List of recipes using Leek: 72 recipes
List of recipes using Leek
- Starters : 12 recipes
- Sea food : 9 recipes
- Meat : 5 recipes
- Miscellanous : 40 recipes
- Basic recipes : 2 recipes
- Tips and tricks : 1 recipe
- World recipes : 3 recipes
Chinese Soup
This delicious soup is a flavoursome mix of herbs, mushrooms, soya noodles and small diced vegetables briefly cooked in vegetable stock. It takes a while to make and there are lots of ingredients, but the result is worth it.April 6th 2017114 K 24.5 1 hour 15 min.
Country vegetable soup
In this "country" (paysanne) style soup, the vegetables are left in small pieces, rather than blended.April 2nd 201495 K 14.3 1 hour 15 min.
Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup
This is a very simple recipe: lots of winter vegetables cooked in chicken stock, then blended. The soup's special finishing touch comes from cream and a spoonful of mustard.January 14th 201581 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Hearty leek and sprout soup
The method for this rustic winter soup is anything but typical: the sprouts are first roasted in the oven, before being mixed with the leeks (pre-cooked with onions) and simmered in chicken stock. Served with morsels of crispy ham, the full-on flavour is sure to hit the mark.January 17th 202133 K2 1 hour 30 min.
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
This recipe is made from vegetables cut small and blanched, mixed with pieces of salt-cod and cream, then baked in small soup dishes with a puff pastry lid.September 7th 2018278 K3.9 4 hours 35 min.
Leek and celery soup
Leeks and celery aren't often found together, yet their tastes go well together, as in this delicious soup.January 31th 202414 K 2 50 min.
Leek and Jerusalem artichoke soup
Jerusalem artichoke and leek is a much rarer combination than the classic potato and leek, but it works rather well, as you will see in this recipe.April 28th 202130 K 55 min.
Leeks in vinaigrette
A classic dish of French family and bistro cooking. It's both simple and good. The secret lies in cooking the leeks until they are only just tender, so that they keep their lovely green colour. The special vinaigrette includes herbs and hard-boiled eggs.September 29th 2012179 K4.3 45 min.
Potimarron and leek soup
This autumnal soup combines the flavours of Japanese chestnut pumpkin (potimarron) and leeks - they go so well together. The resulting soup is velvety smooth and delicious.November 29th 201791 K 13.9 1 hour 7 min.
Smooth mixed vegetable soup
Any vegetables you have, cut into small pieces, mixed with a shallot cooked in butter, cooked together then blended. Even better when it's cold outside.January 3rd 2014344 K4.4 2 hours 3 min.
The classic vol-au-vent of French cuisine consists of a very light puff pastry case (supposedly so light that it could fly off in the lightest puff of wind) with a cream-based filling. There are many different recipes for fillings. This version uses bacon, chicken, mushrooms and leeks.October 20th 2013147 K4.3 1 hour 25 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
For this recipe with marine flavors, we will cook several kinds of shellfish, then add them to small creamed vegetables.January 8th 202319 K 1 hour 45 min.
Creamy "terre et mer" pots
Diced fish (la mer), boiled vegetables and fried lardons (la terre), with all the delicious flavours of land and sea brought together in a creamy sauce.May 31th 202050 K 2 55 min.
Cretan-style salmon
Cooked chopped leek and shallot with cubes of salmon, served in a yogurt, tomato and feta sauce.February 8th 2020179 K5 1 hour 1 min.
Fisherman's Ragout
This ragout combines vegetables (cut small and cooked until just tender in vegetable stock) with a mix of cockles and chunks of fish, all simmered together with cream and saffron.December 30th 2019101 K4.1 2 hours 20 min.
Langoustine and leek tarts
Small puff pastry cases filled with a layer of chopped leeks, fried langoustines (also known as scampi or Dublin Bay prawns), topped with hollandaise sauce.May 13th 2012109 K4.2 1 hour 30 min.
Nicholas's fish
This is a very easy recipe, everything hinges on the brief cooking of the leeks, then the fish.February 21th 2011247 K4.8 60 min.
