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Recipes: 159 results
(Found inTextsStages)
In couscous, the meat and vegetable mixture is rather long to cook, but not difficult. And the couscous itself (a kind of coarse semolina) is simple and quick to prepare.
506K4.3 2 hours 36 min. November 16th 2017
Hachis parmentier
Hachis parmentier
(Found inTextsStagesIngredients)
This is the French answer (meat with mashed potato and cheese) to the English cottage or shepherd's pie: a typical family recipe which is an excellent way of using up leftover meat. The proportions are vague here: you need "whatever you have left over"...
395K 24.4 1 hour 22 min. February 21th 2011
Express chilli con carne
Express chilli con carne
(Found inTexts)
This is a really express recipe, a "true" chilli is longer and more difficult to do.
385K3.8 33 min. February 21th 2011
(Found inTextsStages)
Hamburgers don't have to be the greasy flabby things you find in fast-food outlets, well-made they can be excellent. It's a very convivial recipe as everything goes on the table, and everyone assembles their own burger according to personal taste.
411K4.8 33 min. December 6th 2015
(Found inTexts)
Involtinis are small rolls of meat, usually veal, and cheese. Here is my version.
382K4.4 2 hours 51 min. February 21th 2011
Five hours poultry
Five hours poultry
(Found inTextsStages)
Perhaps simplest recipe on this site, but what a result! The idea is to cook the bird, without fat, at low temperature, covered, and for a long time. In this way, the poultry cooks so as to be almost like a "confit": soft and very tasty. The effect is more spectacular with duck because it is a...
531K3.8 5 hours 12 min. January 27th 2012
How to keep meat tender after cooking
How to keep meat tender after cooking
(Found inTextsStages)
When you cook meat, the cooking heat causes the juices to run back inside, so the outside dries up somewhat. Here is a tip to avoid this.
114K4.3 5 min. February 21th 2011
Oxtail Parmentier
Oxtail Parmentier
(Found inTextsStages)
Rather like the classic hachis Parmentier, but using oxtail stewed very slowly in red wine and herbs.
304K4.7 5 hours 46 min. October 13th 2010
Potted meat (rillettes)
Potted meat (rillettes)
(Found inTextsStagesComments)
Potted meat (rillettes) is cooked long and slow in fat. Rillettes can be of pork or duck. Here is the pork version.
428K 25 6 hours 46 min. October 3rd 2019
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
Stuffed tomatoes and courgettes
(Found inTextsStages)
A classic recipe of French family cooking, but with a more sophisticated filling.
333K3.8 1 hour 50 min. February 21th 2011
(Found inTexts)
Mayonnaise is a cold egg dressing, quite thick, served with many dishes, usually cold too: meat, fish, vegetables, etc.
802K5 6 min. February 16th 2014
Hotpot my grandmother's way
Hotpot my grandmother's way
(Found inTexts)
If you like slow-cooked dishes prepared with loving care (mitonné), you will certainly love this hotpot recipe, with the taste of Franche-Comté, inspired by my grandmother. It's an old-fashioned dish full of flavours and aromas, cooked vegetables, stock, smoked sausages, all cooked long and slow.
331K5 4 hours 7 min. February 21th 2011
Béarnaise sauce
Béarnaise sauce
(Found inTexts)
This very tasty sauce, flavoured with tarragon, chervil and shallot, with its hint of acidity, is perfect for grilled fish or meats. Its well-known as a difficult sauce, but here are all the tips that you need to succeed.
334K4 1 hour 6 min. May 22th 2016
Pâté de campagne
Pâté de campagne
(Found inTextsStages)
Here is a personal version of the famous country pâté. It's an interesting recipe to prepare in large quantities because it keeps well and freezes easily. The secret of a good pâté is of course the ingredients, but also how it is cooked.
2.0M 23.7 7 hours 54 min. October 3rd 2019
(Found inTextsStages)
Here is my personal version of this famous recipe from the eastern Mediterranean. It's a kind of gratin, made with layers of aubergines, cooked meat with tomatos and bechamel sauce with cheese.
369K 14 2 hours 53 min. August 1st 2011
Potimarron (chestnut pumpkin) "au gratin"
Potimarron (chestnut pumpkin) "au gratin"
(Found inTexts)
We could almost say a "Parmentier" of potimarron: a layer of left over cooked chicken, covered with potimarron purée and cheese, put to brown in the oven.
258K 24 1 hour 35 min. February 21th 2011
Gratin Dauphinois
Gratin Dauphinois
(Found inTexts)
This recipe is a bit sensitive for people from Dauphiné (a French area around the city of Grenoble), many of them are sure to have the "true" recipe. Here is the version of the famous French chef Michel Guérard. The most interesting thing about gratin Dauphinois, is that it has a delicate hint of...
