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Recipes: 385 results
Crème brulée
Crème brulée
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Crème brûlée (burned cream) is quite easy to prepare: it's a simple egg-cream dessert. The only difficulty is in making the delicious crunchy caramel layer on top. The perfect crème brulée (for me) is a cold and soft cream, with on top a nice hot caramel crust. This is a completely new version...
1.6M 74.3 4 hours 38 min. December 31th 2011
Soft fruits in sabayon
Soft fruits in sabayon
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This recipe is made by briefly cooking an assortment of soft fruits (raspberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, blueberries, currants...) with a little sugar to glaze them. They are served in a small dish, covered with a delicious sabayon which can be lightly "burned" on surface.
260K3.9 46 min. February 21th 2011
Rice pudding (riz au lait)
Rice pudding (riz au lait)
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My personal version of this classic family recipe.
387K5 38 min. December 18th 2018
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
A personal version of a classic recipe from Savoy.
590K 14.6 1 hour 27 min. September 16th 2019
Montbenoit's canapés
Montbenoit's canapés
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A recipe from Franche-comté (lovely region of eastern France): large slices of bread coated with melted shallot, grilled bacon dice, a big slice of Morbier (cheese from the same region) and a brief spell in the oven. It really is a winter dish.
269K4.6 1 hour 45 min. October 13th 2010
(Found inTexts)
For this typically Mexican recipe there are two main methods: smooth mashed avocado (made with a blender), or simple mashed avocado (made with a fork) with small pieces. And you can add, or not, finely diced tomato. You will find the first version (smooth) below.
289K4.1 1 hour 21 min. November 26th 2011
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
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This recipe is made from vegetables cut small and blanched, mixed with pieces of salt-cod and cream, then baked in small soup dishes with a puff pastry lid.
271K3.9 4 hours 35 min. September 7th 2018
Cocotte eggs with Comté
Cocotte eggs with Comté
(Found inTexts)
A light delicious and quickly prepared dish, an easy and elegant answer to the frequent question "what are we going to eat this evening?". Here is version with Comté (a famous cheese from eastern France, like gruyère, but much better), but it can be made prepared many different ways.
344K4.3 1 hour February 21th 2011
Preserved tomatoes
Preserved tomatoes
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Softer than dried tomatoes, they can be used as a kind of chutney in pasta dishes for instance, or simply served to accompany an aperitif.
334K4.8 5 hours 6 min. February 21th 2011
Koulibiak in pie dish
Koulibiak in pie dish
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Koulibiak is a traditional russian recipe from, usually served in a flat puff pastry fish shape. Here is an easier version, in a pie dish.
358K3.8 3 hours 19 min. September 7th 2018
Express chilli con carne
Express chilli con carne
(Found inTexts)
This is a really express recipe, a "true" chilli is longer and more difficult to do.
385K3.8 33 min. February 21th 2011
African style chicken
African style chicken
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This is a sort of smoked chicken, cooked in a tomato-coconut sauce, and served with kidney beans and plain rice. It's quite a simple recipe, with ready-made ingredients, but which needs a long cooking time on low heat (one hour).
399K5 2 hours 4 min. February 21th 2011
Lille style chicken
Lille style chicken
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Chicken breasts and mushrooms, cooked separately, then mixed with a tasty cream sauce before serving. It's a dish with a "cuisiné" taste, but which unfortunately is becoming increasingly rare in restaurants.
351K3.8 50 min. May 10th 2023
How to butter a dish or a mould easily
How to butter a dish or a mould easily
(Found inTextsStages)
Often when making gratins, crumbles or other oven-cooked dishes, you will need to butter the dish or mould. To butter (or grease) means to rub inside the mould with a knob of butter to prevent the mixture sticking too much. Instead of putting a knob of butter in the dish and wiping with paper, here...
139K4.1 1 min. February 21th 2011
Salmon and spinach quiche
Salmon and spinach quiche
(Found inTexts)
This quiche recipe uses a traditional filling mixture, but adds slices of smoked salmon and blanched spinach.
403K 14 1 hour 11 min. April 17th 2022
Celeriac Rémoulade
Celeriac Rémoulade
(Found inTexts)
A classic recipe of traditional French bistro cooking (winter salad).
393K5 18 min. December 21th 2020
(Found inTexts)
Mayonnaise is a cold egg dressing, quite thick, served with many dishes, usually cold too: meat, fish, vegetables, etc.
802K5 6 min. February 16th 2014
Hotpot my grandmother's way
Hotpot my grandmother's way
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If you like slow-cooked dishes prepared with loving care (mitonné), you will certainly love this hotpot recipe, with the taste of Franche-Comté, inspired by my grandmother. It's an old-fashioned dish full of flavours and aromas, cooked vegetables, stock, smoked sausages, all cooked long and slow.
