List of recipes using Cream: 121 recipes (without meat)

List of recipes using Cream

Asparagus "en petit pois"
Asparagus "en petit pois"
As the name suggests, this historic recipe (see below for more details) treats asparagus like peas, Napoleonic French style: first cooked the usual way, then cut small (to look like peas), cooked again in stock, and finished with a cream and egg yolk sauce.
May 2nd 202136 K 45 min.
Cervelle de Canut
Cervelle de Canut
In French, this curious name means "silk-weaver's brain", but don't be alarmed, this tasty "brain" consists of cottage cheese mixed with herbs, vinegar and finely chopped shallots. The Canuts were the silk weavers in the area around Lyon, France. In the nineteenth century this was one of their...
August 1st 202127 K 1 hour 25 min.
Cream of cauliflower soup with smoked haddock
Cream of cauliflower soup with smoked haddock
This soup with a difference plays up an amazing flavour combination: creamy cauliflower with morsels of smoked haddock.
March 18th 202040 K 25 min.
Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup
Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup
This is a very simple recipe: lots of winter vegetables cooked in chicken stock, then blended. The soup's special finishing touch comes from cream and a spoonful of mustard.
January 14th 201581 K5 1 hour 25 min.
Eggs "en cocotte" with spinach
Eggs "en cocotte" with spinach
A buttered ramekin, a layer of mushroom duxelles, a layer of spinach, a bit of cream, and an egg, in two layers, on top.
May 10th 2023138 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Endive and beer soup
Endive and beer soup
For this soup, the endives (chicory) and onions are cooked gently together first before adding the vegetable stock and beer. The endives and beer give the soup a hint of bitterness and a unique flavour.
January 12th 201483 K4.4 1 hour 5 min.
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
Icelandic-style fish and vegetable pie
This recipe is made from vegetables cut small and blanched, mixed with pieces of salt-cod and cream, then baked in small soup dishes with a puff pastry lid.
September 7th 2018278 K3.9 4 hours 35 min.
Pumpkin (or potimarron) soup
Pumpkin (or potimarron) soup
A smooth and fragrant soup, it's much better with potimarron (Japanese chestnut pumpkin) than ordinary pumpkin.
October 13th 2010337 K4.1 1 hour 10 min.
Raw beetroot mousse with walnuts
Raw beetroot mousse with walnuts
A lightly spiced mousse, made with raw beetroot, with a layer in the centre of finely diced beetroot and roughly chopped walnuts. Discover or rediscover the taste of raw beetroot, very special and so "earthy".
October 13th 2010369 K4 50 min.
The total turnip
The total turnip
The whole turnip goes into this recipe, in which ramekins are filled with both the root vegetable and its leaves.
February 21th 2011311 K4.4 60 min.
Turnip and sesame puree (tahina) soup
Turnip and sesame puree (tahina) soup
For this quick soup, 15 minutes, an original turnip taste with sesame purée (tahina).
February 29th 2012229 K4.3 35 min.
Vegetable rosette tart
Vegetable rosette tart
Blanched courgettes and carrots arranged in a rosette with a feta filling.
October 6th 2010176 K3.8 1 hour 55 min.
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
Breton style shellfish and vegetable soup
For this recipe with marine flavors, we will cook several kinds of shellfish, then add them to small creamed vegetables.
January 8th 202319 K 1 hour 45 min.
Chilli langoustines
Chilli langoustines
The langoustines in this recipe are cooked in two stages: boiled briefly in salted water, then sautéed before being spiced and flambéed in cognac. They are served here with a creamy sauce and potato grenaille.
October 12th 201648 K5 1 hour 9 min.
Cockles and cabbage with smoky cream sauce
Cockles and cabbage with smoky cream sauce
I think you'll like this straightforward recipe which brings together cockles and cabbage with a smoky cream sauce.
December 15th 202125 K 1 hour 6 min.
Cod loin with saffron
Cod loin with saffron
A thick, deboned loin of fish (cod in this case), pan-fried and served with a reduced white-wine and cream sauce, flavoured with shallot and saffron.