383K 25 1 hour 3 min. August 13th 2016
How to cook rice in rice-cooker
How to cook rice in rice-cooker
(Found inTexts)
Cooking rice in a specially adapted "rice-cooker" is practical and quick: you don't have to watch it during cooking, it's fast (15 minutes) and the rice-cooker switches automatically to "keep warm".
908K 24.9 20 min. February 21th 2011
Thaï rice with small vegetables
Thaï rice with small vegetables
(Found inTexts)
Vegetables cut in small dice, cooked in stages, and mixed with cooked Thaï rice. Delicious alone or served with meat for example.
276K4.7 1 hour 34 min. February 21th 2011
Express sauerkraut
Express sauerkraut
(Found inTextsStages)
Sauerkraut (choucroute in French) is a traditional Alsatian recipe. It consists of fermented cabbage slowly cooked with white wine, potatoes and a variety of salted pork meats. This is a simplified and fairly quick version.
353K 13.9 2 hours 24 min. February 21th 2011
Pages: 7 results
A little molecular gastronomy
A little molecular gastronomy
A little molecular gastronomy ot understand how slow cooking makes meat tender.
38K4.4 August 29th 2023
Website technical evolution
Website technical evolution
Site updates, list of new additions by date .
202K3.8 August 29th 2023
Other cookery websites
Other cookery websites
List of my other favourite sites.
192K3.9 August 29th 2023
Cooking with herbs
Cooking with herbs
Herbs: there's nothing else so small that can add so much to a recipe. They are not only for garnishing, but are a true part of the dish, sometimes one of the main ingredients. A small example of the "power" of herbs: you make a chopped carrot salad, which is very good with a vinaigrette, but if you...
185K 13.9 June 3rd 2024
This is a plant of which the leaves are used. It's goes perfectly (in my opinion) with white meats like pork, veal or poultry.
41K4.2 August 29th 2023
Tarragon is a herb with strongly aromatic leaves. These are used for their characteristic flavour that goes very well with meat and fish.
50K4.1 August 29th 2023
Submitting a comment or image
Submitting a comment or image
Submitting comments or questions: some advice, norms, and rules .
78K 23.9 August 29th 2023
Blog articles: 25 results
Well-cooked meat
Well-cooked meat
Have you ever noticed that if you like your meat well done, it invites strange looks? For instance, in a restaurant, when asked “How would you like that cooked?” If you reply, “Well done,” it is almost as if you are swearing….
29K 14.4 May 21th 2011
The so-called "nervous" meats
The so-called "nervous" meats
You've probably heard this before, we're talking about "nervous" meat, or meat with nerves, to describe what is indicated by the blue arrow on the left. This is a piece of beef, and what we call a nerve is not a nerve, it is in fact collagen (chemists sometimes call it a "collagen sink"), a...
24K4.5 April 16th 2021
Incise some meats before cooking
Incise some meats before cooking
Have you ever had this rather unpleasant phenomenon: you grill a meat, a pork chop or a veal cutlet for example, and during cooking it becomes completely deformed? It takes a very strange shape, a bit difficult to describe, a sort of cone around the central area of the meat, which also hinders...
7,4844.9 June 19th 2021
Wipe meats and fish before cooking
Wipe meats and fish before cooking
When you want to cook meat or fish, there's a very simple yet very important step to take before you even start: It's to dry, or wipe, each side of the meat or fish, sometimes called "dabbing" or "sponging". But why? And how? Let me explain.
4,4214.5 April 14th 2024
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Properly cooked! (the taste)
Going out to a restaurant is getting harder at the moment. In France, at least, you have to try and find one that has agreed to pass on the new lower rate of VAT at anything other than a symbolic level, and there aren't many. And then, most importantly, you have to find a good one: one where you...
14K 14.6 February 6th 2011
Maillard reactions
Maillard reactions
This subject cropped up recently in a discussion with my three charming nieces; do you know what Maillard reactions are? With a name like that, they could well be some principle in mechanics, but in fact the term applies to something much closer to all of us: it's what gives food more flavour...
32K4 January 28th 2015
In praise of slow cooking
In praise of slow cooking
You will no doubt have noticed that in cookery, it's often the actual cooking process that gets neglected. This is understandable; it comes at the end of the recipe and getting the dish in the oven is something of a relief (ah, that's done!), which frees us to cope with what's left: tidying the...
37K4.2 February 9th 2011
The ideal restaurant
The ideal restaurant
Like all passionate cooks (I suppose), from time to time I dream of opening my own restaurant. I imagine loads of things: it will be like this or like that, we'll do this, I'll cook that, the room will have this or that – in short, I dream.