Normandy seafood stew
A "marmite normande" is a combination of different seasonal julienne vegetables and a mix of shellfish, rapidly sautéed, then deglazed with cider. The vegetables and shellfish are then simmered together in cream, which intensifies the flavours while it gently reduces and thickens. This recipe is...January 9th 201967 K2.5 2 hours 15 min.
Scallops au gratin
Scallops rapidly pan-fried, then arranged in shells on a bed of finely chopped leeks, topped with a bechamel sauce and browned in the oven.January 13th 201972 K 1 hour 7 min.
Sea bass with coriander cream en papillote
In this recipe, the fillets of sea bass are laid on a julienne of leeks (the white part), covered with a coriander cream sauce and cooked "en papillote".February 19th 201764 K5 55 min.
Chinese style chicken
Only "chinese style", not a true chinese recipe.February 28th 2012302 K4 1 hour 40 min.
Loin of pork with herbs and julienne vegetables
Pork loin is cut into individual portions, which are split and filled with herbs before cooking. They are served with crunchy julienne vegetables and a cream sauce.November 27th 2015356 K4.2 2 hours 35 min.
Melt-in-the mouth meat and vegetables in a sealed casserole
In this recipe a good joint of beef is slow-cooked, surrounded by an assortment of vegetables in small chunks. To concentrate the flavours, the cooking time should be long at a moderate temperature and, most important of all, the dish should be sealed. By the end of cooking, the vegetables will be...December 30th 201973 K4.1 5 hours 30 min.
Sautéed chicken with leeks
Chunks of chicken marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar and spices, then sautéed with diagonally cut leeks cooked separately. A simple, healthy recipe with a spicy kick.January 20th 201984 K5 1 hour 55 min.
Sliced veal with leeks and mushrooms
Small strips of veal sautéed with mushrooms and leeks in a creamy sauce.May 10th 202321 K 2 hours 6 min.
"Oeufs rabattus" with leeks
This quick French way of cooking eggs is similar to an omelette, but with the egg simply drawn in towards the centre during the brief cooking. The eggs here are cooked with sautéed leeks and served with delicious morteau sausage "crisps".March 29th 201740 K4.3 45 min.
Breton leek and mushroom tart
This is a "tart" with a difference: the case is not made with pastry, but with a double layer of lightly buttered Breton galettes (buckwheat pancakes). The filling is made with shallots, sautéed mushrooms, leeks and cream. You might have noticed that this recipe includes the key elements of...May 10th 202350 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Cassoulet is typical, even emblematic, of southern French cuisine. It is a "slow food" casserole in which meat and vegetables, particualrly dried beans, are cooked together for a long time. Here is a simplified version of this famous dish.September 17th 2021211 K4.1 16 hours 9 min.
Cauliflower coconut curry
Curry sauces are often heavy with cream, but here's one that's non-dairy, made with coconut milk, so much lighter. It's every bit as delicious.February 27th 202221 K 55 min.
Chicken pie
Apart from the obvious chicken, this pie's puff pastry "lid" also conceals mushrooms, bacon, hard-boiled eggs and leeks.May 10th 2023115 K4.3 2 hours 30 min.
Chicken with rice and leeks
For this "chicken with rice", the rice is cooked using the pilau method (started on the hob, finished in the oven), but with chicken cooking juices as the liquid to add plenty of delicious flavour. Pieces of cooked chicken are then added. This version also has chopped and lightly fried leeks.January 29th 201750 K4.1 60 min.
In couscous, the meat and vegetable mixture is rather long to cook, but not difficult. And the couscous itself (a kind of coarse semolina) is simple and quick to prepare.November 16th 2017515 K4.3 2 hours 40 min.
Creamy cauliflower with smoked salmon
A creamy cauliflower purée with steamed leek, and strips of smoked salmon lightly sautéed on the side.February 5th 202317 K 60 min.
Crispy potato galette with leeks
For this recipe, we make a "galette" of fried potatoes, then add layer of steamed leeks and melt cheese over the top. The galette is folded over, rather like an omelette, before being cut into portions.May 5th 201655 K4.1 40 min.
Crispy rolls with chicken and leek
Finely sliced leeks are cooked with a shallot, to which is added leftover chicken with a little cream and parmesan. This mixture is rolled up in filo pastry, and cooked in the oven.February 21th 2011233 K5 50 min.