December 17th 2014112 K4.4 50 min.
Creamy spaghetti with cockles and parsley
Creamy spaghetti with cockles and parsley
Parsley-flavored spaghetti with cockles, tied together with a creamy sauce made from the cockles cooking juices.
October 29th 202313 K1 60 min.
Crusty cockle tart
Crusty cockle tart
A small puff pastry tart case filled with cockles in a cream and egg-yolk sauce ("a la poulette" in French).
March 17th 2013105 K4.3 2 hours 55 min.
Curried mussels with cabbage
Curried mussels with cabbage
The mussels are cooked "à la marinière", then shelled and served in a creamy curry sauce with shredded, barely-tender cabbage.
December 30th 201947 K 1 hour 25 min.
Fillets of sole Dieppoise
Fillets of sole Dieppoise
In principal, fillets of sole Dieppoise are poached and served with a creamy sauce and small shellfish. I am offering a new twist on the dish, with the fish sautéed rather than poached, a cream sauce flavoured with mussel stock, and served with shellfish (mussels, cockles and clams), mushrooms and...
December 30th 201971 K3.9 1 hour 30 min.
Firied fillet of sea bream with polenta
Firied fillet of sea bream with polenta
A fillet of blackspot sea bream (though you can use another fish), fried rapidly and served with a creamy cheese polenta and sautéed cherry tomatoes.
September 4th 201657 K4.3 25 min.
Langoustine gratin
Langoustine gratin
This elegant gratin has a layer of brunoise vegetables in the bottom, with langoustine tails (scampi) cooked in two stages on top, finished with a thick creamy sauce, made with the "fumet" from the langoustines. This recipe is quite long to make, but can be prepared in stages over a number of days....
December 30th 201970 K3.9 2 hours 15 min.
Normandy seafood stew
Normandy seafood stew
A "marmite normande" is a combination of different seasonal julienne vegetables and a mix of shellfish, rapidly sautéed, then deglazed with cider. The vegetables and shellfish are then simmered together in cream, which intensifies the flavours while it gently reduces and thickens. This recipe is...
January 9th 201968 K2.5 2 hours 15 min.
Pan-fried fish fillets, braised cabbage with Noilly Prat
Pan-fried fish fillets, braised cabbage with Noilly Prat
In this recipe, finely shredded cabbage is braised rapidly, then finished with Noilly Prat and a little cream. This is served to accompany a simple but delicious pan-fried fillet of fish.
February 7th 202135 K2 45 min.
Pan-fried scallops and chanterelles with Noilly Prat sauce
Pan-fried scallops and chanterelles with Noilly Prat sauce
The chanterelles are fried first briefly, then the scallops fried in the same pan. The pan is deglazed with Noilly to make a delicious cream sauce.
May 10th 2023233 K4.5 1 hour 6 min.
Rosemary steamed fish
Rosemary steamed fish
In this recipe the fish is cooked in steam perfumed with rosemary, which makes it tender and aromatic, served on a bed of onions fondue and finished with a dry white wine sauce.
March 29th 2020335 K3.8 1 hour
Salmon with sorrel
Salmon with sorrel
Salmon with sorrel is the perfect mix with tender salmon and the slight acidity of sorrel.
October 13th 2010304 K 15 1 hour 25 min.
Scallops with sorrel and Noilly Prat
Scallops with sorrel and Noilly Prat
Sorrel is often used with salmon, and very successfully, but it goes very well with scallops in this recipe, given a boost with Noilly Prat vermouth.
November 24th 202128 K 45 min.
Sea bass with coriander cream en papillote
Sea bass with coriander cream en papillote
In this recipe, the fillets of sea bass are laid on a julienne of leeks (the white part), covered with a coriander cream sauce and cooked "en papillote".
February 19th 201765 K5 55 min.
Spaghetti with mussels and basil
Spaghetti with mussels and basil
Mussels and pasta cooked separately, then combined in a cream sauce made with the reduced mussel juices.
September 14th 2011157 K4.1 1 hour 40 min.