12K4.4 October 15th 2012
Too much sweet and savoury
Too much sweet and savoury
There is a food trend which is creeping in everywhere in France right now: mixing sweet with savoury. In some restaurants, it is becoming difficult to order a classic dish, like “roast veal” for instance, without being served fruits in the garnish or honey/conserves/syrup in the sauce or cooked...
23K4.5 November 3rd 2011
Choosing a chopping board
Choosing a chopping board
It's a no-brainer, surely? If you want a chopping board, just find a piece of wood, and Bob's your uncle! You can happily chop away with a knife and not damage the table or worktop. But in reality, it's a bit more complicated than that. You need to be careful what you are buying, in particular the...
46K4.6 May 8th 2012
The secret of cooking until "done"
The secret of cooking until "done"
This is a real chef's skill: being able to look at a fish fillet cooking and say, "Stop – that's enough, it's cooked". I always admire this ability to see at a glance if something is done. It is what sets the professionals apart from us mere amateurs. And it's true that how fish is cooked is...
16K4.4 November 26th 2012
Perpetual stock
Perpetual stock
It's something you have probably have done yourself: cooked or pre-cooked vegetables before adding them to a recipe. This is almost always done the same way: peel the chosen vegetables (carrots, for example), cut them up, boil them in salted water (using a tablespoon or so of coarse salt per litre),...
23K5 November 22th 2016
Fats for cooking
Fats for cooking
If you need to fry or sear anything a frying pan or saucepan, the temperature is likely to be high. In particular, I have cooking red meat in mind. In this case, what should fat should we use? And at what temperature?
17K5 January 23th 2018
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary in recipes
Rosemary, as I’m sure you know, is a culinary herb, one of the famous French "herbes de Provence", and is very effective in bringing a real taste of the Mediterranean to any dish. The classic way to use it in a recipe is to add a sprig or two and leave it in during cooking as a way of...
19K4.7 April 18th 2018
The 3 essential knives
The 3 essential knives
You must have heard a chef or cook say: "There’s no good cooking without good ingredients". This is very true, of course, but for any amateur or beginner it is equipment that really counts to start with. What I mean is that you should not skimp on kitchen equipment, good utensils, a food...
20K5 May 30th 2018
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
Should a sausage be pricked before cooking?
If you are using sausages in a recipe, you may have already asked yourself the question: Should you prick it before cooking it, or not? You will certainly find as many opinions "you should prick" as "you should not". Let's try to untangle all this.
42K4.1 September 29th 2018
Roasting spices
Roasting spices
If you like your food a little, or a lot, spicy, you'll no doubt have a jar or sachets of mixed spices in your cupboards from which to draw when preparing a dish. I'm thinking, for example, of curries, chili and couscous, all of which fill the kitchen, and sometimes far beyond...
5,5634.9 October 30th 2020
The infinite variety of salads
The infinite variety of salads
Making a salad for a meal, a few ingredients of your choice and a sauce to bind it all together is still one of the best ways to cook something really good quickly and simply. And since there is often a "fresh" aspect with the vegetables in the ingredients, not only does it taste good, but it's...
6,0254.6 March 13th 2021
Let's rehabilitate the burger
Let's rehabilitate the burger
The burger is a sandwich that is very fashionable at the moment, and as for all other sandwiches, the worst (often) rubs shoulders with the best (much more rare). In principle, I'm probably not teaching you anything, it's a sandwich made of a small round bun, rather soft, like a sandwich bread,...
5,2404.9 April 10th 2021
Burgers and cheeses
Burgers and cheeses
A quick look at burgers(article from 2 weeks ago), and in particular the cheese in burgers, many of you have asked me about this, and how to get cheese to melt in your burgers.
5,5374.8 April 24th 2021
Lexicon: 3 results
(Found inTexts)
Concentrated stock of various meats, vegetables and spices usually used as a base for sauces. There are several kinds of "fond" (white=poultry, brown=beef and veal fond).
Scraps (inedible parts)
Scraps (inedible parts)
(Found inTexts)
Scraps, inedible parts. Applies to vegetables, fruit (skins, core, ...), meat (bones, veins, skin, ...) and fish (heads, skin, bones...).
Ingredient, product
Ingredient, product
(Found inTexts)
Everything used as a raw material in the kitchen: vegetables, meat, fish, spices, fruit, etc.
Ingredient, product: 1 results
"Quatre-épices" spice blend
(Found inTexts)
Quatre-épices (4 spices) is a mix of: black pepper, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon.Sometimes a fifth spice is added, ginger or chilli. [Translator's note: this mix is rather hotter and less sweet than British "mixed spice", and in France is often used in savoury dishes. If using British style mixed...

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