331K5 4 hours 7 min. February 21th 2011
Chicken nems
Chicken nems
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Nems are probably the best known Far Eastern dish in France. These small crispy rolls can be made in different flavours: chicken, crab, pork, etc. Making your own is not very complicated, the only difficulty is in the rolling stage. You will find in this recipe full details on how to successfully...
499K3.8 2 hours 21 min. April 6th 2017
Courgettes (zuchinis)
Courgettes (zuchinis)
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A classic gratin, but with the courgettes cooked separately to prevent too much juice being released during the oven cooking, and so make a dish that is barely moist.
495K 13.7 1 hour 20 min. October 13th 2010
Pages: 9 results
My best addresses...
My best addresses...
My good addresses, favourite suppliers, ingredients, products and equipment.
297K4.0 August 29th 2023
Cooking with herbs
Cooking with herbs
Herbs: there's nothing else so small that can add so much to a recipe. They are not only for garnishing, but are a true part of the dish, sometimes one of the main ingredients. A small example of the "power" of herbs: you make a chopped carrot salad, which is very good with a vinaigrette, but if you...
185K 13.9 June 3rd 2024
Open fire cooking
Open fire cooking
Construction of a Fayol bread oven: open fire cooking, with the embers inside.
89K3.9 August 29th 2023
The steam machine
The steam machine
Continuous steam in the oven with the steam machine.
56K4 August 29th 2023
Chives grow in clumps, and the leaves used as a herb have an extraodinary taste. It's an essential for adding to salads, and everything else that can be eaten cold, because it doesn't like long cooking during which it loses most of its flavour.
76K3.8 August 29th 2023
This is a kind of shrub, of which the small branches are used.
46K4.2 August 29th 2023
Bay is a kind of laurel, grown as a shrub or small tree, of which the leaves are used, fresh or dry (other laurels are toxic). Bayleaves are used frequently in mediterraneen cooking.
88K4.2 August 29th 2023
Thyme is an aromatic plant of which the leaves are used. There are several kinds of thyme, and its flavour is very typical of Mediterranean cooking.
49K4.6 August 29th 2023
Start off well to cook well
Start off well to cook well
How to get off to a good start in cooking; what equipment and basic ingredients you should always have to hand.
305K 13.6 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 47 results
Fried potatoes or fried mash?
Fried potatoes or fried mash?
In cooking there are a lot of dishes that appear to be extremely simple but which can actually prove to be very tricky. Amongst those that I'm aware of having this reputation are omelette and fried potatoes.
21K4.5 February 6th 2011
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
14K 14.6 February 6th 2011
Maillard reactions
Maillard reactions
This subject cropped up recently in a discussion with my three charming nieces; do you know what Maillard reactions are? With a name like that, they could well be some principle in mechanics, but in fact the term applies to something much closer to all of us: it's what gives food more flavour...
32K4 January 28th 2015
In praise of slow cooking
In praise of slow cooking
You will no doubt have noticed that in cookery, it's often the actual cooking process that gets neglected. This is understandable; it comes at the end of the recipe and getting the dish in the oven is something of a relief (ah, that's done!), which frees us to cope with what's left: tidying the...
37K4.2 February 9th 2011
The ideal restaurant
The ideal restaurant
Like all passionate cooks (I suppose), from time to time I dream of opening my own restaurant. I imagine loads of things: it will be like this or like that, we'll do this, I'll cook that, the room will have this or that – in short, I dream.
12K4.4 October 15th 2012
How to choose a centrifugal juicer
How to choose a centrifugal juicer
A centrifugal juicer is an appliance designed to extract juice from all kinds of fruit and vegetables. It will produce juice from tomatoes, carrots, apples, pineapple, blackcurrants, etc.
40K4.4 April 1st 2011
Good fridge management
Good fridge management
We all have a fridge at home – it's an indispensible part of the kitchen and so much a part of the furniture that we tend not to pay it much attention. But often, out of habit, we don't use it properly. Here are a few tips to help you get more from your fridge. .
25K4.4 April 19th 2011
A memo of utensil weights
A memo of utensil weights
You will no doubt have come across this problem while cooking: after starting a recipe, when you already have some ingredients in a pan and have maybe cooked them, you need to know the weight of the pan's contents so that you can take half out, or add the same weight of sugar, for example.
24K4.6 May 9th 2011
Too much sweet and savoury
Too much sweet and savoury
There is a food trend which is creeping in everywhere in France right now: mixing sweet with savoury. In some restaurants, it is becoming difficult to order a classic dish, like “roast veal” for instance, without being served fruits in the garnish or honey/conserves/syrup in the sauce or cooked...
23K4.5 November 3rd 2011
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Butter doesn't make you fat, unless you eat too much of it.
Whenever I'm discussing cooking and recipes, there is one idea which comes up frequently, like this: "Oh no! But that's got butter in it" (I should add, for the sake of accuracy, that this is something I hear more frequently from women, who are almost all concerned with keeping their figure). ...