Summer Salmon Blanquette
Summer Salmon Blanquette
This simple blanquette is a creamy dish of pan-fried salmon chunks with fresh broad beans and mushrooms. Although it is just right for the start of summer, it can be made at any time of year.
July 3rd 202469 K3.7 60 min.
Tagliatelle with cockles
Tagliatelle with cockles
In this recipe, the cockles and pasta are prepared separately, then mixed with the sauce at the last minute. The cockles are first cooked quickly, then shelled carefully (I find it unpleasant to have to do this on the plate) and the cooking juices are used to prepare a cream sauce. The tagliatelle...
June 24th 2018143 K 14.7 2 hours 20 min.
Turban of sole with langoustines
Turban of sole with langoustines
The turban is made from a rolled fillet of sole poached in fish stock. Each turban is then filled with sautéed langoustines and a tasty cream sauce, flavoured with langoustine stock. This dish takes quite a long time to make because of the langoustine stock, but you will really impress your guests.
November 23th 201496 K4.1 1 hour 45 min.
Auvergne gratin
Auvergne gratin
Cauliflower, green cabbage, potatoes and of course Saint-Nectaire for this gratin with Auvergne flavors.
December 10th 202313 K 1 hour 50 min.
Breton leek and mushroom tart
Breton leek and mushroom tart
This is a "tart" with a difference: the case is not made with pastry, but with a double layer of lightly buttered Breton galettes (buckwheat pancakes). The filling is made with shallots, sautéed mushrooms, leeks and cream. You might have noticed that this recipe includes the key elements of...
May 10th 202351 K4.3 1 hour 15 min.
Broccoli savoury custard
Broccoli savoury custard
This light and delicious savoury custard with broccoli is perfect to serve with meat or fish in a sauce.
October 18th 201591 K4 45 min.
Brussels sprouts with thyme cream
Brussels sprouts with thyme cream
For this recipe, Brussels sprouts are first cooked on the side, then sautéed in a delicious thyme and shallot cream.
January 26th 20254,438 40 min.
Cauliflower and chickpea purée
Cauliflower and chickpea purée
Cauliflower and chickpeas go really well together. Here they are combined in a creamy purée which makes a delicious accompaniment for red meat, for example.
January 27th 202141 K 45 min.
Cauliflower curry
Cauliflower curry
Plenty of flavour in this cauliflower curry: from the hot spices, of course, but also from dry-roasted cashew nuts.
January 19th 2014139 K4.8 55 min.
Celeriac in cream and mustard sauce
Celeriac in cream and mustard sauce
The celeriac in this dish is cooked in two stages: pan-fried first, then braised in cream with mustard. It can be enjoyed as the main feature with rice or cous-cous, for example, or served to accompany meat.
December 15th 201943 K 45 min.
Creamy artichokes
Creamy artichokes
This hearty vegetable recipe uses the whole globe artichoke (heart and leaves), combining the creamy artichoke texture with the crunch of sautéed potatoes.
August 6th 202032 K 1 hour 20 min.
Creamy cauliflower with smoked salmon
Creamy cauliflower with smoked salmon
A creamy cauliflower purée with steamed leek, and strips of smoked salmon lightly sautéed on the side.
February 5th 202317 K 60 min.
Creamy rice with green asparagus and sorrel
Creamy rice with green asparagus and sorrel
This recipe partners green asparagus with sorrel, which adds a slight bitterness and hint of acidity, and cooked rice, all blended to a rich finish with cream.
May 5th 202432 K 45 min.
Creamy risotto with diced vegetables and flax seeds
Creamy risotto with diced vegetables and flax seeds
Risotto is one of the great Italian recipes. It's the special way in which rice is cooked and mixed with several other things, which produces this famous dish. One can make different flavour risottos, here is a fairly simple recipe with diced vegetables and flax seeds.
February 21th 2011255 K 14.2 1 hour 50 min.
Creamy risotto with vegetables
Creamy risotto with vegetables
Risotto is one of the many delights of italian cooking... Here is a version with vegetables cooked separately, and their stock used to cook rice. Delicious, as you will see...