Deep leek and potato quiche
The French make a "tourte" that is smaller and deeper than a normal quiche. This recipe makes the most of this difference: it has plenty of texture and flavour, with bacon, potatoes, leeks, two different cheeses, and an egg and cream filling poured over.April 17th 202268 K 1 hour 40 min.
Filo leeks and cheese tart
This is a very quick tart recipe, where the crust is made by a stacking filo pastry sheets.April 17th 2022290 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Flamiche is a savoury tart from the Picardy region of northeasten France. It is a cousin of quiche lorraine, but the pastry is characteristically made with lard and the filling has neither bacon nor eggs. This version contains a mixture of endives and leeks (white part only).April 30th 201747 K 14.5 1 hour 20 min.
Fried bread with leek and poached egg
A slice of fried buttered bread with fried sliced leek, topped with a poached egg. For the best effect, split the egg open just before serving.September 18th 201647 K4.8 35 min.
Gratin du Nord
This gratin combines the flavours that are so characteristic of France's northern region: endives (chicory), beer and Maroilles cheese.January 21th 201877 K5 1 hour 35 min.
Gratin of leeks with Morbier cheese
In this recipe of gratin, without potatoes, sliced leeks are bound with a cream with Morbier cheese.April 16th 202318 K 1 hour
Hotpot my grandmother's way
If you like slow-cooked dishes prepared with loving care (mitonné), you will certainly love this hotpot recipe, with the taste of Franche-Comté, inspired by my grandmother. It's an old-fashioned dish full of flavours and aromas, cooked vegetables, stock, smoked sausages, all cooked long and slow.February 21th 2011339 K5 4 hours 7 min.
Jerusalem artichoke purée with leeks
A purée of Jerusalem artichokes with just tender leeks and a little leftover cooked pork added.April 27th 202222 K
Layered Leek and Egg Gratin
This gratin combines parboiled leeks with chopped hard-boiled eggs in thin layers.January 10th 201661 K4.1 50 min.
Leek and artichoke tart à la piémontaise
This is a quiche-style tart with a Piedmont-inspired twist: the filling is made with eggs, mascarpone (lighter than the usual cream) and Parmesan. The tart still has a moist texture to balance the puff-pastry crust, with the flavour of leeks and purple artichokes.December 7th 201652 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Leek and broccoli "à la flamande"
Leeks "à la flamande" (Flemish style) are traditionally served with melted butter mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs. In this version with broccoli, the vegetables are steamed and the sauce is pepped up with a little mustard.December 12th 202130 K 45 min.
Leek and egg frichti
A "frichti" is a rough-and-ready dish, born of the French bistro tradition, that you can throw together with what you have to hand. This version mixes leeks with hard-boiled eggs, cream and ham.September 26th 202127 K 40 min.
Leek and fresh tuna tart
The puff pastry case is filled with a layer of leek, lightly fried chunks of fresh tuna and a quiche mixture.April 17th 202278 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Leek and Mimolette tart
This baked tart has a shortcrust pastry case, filled with a layer of chopped, braised leeks topped with a bechamel sauce with eggs and Mimolette cheese.June 9th 202061 K4.1 1 hour 20 min.
Leek and tuna loaf
This loaf is a savoury cake (quite popular in France) made with tinned tuna and leeks that have been lightly cooked with shallot.October 3rd 2010192 K4.4 1 hour 20 min.
Maroilles cheese quiche
Traditional recipe from northern France, using a typical and tasty regional cheese. But this can be replaced by another (see below).April 17th 2022250 K 34.7 2 hours 30 min.
Mixed vegetable curry
A mix of vegetables (pumpkin, leek, chickpeas...) cooked in coconut milk and curry spices. Serve this dish with rice, preferably basmati, for an authentic touch.January 12th 202054 K5 60 min.
Polenta parmentier
This recipe is similar to a shepherd's pie, but the meat is accompanied by vegetables, and the mashed potatoes are replaced by a delicious cheese polenta.March 20th 202412 K 1 hour 35 min.
Rice à la grecque
Rice cooked "à la grecque" (Greek-style) is enlivened with sautéed leeks and mushrooms, cream and feta, to which the cooked rice is added at the end. This is a hearty dish, usually served in its cooking pot in the centre of the table, so everyone can help themselves.October 28th 202044 K 50 min.