38K4.5 March 26th 2012
The painter, the restaurant owners and the opera singer
The painter, the restaurant owners and the opera singer
You might well have noticed that there are recipes involving names that have been so overused (often for any old thing) that they have almost become common nouns.
17K4.4 September 25th 2012
Markers in cooking
Markers in cooking
When it comes to cooking, there is only one real rule, and that is that there are no rules! By that I mean that everything is possible, everything can be combined, everything or almost everything can go with everything, but you have to like it, you have to find it good. I have friends who...
7,4275 July 3rd 2021
Clean your mixer easily
Clean your mixer easily
If you use a "bowl" or "blender" mixer, as opposed to a plunger, you've probably noticed that it's a bit of a hassle to clean it after use. And yet, with a simple trick, it can be done very quickly. See how here.
1,4955 June 26th 2024
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary, as I’m sure you know, is a culinary herb, one of the famous French "herbes de Provence", and is very effective in bringing a real taste of the Mediterranean to any dish. The classic way to use it in a recipe is to add a sprig or two and leave it in during cooking as a way of...
19K4.7 April 18th 2018
Using stretch food film effectively
Using stretch food film effectively
Maybe you use food film in your own kitchen. You know, the very thin, clear plastic stuff that you can stretch, often used to cover food and protect it from the air. It’s become so widely used that it’s now an essential item for pros. They even have a verb for it in French: “filmer”: to...
18K 14.9 May 12th 2018
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
If you are using sausages in a recipe, you may have already asked yourself the question: Should you prick it before cooking it, or not? You will certainly find as many opinions "you should prick" as "you should not". Let's try to untangle all this.
42K4.1 September 29th 2018
Chive flowers
Chive flowers
Did you know that? Chive flowers are not only a beautiful purple color, but they are also edible and delicious.
43K4.4 May 29th 2019
Brioche for a savoury recipe
Brioche for a savoury recipe
When we make brioche, it is generally sweet, that is to say that in the dough there is sugar or honey or dried or candied fruits, or even sometimes the 3 together. It's normal, it's very good, it's a pastry. But you may also need brioche for a savoury dish, like a sausage or a sausage in brioche...
8,6724.9 June 30th 2019
Double cooking of vegetables
Double cooking of vegetables
When you cook vegetables, it's not easy to capture and preserve the flavours. It is easy to undercook, but you can make up for it, or overcook, and then it is unfortunately a bit cooked (in the sense of "ruined"). But above all, how to get the maximum of the taste of the vegetable in the pan, then...
18K4.1 July 12th 2019
The proper use of a dusting machine
The proper use of a dusting machine
Let's take a look at a simple gesture, the sprinkling, that is to say to distribute a fine powder (icing sugar, sugar, flour,...) on a surface. If you have to sprinkle something, you may use a sprinkler or "poudrette" (in french) it is a very simple utensil, a box, with a lid pierced with holes...
7,3564.6 July 31th 2019
Lexicon: 4 results
Arrange on plate
Arrange on plate
(Found inTexts)
Serving up a dish on a plate which will go directly onto the table in front of your guests. To arrange on the plate.
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Blanching. Plunging an ingredient (usually vegetables) into boiling salted water for a very short time (a few seconds), and then into very cold water. .
(Found inTexts)
Sometimes we need to transfer the contents of a pan to a dish or plate. This is often to rapidly stop something cooking, as the dish it is transferred to will always be cooler, or it might simply be to free up the pan for something else.
Plated up ('à l'assiette')
Plated up ('à l'assiette')
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A dish that is served to each guest in individual portions on a plate, rather than one that is placed in the center of the table.
Utensil: 2 results
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For coating or glazing with a liquid, water or beaten egg-yolk for example, or for gently removing excess flour or sugar.
776K 1
Dessert ring
Dessert ring
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Like tart rings, but taller (generally 4 cm ou 1.6 inches), dessert rings are used to keep preparations, usually cold, in shape during the assembly of a layered dish.
Ingredient, product: 3 results
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Pepper is a spice obtained from the berries of two kinds of tree. The berries (peppercorns once dried), yield three kinds of pepper, depending of harvest period and processing:Green pepper (immature berries)Black pepper (mature)White pepper (black pepper without skin)White and black pepper are the...
"Quatre-épices" spice blend
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Quatre-épices (4 spices) is a mix of: black pepper, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon.Sometimes a fifth spice is added, ginger or chilli. [Translator's note: this mix is rather hotter and less sweet than British "mixed spice", and in France is often used in savoury dishes. If using British style mixed...
potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin)
potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin)
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The potimarron is a kind of pumpkin which originated in Asia. It's shaped like a very large pear, with a hard reddish-orange skin.It is different from the classic pumpkin, especially in 2 respects: the skin is edible, and its flavour - which is rather like chestnut - is stronger.

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