June 12th 2011386 K5 2 hours 55 min.
Creamy spinach and potato gratin
Creamy spinach and potato gratin
This is a gratin with a difference: before going in the oven, the layers of spinach and potato are topped with cream in which Mont d'Or cheese has been melted (or another cheese, if you prefer).
December 17th 201768 K4 1 hour 5 min.
Duet of creamed cauliflower and cabbage
Duet of creamed cauliflower and cabbage
For this creamy "duet", the cauliflower and cabbage are boiled first, then mixed just before serving with a reduced cream sauce.
July 4th 202141 K 55 min.
Eggs with green asparagus and Parmesan cheese
Eggs with green asparagus and Parmesan cheese
Green asparagus cut into sections, quickly sautéed with Parmesan, and topped with eggs beaten with cream.
July 23th 202314 K 40 min.
Flamiche is a savoury tart from the Picardy region of northeasten France. It is a cousin of quiche lorraine, but the pastry is characteristically made with lard and the filling has neither bacon nor eggs. This version contains a mixture of endives and leeks (white part only).
April 30th 201747 K 14.5 1 hour 20 min.
Fresh spinach with cream
Fresh spinach with cream
Fresh spinach, simply wilted, reheated in a sauce of thickened cream with shallot, and served with quarters of hard-boiled egg.
September 29th 2012351 K3.8 1 hour 45 min.
Gratin of Endives with Mont d'Or
Gratin of Endives with Mont d'Or
This gratin has layers of potatoes and sautéed endives, topped with Mont d'Or cheese and browned in the oven.
February 14th 201655 K5 60 min.
Gratin with Parmesan flavours
Gratin with Parmesan flavours
For this gratin recipe, we're going to use Parmesan cheese crumbles, which will find a final, practical use. You'll have a potato and cauliflower gratin, with delicious Parmesan flavours, but without actually using any.
April 21th 202412 K 2 hours 35 min.
Green beans "Napoléon"
Green beans "Napoléon"
Apparently, Napoléon Bonaparte had a delicate stomach, so his cook made his cream sauces a little gentler with tomato. Here is a version for green beans, cooked in two stages, with a cream and tomato sauce.
August 11th 202327 K 20 min.
Green beans and potatoes with Morbier cream sauce
Green beans and potatoes with Morbier cream sauce
For this recipe, green beans and potatoes, cooked separately, are combined with a delicious Morbier cream.
September 15th 20247,403 35 min.
Layered Leek and Egg Gratin
Layered Leek and Egg Gratin
This gratin combines parboiled leeks with chopped hard-boiled eggs in thin layers.
January 10th 201661 K4.1 50 min.
Mushrooms on toast, French style
Mushrooms on toast, French style
This is a French version of mushrooms on toast! The mushrooms are simmered in cream then served on a slice of fried buttered bread.
April 6th 2017220 K3.8 2 hours 5 min.
Pasta with mushrooms
Pasta with mushrooms
Your choice of pasta (spaghetti, penne or whatever) in a creamy sauce with mushrooms and shallots.
May 10th 2023123 K4.3 40 min.
Penne with Mushrooms
Penne with Mushrooms
Sautéed mushrooms in a cream sauce with penne - a simple, delicious recipe.
May 10th 202354 K5 40 min.
Polenta with spinach and soft-poached egg
Polenta with spinach and soft-poached egg
A "cake" of fried polenta, blanched spinach and a soft-poached egg on top, with a cream, shallot and white-wine sauce poured over just before serving.
June 3rd 201871 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Potato gratin with 3 cheeses
Potato gratin with 3 cheeses
For this delicious potato gratin, we'll use 3 different cheeses: 2 in the gratin, and a third on top.
October 30th 20248,256 1 hour 45 min.
Savoury French toast
Savoury French toast
If you already love delicious French toast, you'll surely appreciate this surprisingly savory version, which is just as moist as ever, and can be eaten on its own or as an accompaniment to meat or vegetables, for example.
March 2nd 2025868 30 min.
