or syrup, for example. This gentle method of cooking allows the food to retain all its flavour more easily. .
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Said of cooking with a lid.
776K 2
(Found inTexts)
Refers to food or a preparation from which you want to remove the liquid part, such as the cooking water.
776K 2
Utensil: 5 results
Chopping board
Chopping board
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To cut safely, using your knives, on your work surface.
776K 1
(Found inTexts)
For coating or glazing with a liquid, water or beaten egg-yolk for example, or for gently removing excess flour or sugar.
776K 1
Mixing bowl (of food processor)
Mixing bowl (of food processor)
(Found inTexts)
Very useful for hard work that's difficult to do with your hands: kneading evenly.
Serrated knife
Serrated knife
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Unlike a classic knife, which is ground to produce a fine cutting edge to the blade, a serrated knife has teeth like a saw. This kind of knife doesn't need sharpening, and cuts certain foods, bread and cakes for instance, more easily than a normal knife.
Microplane grater
Microplane grater
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The microplane grater (microplane is a brand name) is a very fine grater made of stainless steel, very strong, with very small holes, which allows you to grate or zest all kinds of food in a very fine way.
Ingredient, product: 1 results
(Found inTexts)
Butter is a fat obtained from dairy cream by the mechanical process known as "churning" (traditionally done from ancient times in a receptacle called a churn, in which the cream is agitated until it turns into butter). Simply put, the cream goes in and comes out as butter. .
776K 1

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