Rice with spring greens
This combination of spring cabbage and leeks, cooked separately then mixed with rice, is a simple recipe and everything can be prepared in advance.June 6th 202222 K 45 min.
Roasted leeks with pesto
Oven-roasted leeks, served in the spirit of leek vinaigrette with chopped hard-boiled eggs, but accompanied by a pesto.April 23th 202315 K 1 hour 9 min.
Roasted vegetables with thyme and green sauce
A quick and easy recipe for this dish of oven-roasted vegetables, served with a green parsley and sesame sauce.July 12th 202313 K 55 min.
Rustic chicken and mushroom pie
This homely looking pie gets back to what good, old-fashioned pies are all about: it's round, deep and has both a proper bottom and lid. The one small concession to modernity is the use of puff pastry for a lighter, crisper crust. The filling combines mushrooms, leeks and diced chicken in a cream...May 10th 202369 K 1 hour 35 min.
Sautéed green vegetables
Just fresh vegetables, each sautéed in turn in olive oil, then combined with chopped spring onions and parsley.June 15th 201479 K4.1 1 hour 5 min.
Scrambled eggs and leeks on toast
Scrambled eggs on toast, but with a difference: the eggs are partnered with smoked cheese and topped with just-cooked shredded leeks.March 23th 202220 K 60 min.
Steamed leeks with morel sabayon
For this very simple recipe, steamed leeks (cooked in 2 stages) are served with a sabayon made with mushroom "jus", preferably from morels. The sabayon is the major taste element in this dish, and adds a delicious woodland-mushroom flavour.June 11th 201743 K4.1 40 min.
Tandoori-flavoured chicken with leeks
Indian flavours pep up this recipe. The leeks are cooked then mixed with chunks of chicken (a good way to use leftovers from a previous meal) and simmered with tandoori spices.April 17th 201944 K 55 min.
Thaï rice with small vegetables
Vegetables cut in small dice, cooked in stages, and mixed with cooked Thaï rice. Delicious alone or served with meat for example.February 21th 2011282 K4.7 1 hour 35 min.
Warm Leek and Potato Salad
This simple salad combines leeks (boiled and thoroughly drained) with sliced potatoes in a good vinaigrette.February 21th 201664 K4.6 40 min.
Welsh-style potato purée
A Welsh-style twist on the classic potato purée (posh mash!), with finely sliced leeks, cooked until just done to keep their lovely green colour. This dish could be the main feature or served on the side with meat, for example.December 26th 202123 K 25 min.
Leek fondue
Leek fondue (literally "melted") consists of finely sliced leeks cooked until barely tender then simmered gently in cream until thickened. The aim is to keep the fresh green of the just-cooked leeks but with a lovely soft, melting consistency. This can be a side dish or an ingredient in lots of...March 4th 202077 K2.5 40 min.
Vegetable stock
Vegetable stock is a very easy and versatile basic recipe. It can be used in many different ways: for cooking rice, making soups, sauces, etc. It's a good idea to keep a supply of vegetable stock in your fridge or freezer.October 5th 2011266 K4.3 1 hour
How to prepare leeks
Leeks are vegetables that are often muddy, we must be careful when washing them to remove mud that would be very unpleasant to "discover" the plate.October 13th 2010549 K5 30 min.
Chicken nems
Nems are probably the best known Far Eastern dish in France. These small crispy rolls can be made in different flavours: chicken, crab, pork, etc. Making your own is not very complicated, the only difficulty is in the rolling stage. You will find in this recipe full details on how to successfully...April 6th 2017506 K3.8 2 hours 25 min.
Sautéed Pork with Peanuts
This sautéed pork has a hint of Thai style, with its accompaniment of chopped vegetables, dry-roasted peanuts and soy sauce.April 3rd 201653 K4 55 min.
Taos hotpot
This hotpot inspired by a stay in Taos (New Mexico) is a mix of different meat and vegetables cooked long and slow, served with polenta. The preparation is rather long, as is the cooking time, but it reheats very well.January 10th 201843 K 3 hours 15 min.