Smoky potato and potimarron gratin
Smoky potato and potimarron gratin
This gratin has an unusual twist: it not only combines potatoes with potimarron, the potatoes are boiled in the water left after cooking a Morteau sausage, to give a lovely smoky flavour. Guaranteed to transport your tastebuds to eastern France!
March 13th 201945 K 2 hours 10 min.
Soft Croque-monsieur with 3 cheeses
Soft Croque-monsieur with 3 cheeses
A croque-monsieur, soft, a bit inspired by French toast, and topped with cheeses before a trip to the oven.
April 9th 202318 K 50 min.
Sorrel omelette
Sorrel omelette
A sorrel omelette is, unsurprisingly, a classic omelette with chopped sorrel added, but it is also served with a reduced cream and sorrel sauce.
June 1st 202224 K 50 min.
Spicy mustard cauliflower cheese
Spicy mustard cauliflower cheese
This delicious twist on cauliflower cheese is cooked in 3 stages: the cauliflower is steamed on its own before being fried with the spices. It is then topped with cheese and breadcrumbs, and browned in the oven.
May 24th 202046 K 1 hour 1 min.
Spinach and ricotta ravioli
Spinach and ricotta ravioli
The filling for these ravioli is a delicious mixture of ricotta with cooked spinach, egg and lightly toasted pine nuts. The ravioli are first boiled in salted water, then baked gratin-style with cream, Parmesan and sage.
May 29th 201659 K 14.8 1 hour 15 min.
The strange gratin
The strange gratin
Here is a recipe for a gratin that is a little unusual in its ingredients, which allows the use of vegetable tops and leftover cheese, but for a very successful taste despite everything.
July 20th 202223 K 1 hour 30 min.
Triple-Cheese Pumpkin Gratin
Triple-Cheese Pumpkin Gratin
The small squash used here is the Japanese chestnut pumpkin or "potimarron". For this gratin, we scrape out the seeds and fill the centre with a mixture of three sorts of cheese and cream, then bake it in the oven until the pumpkin flesh is soft. Served straight from the oven like this, it is good...
January 24th 201687 K4.1 55 min.
Two-cheese vegetable gratin
Two-cheese vegetable gratin
This is a vegetable gratin with a difference: 3 layers of different vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli and aubergine) with two different cheeses for a flavousome topping: Comté and Époisse.
October 16th 201950 K3.5 1 hour 25 min.
Apple and almond gratin
Apple and almond gratin
Imagine a gratin, but sweet, made with apples and toasted ground almonds. This delicious dessert combines apples and almonds with a vanilla custard-like mixture - simply yummy!
February 8th 201755 K4.6 1 hour 5 min.
Apple Batter Puddings
Apple Batter Puddings
Similar to a traditional French "clafoutis", usually made with cherries, this simple apple and almond dessert is quick to make.
March 30th 201653 K4.7 45 min.
Apple custard tart
Apple custard tart
You may well know the classic Parisian custard tart (or "flan"), traditionally vanilla-flavoured. Here is an apple version, with extra apple flavour as the custard is made with apple juice. This is topped with delicious caramelized apple slices.
July 26th 202036 K 2 hours 40 min.
Apricot blancmange
Apricot blancmange
Blancmange is a very old dessert recipe, going back to the middle-ages. Updated for our century, it's almond milk with whipped cream and a smooth apricot puree.
August 23th 2011309 K4 3 hours 15 min.
Apricot fool
Apricot fool
The traditional fruit fool is a rather old-fashioned dessert, consisting of whipped cream (Chantilly) with a fruit coulis gently folded into it.
August 8th 2010190 K5 20 min.
Black Forest gateau
Black Forest gateau
Black Forest gateau is a sophisticated dessert which comes from Germany. It is essentially a combination of four flavours: chocolate, cherries, cream and kirsch. Here is my own version.
November 27th 2011154 K4.6 2 hours 35 min.
Blackberry and almond fondant tart
Blackberry and almond fondant tart
Balckberries and almonds go so well together: the slight tartness of the berries is the perfect foil for the sweeter almonds. This combination makes for a delicious tart. The sweetcrust pastry case is filled with a blackberry jelly and an almond panna cotta, presented in a bold and unusual way as a...
December 30th 201941 K 3 hours 50 min.
Caramelized pear custard tart
Caramelized pear custard tart
You may well be familiar with the famous French custard tart, with its creamy vanilla egg-custard filling. It can also be made in individual portions, in ramekins, for example. Here is a delicious version with caramelized pears.
July 13th 202263 K 2 1 hour 3 min.
Chestnut cake
Chestnut cake
This delightful cake is doubly chestnutty: it contains chestnut flour, and sweet chestnut purée.
May 8th 2020334 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Chestnut mousse in a whipper
Chestnut mousse in a whipper
In France, chestnut mousse is sometimes called "Mousse Mont Blanc". It is a delicious combination of whipped cream with chestnut purée, traditionally mixed in very gently. Here is a simple, rapid version, made with a cream whipper.
October 18th 202053 K 9 min.
Chocolate and vanilla crème brûlée
Chocolate and vanilla crème brûlée
This crème brûlée recipe is a sophisticated combination in three layers: chocolate ganache, vanilla custard, and, of course, a delicious thin crust of caramel. It is more complicated than a simple chocolate crème brûlée, but well worth the effort when you see your guests' reactions.
December 30th 201959 K5 1 hour 60 min.
Chocolate cream with a crunch, irish coffee mousse
Chocolate cream with a crunch, irish coffee mousse
This is a chocolate cream with chopped candied grapefruit peel and caramelized nuts added to give bit of crunch. The small pot of cream is topped with an Irish coffee mousse (flavours of coffee, fresh cream, sugar and whisky).
March 11th 2011257 K 15 60 min.
Chocolate mousse with hazelnuts
Chocolate mousse with hazelnuts
Here is a marvellous new chocolate mousse recipe that will delight real chocoholics. This is a rich, gourmet version, though not over-sweet and with the added crunchy texture of toasted hazelnuts. You'll love this one!
November 26th 201753 K5 55 min.
Chocolate mug cake
Chocolate mug cake
A mug cake is fun to make and only takes a few minutes. It cooks in just one and a half minutes in the microwave.
June 4th 2014115 K5 15 min.
Crunchy blackcurrant and mascarpone cream verrine
Crunchy blackcurrant and mascarpone cream verrine
A three-tiered verrine: mascarpone whipped cream, blackcurrant coulis and granola crunch.
October 11th 202316 K 25 min.
Double raspberry tartlets
Double raspberry tartlets
Little sweetcrust pastry cases filled with a raspberry jelly, then topped with a raspberry-flavoured whipped cream. Despite their intense raspberry flavour, these tartlets are lovely and light.
October 27th 202124 K 1 hour 7 min.
Eton mess
Eton mess
Behind this strange name there lurks a delicious traditional English dessert made of meringues, strawberries and cream.
July 25th 2010163 K5 4 hours 55 min.
Far Normandy-Brittany
Far Normandy-Brittany
You may already be familiar with far, the famous Breton cake? Here's a version inspired by our neighbors in Normandy, with cream, apples and Calavados.
March 17th 202412 K 40 min.
Flaked almond tart
Flaked almond tart
This almond tart is an American-inspired version of the classic dessert. This one leaves out the almond cream or frangipane and uses flaked almonds instead. These are toasted, then mixed with cream and sugar. There's no point denying it, this is a rich dessert...
August 27th 201753 K4.8 1 hour 25 min.
This is a classic French raspberry-flavoured dessert. It generally consists of raspberries in cream sandwiched between two layers of cake. In this version, the cake is genoa sponge and the cream is vanilla-flavoured and mixed with mascarpone. This is just as good made as a large rectangle or, as...
July 16th 201756 K3.8 2 hours 40 min.
Fresh mint ice-cream
Fresh mint ice-cream
This well-flavoured ice-cream is excellent on its own, or in profiteroles with a chocolate sauce for example.
February 21th 2011529 K4.6 1 hour 35 min.
Grapefruit cake
Grapefruit cake
A moist, triple grapefruit cake: zest, juice and syrup.
March 24th 202414 K 2 1 hour 20 min.
Household cake (Gâteau de ménage)
Household cake (Gâteau de ménage)
A traditional recipe from Franche-comté, it's a flat round kind of brioche, covered with an egg cream called "Goumeau".
June 15th 2020499 K 25 3 hours 60 min.
Lemon and lime cakes
Lemon and lime cakes
These little cakes get their double citrus flavour by combining the delicate bitterness of lemon and lime zest with the slight sharpness of the juice in a syrup, soaked into the cakes while still hot from the oven.
April 3rd 201943 K 1 hour 45 min.
Lemon creams
Lemon creams
These light and flavoursome lemon creams are "set" by the curdling action of the lemon juice on the heated cream, so no thickening agent is needed. They are served in individual glasses, topped with a layer of fruit coulis (blackcurrant here).
December 6th 201744 K3.9 45 min.
Like Bounty
Like Bounty
You will no doubt be familiar with Bounty, the chocolate-covered coconut bar. Here's a melt-in-the-mouth version "on a plate" for a chic dessert.
August 1st 2011148 K4.6 1 hour 55 min.
Little vanilla, clementine and chestnut verrines
Little vanilla, clementine and chestnut verrines
This is a fresh-flavoured verrine with 3 different flavoured layers: vanilla panna cotta, clementine and chestnut mousse.
December 11th 2022183 K 13.5 25 min.
Moist chocolate cake
Moist chocolate cake
A moist, loaf-shaped cake with all the chocolate flavour that comes from a double dose: melted chocolate and cocoa powder.
December 30th 201883 K5 1 hour 15 min.
Mousse with two chocolates
Mousse with two chocolates
Chocolate mousse is a great classic home-made dessert. Here's a version using two different chocolates (dark and milk) with a hint of vanilla, that owes much to a recipe by Christophe Michalak.
April 25th 202133 K 45 min.
Pain perdu
Pain perdu
This is a sweet French version of "eggy bread": slices of bread soaked in a mixture of milk, cream, egg yolks and vanilla sugar, then pan-fried until golden. It's really simple and wickedly delicious!
July 20th 2011166 K3.8 40 min.
Pear and chocolate tart with a hint of mint
Pear and chocolate tart with a hint of mint
Thick slices of poached pears in a blind-baked sweetcrust pastry case, their centres filled with mint-flavoured confectioner's custard, and surrounded by a chocolate cream, set by baking briefly in the oven. The flavours of pears, chocolate and mint work perfectly together to create a truly...
April 22th 202036 K 2 hours
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream
Pear and strawberry verrine with tiramisu cream
For this recipe, layers of cookie, pear and strawberry in a beautiful verrine, bound with a tiramisu-style cream.
September 25th 20247,647 1 hour 15 min.
Pistachio ice cream
Pistachio ice cream
Rediscover the real, delicate taste of pistachio in this ice cream with its very definite flavour.
October 1st 2014112 K 13.8 55 min.
Pistachio panna cotta with custard
Pistachio panna cotta with custard
In this dessert, the pistachio panna cotta is teamed with real vanilla custard and topped with a few caramelised pistachios.
February 18th 201846 K 25 3 hours 15 min.
Pistachio tiramisu
Pistachio tiramisu
In this slightly unusual tiramisu, the classic Amaretto is partially replaced by whisky, which goes better with the pistachio flavour.
June 2nd 2013210 K 25 50 min.
Plum and almond panna cotta
Plum and almond panna cotta
The combination of plums and almonds is always a winner. Here's a version that uses almonds to make a delicious panna cotta with a difference.
October 20th 201945 K 3 hours 25 min.
Strawberry mousse with mascarpone
Strawberry mousse with mascarpone
This dessert is bursting with strawberry flavour. The creamy mascarpone mousse is made with a cream whipper and served on a bed of lightly sweetened fresh strawberries.
August 22th 202129 K 25 min.
Strawberry, kiwi and mascarpone verrines
Strawberry, kiwi and mascarpone verrines
Chopped kiwi with lemon, ripe strawberries and smooth mascarpone cream.
June 12th 201664 K5 25 min.
Tarte Normande
Tarte Normande
This tart showcases ingredients from Normandy: the sweet pastry case is baked blind, then filled with apple sticks sautéed in Calvados, and a cream-egg mixture. The tart is then baked and dusted with icing sugar when cold.
December 30th 201947 K 1 hour 30 min.
Tatin apples with mascarpone cream
Tatin apples with mascarpone cream
Small pieces of apple cooked "tatin" style (caramelized in a pan) with a light mascarpone cream.
November 20th 2011181 K4.3 1 hour 3 min.
Toffee apple upside-down cake
Toffee apple upside-down cake
With a flavour reminiscent of the French classic tart tatin, this cake is made with a ring of tart apples arranged on a layer of caramel, then covered with the batter. After baking, the cake is turned out while still hot so that the caramelized apples are on the top with the moist cake underneath.
December 4th 201651 K5 1 hour 50 min.
Vanilla ice cream
Vanilla ice cream
Rediscover the full flavour of a real vanilla ice cream with this classical recipe.
November 6th 2017437 K3.8 1 hour 7 min.
Beurre blanc sauce
Beurre blanc sauce
Beurre blanc sauce is a great classic of French cuisine, made with vinegar, white wine and shallots. It is a wonderful accompaniment for fish and shellfish.
February 2nd 2012177 K3.8 35 min.
Chantilly cream
Chantilly cream
Chantilly cream, it's simply whipped liquid cream with sugar. It is use in many desserts, but already delicious simply with strawberries or other fruits.
September 17th 2013666 K5 20 min.
Chocolate sauce
Chocolate sauce
This rich smooth chocolate sauce, with its full flavour, is one of the indispensable ingredients of profiteroles, but it can be used with many others desserts.
February 21th 2011305 K 24 35 min.
Leek fondue
Leek fondue
Leek fondue (literally "melted") consists of finely sliced leeks cooked until barely tender then simmered gently in cream until thickened. The aim is to keep the fresh green of the just-cooked leeks but with a lovely soft, melting consistency. This can be a side dish or an ingredient in lots of...
March 4th 202078 K2.5 40 min.
Panna cotta
Panna cotta
Panna cotta is an Italian dessert which means "cooked cream". It's a set vanilla cream, similar to blancmange, which is frequently served with other things like fruit coulis (fruit purée), caramel etc.. Here is the basic panna cotta recipe.
February 21th 2011350 K4.3 25 min.
Paris flan filling
Paris flan filling
This is how to prepare the custard filling for a classic Parisian "flan". This is not the whole recipe, just the filling mixture, which can be used in lots of other flan-style recipes on this site.
February 25th 202368 K5 45 min.
Quiche filling mixture
Quiche filling mixture
The basic mixture for filling quiches is made with seasoned eggs, cream and/or milk. It can be used in many kinds of savoury quiches and tarts, with different ingredients added (lardons, cheese, salmon, etc.).
April 17th 202280 K3 4 min.
Roquefort sauce
Roquefort sauce
This is an ideal sauce to make when you have been cooking meat, as it uses the juices left in the pan, but there's a tip for making it without meat juices.
December 19th 2010203 K4.9 25 min.
Sauce Normande (for fish)
Sauce Normande (for fish)
Sauce Normande (or Normandy sauce) is a classic of French cuisine. It is rather "old school", but deliciously velvety and comes in two versions, one for meat and one for seafood. Here is the version to accompany fish or shellfish.
January 1st 2020231 K4.8 40 min.
Pan-baked hash brown (Hash-brown casserole)
Pan-baked hash brown (Hash-brown casserole)
This hash-brown recipe is an American version of the classic grated potato cake (like roesti), baked in a pan. In the USA hash browns are often served for breakfast.
May 24th 2012117 K3.8 1 hour 50 min.

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